In the process of the second return of Shengdao orange spring, the imperial examination records in the air was full of brilliance.

The first time orange spring returned, not many people were promoted. Even the children with the lowest literary position were promoted less than one tenth.

However, this time, talent fell like a heavy rain, almost enveloping the whole audience.

More than 70% of the children of Legalists are promoted, half of the scholars are promoted, one fifth of them are promoted, and one third of them are promoted

Even Fang Yun's legalist Confucianism was promoted to a small level.

Many scholars in legalist universities are very happy. They have realized that they will soon be promoted to a great scholar.

The strength of Legalist scholars can only be described by expansion.

Other scholars looked at this scene and their eyes were red. The improvement of this strength was too terrible, which directly improved the voice of Legalists in the Terran.

Not surprisingly, the strength of the punishment hall is already above the ceremony hall!

Some of the great Confucians in the hall regretted that their intestines were green.

In the process of literary promotion, there are many people who have the courage to promote, and the clear and loud voice continues to reverberate over the capital.

When the voice of courage accumulated to a certain amount, everyone in the capital felt that their bodies and souls were washed by invisible forces, their minds became smarter, and everything improved significantly.

Fang Yun is not a legalist, so the return of orange spring gives him less benefits. He stands still as before and absorbs the power of the holy way Dharma crown.

Fang Yun has now transcended the ordinary life form. He is like an indescribable detached existence, standing in the torrent of Legalist holy way.

The Dharma is invisible to the eyes. In everyone's perception, the Dharma is like a vast river, running and rolling.

However, in Fang Yun's eyes, every drop of "water" constituting the holy river is a separate world.

Every single world is a life's understanding of "law".

It is not only the Dharma world of the Dharma family that is qualified to exist in the torrent of the holy way, but even everything related to the Dharma experienced by the most ordinary people will exist in this world.

At this moment and without the "self" and "Id", Fang Yun has transformed into a completely detached existence. Whether it is thought or memory, everything is assimilated by the torrent of the holy way at this moment.

Know everything, know everything.


At the same time, the Sacred Hearts of people from all walks of life have a feeling and look up.

In the unfathomable place, a clear suspended river appears, and its image is projected into the outer space of Shengyuan continent.

The torrent of the holy way continues to expand in space, far surpassing Shengyuan star. Finally, it spreads out in the whole solar system like an ocean, and Shengyuan star is more like an island suspended in the sea.

Even the majestic day is infinitely small in the holy river.

The center of the holy way torrent is pierced by the thick holy way orange spring.

Then the faces of the saints changed.

Because in the center of the torrent of the holy way and near the orange spring of the holy way, the upper body of a translucent figure appears, which is larger than the whole Shengyuan star, like a star giant and the Lord of the starry sky.

At first, no great Confucianism found that after the shape of the giant became clear, they felt wrong. With the help of the holy temple, the divine mind flew high into the sky.

In the endless torrent of the holy way, the holy way orange spring rises into the sky, and the giant who reveals his upper body faces the holy way orange spring, his eyes are closed, and the holy power of his whole body is infinite.

"Is that... Fang Xusheng?"

"Why can he enter the torrent of Dharma holy way? Isn't it only when Dharma semi holy is promoted?"

"It must be the holy way and Dharma crown. I knew so..."

"You see, the thing led by the orange spring of the holy way appears."

"That's... God..."

Many great Confucians couldn't help exclaiming. They all looked at the end of the orange spring of the holy way and the giant thing that was constantly approaching the Shengyuan continent.

It was a huge black book. It was as big as the moon, but it became smaller and smaller as it approached Shengyuan.

Finally, the Giant Book stopped in front of the giant Fang Yun and didn't fall any more. The orange spring of Shengdao quickly flowed back to the venue of Shengdao Cultural Association and disappeared.

In the meeting hall, the readers found that the orange spring of the holy way did not receive the holy ware for the second time, showing their regret.

However, there are also very few faces with a flash of joy.

Some people don't want to see Legalists strengthen, while others don't benefit Fang Yun.

In particular, some people secretly colluded with the opposing Fang Yun forces and even smiled and wanted to see Fang Yun's jokes.

After all, this is the first time in history that Shengdao orange spring failed!

In space, Fang Yun suddenly and slowly stretched out his left arm bigger than the whole Yangtze River, opened his left hand bigger than the whole Jingguo, and grabbed the huge book.

The code of the word!

The holy law code, which represents the ultimate power of legalism, comes to the world!

Everyone who can see the code of the holy Tao, even against Legalists, even against Fang Yun, has an unspeakable joy in his heart at the moment.

It's not about interest, it's about instinct.

Hope Terran strong instinct!

Although the Terrans also call such as Shidao Shimen, Shengdao code, hanging pot and so on as the supreme treasures of Shengdao, in fact, these are not the existence of entities, but only one of the shapes of the manifestation of the power of Shengdao.

However, Shengdao orange spring can directly materialize the power of Shengdao.

However, the strength of the orange spring of the holy way is limited. It is reasonable that the limit is only to draw the holy way crown, but not the holy way code or holy way shackles representing all legalist holy ways.

Whether in history or in the inference of the human race, no living creature can occupy the holy way treasure representing a holy way.

However, the present does lead to the code of the Tao.

Well, a legendary guess is likely to come true.

The word came into the world!

Everyone stared at the giant Fang Yun nervously.

Fang Yun grasped the huge holy code and firmly grasped it.

The code of the holy way suddenly burst into brilliance.

The whole solar system is shrouded in brilliant light, covering up the brilliance of the sun.

The whole Shengyuan continent became white. Many people stayed in different places, and some even cried loudly.

After a moment, the pure white light dissipated.

Fang Yun still holds the code.

The great Confucians breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, the saints roared all over the world.

Because they found that part of the holy way in their ethnic group had been lost, and the final destination was the holy way torrent where Fang Yun was located!

Capital, Chenjia, Meiyuan.

The old man lying on the couch suddenly laughed.

East China Sea, deep in the Dragon Palace.

The old dragon Saint woke up from his sleep, raised his head, widened his eyes and looked at the sky in disbelief.

"Who's closing the world in town? I'm scared to death!"

Finally, the great Confucians of the human race found that the power of the holy Tao in the world was continuously injected into the legalist holy Tao.

All the great Legalists laughed crooked!

Gao Mo finally couldn't help saying, "Fang Xu is powerful, which is equivalent to closing the world with the holy way of legalism!"