"What Fang Xusheng said is that he will negotiate a decree tomorrow to target them." Yang Xuwen said.

Cao De'an said, "my colleagues have been waiting for you outside all day. Do you want to say a few words?"

Fang Yun had a lot of things to deal with, and because he had accumulated enough, he had to attack Wenzong, but he couldn't ignore his colleagues, so he nodded and said, "I'll just say a few words."

Fang Yun finished, walked out and came to the courtyard.

Fang Yun nodded to the officials in the courtyard and walked outside the Xiangge to the left.

The officials behind him followed him and walked out of the Zuo Xiangge.

In front of the Zuo Xiangge is the cabinet square, where numerous Jingguo officials stand.

Everyone's eyes shine.

Fang Yun glanced at the crowd and said slowly, "for us, this is not only a war, but also a test. Congratulations, you have withstood the test. At the same time, he also expressed regret that some people have been eliminated."

There were bursts of sighs. Not long ago, they watched their relatives, friends, classmates, hometown or colleagues leave one after another.

That feeling is unforgettable.

Fang Yun continued: "for Jingguo and Shengdao, this is just the beginning. We still have a long way to go. Next, we will encounter countless battles and countless wars, but I hope this is our last test."

Many people nod their heads and swear in their hearts that they will never be eliminated.

"You all know that we act as people. I can't guarantee that you will succeed in the holy way, that you will be promoted to the rank, or that you can spend your life safely. However, I can guarantee that we will always be the one in front!"

On the big square of the cabinet, fiery power surged in silence.

Fang Yun took a deep breath and said slowly and firmly, "we have won, we have won again, we will win forever!"

A simple sentence ignited the hearts of all the people present, and many young officials cheered and shouted after Fang Yun.

"We win forever!"

"We win forever!"

Amid the loud voices of the people, Fang Yun paid tribute to the people, then left the cabinet and arrived at the palace.

On the way, Fang Yun received an urgent letter from Jing Zhaoyin and opened it. It turned out that he was asking how to deal with Liu Shan and those miscellaneous scholars, and mentioned again that there was a man named Guan Che who abandoned the secret and turned to the bright, and never left Jingguo, which played a great role.

Fang Yun thought for a moment and asked them to throw Liushan and others out of the city. As for Guan Che, he ignored it for the time being.

Fang Yun entered the palace, talked with the Empress Dowager all night, and finally rested in the palace.

Before dawn, the South Gate of the capital was opened, and a motorcade came out of the gate. Then the servants dragged one person after another out of the car, threw them on the ground and left.

There are several people who are sober but can't move. They are trembling all over, including Hanlin and Jinshi. They are polite people in any country, but now they can only lie on the cold ground, not even wild dogs.

When they went to the yamen, the government didn't even send doctors to see them and stacked them in a room like dead bodies.

Several sober people wanted to stand up, but the Wendan palace was incomplete. In addition, the Taoist priest suffered heavy damage, and even his body was affected. Many days of rest can move like normal people.

In addition to them, there are more miscellaneous scholars in coma, including three university students!

Several sober people helplessly turned their eyes and looked at Liushan.

Liu Shan is still in a coma. The blood on his mouth and clothes has dried up, his hair is scattered, his body is covered with dust, his face is old, and there is no momentum of a bachelor.

Liushan is lucky. He is the Taoist priest of Zongsheng. Protected by the power of Zongsheng, the Wendan palace has not suffered heavy damage or even split. However, Liushan itself can't afford this blow. In addition, there is no treatment, so he still can't wake up after a night.

As for those two bachelors, they are far less fortunate than Liushan. On the contrary, because the cultivation of miscellaneous scholars is too deep, their injuries are more serious than those of low literary rank. If there is no accident, they will never wake up in their life.

Slowly, people with minor injuries wake up and still can't walk. Twisting their neck is the limit.

As the sun rose, pedestrians began to appear at the south gate. With the passage of time, there were more and more pedestrians.

All the passers-by looked at them curiously, pointed and whispered. Some idle people even stood aside and asked the soldiers what was going on.

As a result, many people know the identity of these people.

A man who was damaged by the closure of a miscellaneous town suddenly came forward, spit a mouthful of thick phlegm at Liushan, and turned and left.

Then, some people began to spit or spit at Liushan or other miscellaneous scholars.

Liushan was the most unlucky, because after he resigned, his crimes began to spread wildly around the country. The people of Jingguo knew that Liushan had done so many outrageous things, poisoned Jingjun, killed hundreds of thousands of troops, wanted to kill Fang Xusheng, and so on. It was crazy.

Liushan woke up early.

Because he dreamed of rain and wanted to take shelter from the rain, but he couldn't find the eaves. He woke up in a hurry.

The moment he woke up, he felt some coolness on his face. It seemed that it was really raining.

Liu Shan opened his eyes and found that his eyes were hazy. His eyes seemed to be pasted, and his whole face felt sticky.

Suddenly, Liushan heard a voice nearby.

"Drink... Bah! Treacherous officials and thieves!"

This time, Liu Shan didn't feel cold, but felt warm and soft things flying into his nostrils.

The next moment, Liushan realized what had happened.


Liu Shan shouted angrily and was about to boost his talent. However, he was in a coma for too long. The Wen palace was protected and temporarily closed. Even all the heaven given abilities of the scholar no longer exist.

Without talent, the sputum and spittle did not leave the body, but because he suddenly opened his mouth and flowed into his mouth.

Therefore, everyone nearby saw an extremely disgusting scene. The former Zuo XiangLiu mountain, a generation of great scholars and the Taoist priest of miscellaneous families, even opened his mouth to swallow the filth, then accidentally choked, coughed loudly, and then suddenly wiped the thick phlegm and saliva off his face with his hand.

Many people hurried away with nausea.

Liu Shan had suffered and had difficulties, but he had never encountered such a disgusting thing.

Coupled with the temporary loss of the scholar's ability and talent, his body and mind were extremely fragile. He couldn't help vomiting in front of the Nancheng gate.

Therefore, the passing scholars did not hesitate to send the matter to the discussion list.

The thick phlegm bachelor, as famous as toe Qingjun, was born, so that many scholars asked Liu Shan to change a less disgusting nickname. They couldn't say it at all. It was disgusting to look at it.

Qingjun's dinner and Liushan's breakfast have been called the most disgusting thing of the Terran since then.

Some restaurants use Qingjun's dinner as the dish name, but no one dares to use Liushan's breakfast as the dish name.

At this time, it was just when officials were standing outside the palace preparing to go to the court. They saw the news about Liushan from the discussion list. Many officials regretted having breakfast and knew they would see it. They would rather attend the early court hungry.

As soon as the time came, Fang Yun stepped into the Fengtian hall and presided over the great court meeting.