Fang Yun glanced at the curious eyes and continued to talk.

"In fact, different ethnic groups, different cultures and different civilizations have different moral concepts. The moral level of some ethnic groups is extremely low, even without morality, such as demon barbarians. The moral level of some ethnic groups is relatively general, such as some savage Terrans, while the moral level of our Terran countries in Shengyuan continent is relatively high."

"A high moral level can make the ethnic group more stable inside, and there is no too strong aggression to the outside world, because this ethnic group is better at speaking morality and prefers to treat foreigners with tenderness rather than fierce means. Fierce force can only be used when there is a last resort. That's the truth."

"However, ethnic groups with low moral standards have a strong aggressiveness since their birth. This ethnic group has one thing in common, that is, a large number of people engage in robbery, killing, plundering and other activities. For example, barbarians, and all the people are robbers. In contrast to the Terrans, except for a few cases, we will limit soldiers' robbery and plunder, which is a very interesting phenomenon."

"We call these two ethnic groups, the good ethnic group and the robber ethnic group for short."

"At present, the human race is a kind-hearted ethnic group, which has developed to a very high level. There are some ethnic origin ideas in our laws, and many criminal laws are actually retaliatory laws. Why do most people of the human race prefer felony and severe punishment and are unwilling to abolish the death penalty? The reasons are that I said before, first, we all have selfishness, and second, we have a high moral level Our laws tend to "protect the victims". Why should we tend to protect the victims as selfish? Because we think we won't commit crimes, we don't care about criminals. We can punish, curb and prevent criminals to the greatest extent without being soft hearted. "

"We Terrans will feel heartfelt joy when the most heinous criminals are sentenced to death, because we think there is another person who may harm us. If we encounter the most heinous criminals who are lightly sentenced or even let go, we will be particularly angry because we are worried that the criminals or people like him will hurt us."

"This hatred of cruel criminals, along with the inheritance of blood and culture from generation to generation, continues to affect us and even become the instinct of good people. I know that some people will think that this kind of thing will not become an instinct. I gave some suggestions to the medical hall a long time ago to study all aspects of the Terran. One of the studies is very interesting and our Terran is the most popular Among the disgusting animals, the snake ranks first. "

"I was very surprised at the beginning. In fact, many of the people we investigated grew up in the city since childhood. A considerable number of people who are very familiar with them have not been attacked by snakes or even seen snakes. Their understanding of snakes is limited to books and pictures. Moreover, the number of modern Terrans poisoned by snakes is even less than those killed by crazy horses and cattle, while hippos kill more people There are far more than snakes. Obviously, this is not a learned experience, it may be a common instinct. "

"When our Terran ancestors were born, it was impossible to form a natural instinct specifically for snakes. Our ancestors should only be afraid of things that can hurt us, not specific things. So why do we Terrans hate snakes now?"

"If we go back to the primitive society and regard ourselves as primitive people, what is our living environment? There are dense forests or on grasslands. In short, there will not be a large area as safe as cities around us. We must be in a very complex environment. We must pick wild fruits in the bush and grow in the dense woods or grass When hunting animals, we will encounter many aggressive animals, such as tigers, snakes, mosquitoes, hippos, elephants, poisonous insects, wolves and so on. "

"Well, if we are primitive people, what animals are we most afraid of? We use the exclusion method to eliminate them one by one."

"Are we more afraid of harming large animals or small ones? Then mosquitoes and flies are excluded."

"Are we more afraid of predators or herbivores? Obviously, elephants are excluded, while hippos, although omnivores, mainly live on grass. They only eat meat when grass is scarce. Therefore, we will also exclude them."

"Are we more afraid of large animals that are easy to be found or animals that are not easy to be found? Then lions, tigers and wolves are also eliminated."

"Are we more afraid of easy to deal with or difficult to deal with? Poisonous insects are obviously very terrible, but we only need a straw sandal to shoot them to death and will be eliminated."

"Finally, what are we left with? Yes, snakes. Snakes are poisonous and harmful. They eat meat and are not easy to find. Moreover, they are not easy to deal with without tools. They almost gather all the elements that threaten the human race. This is the root of our ancestors' fear of snakes."

"This fear of snakes has been passed down from generation to generation, so even if the current Terrans do not personally feel the danger of snakes, they still hate snakes most."

"This is what I want to say. Our ancestors inherited not only appearance, but also some instincts. Fear of snakes is only one of them."

"Our ancestors are relatively kind and have a relatively high moral level. We also inherit this instinct. Therefore, our Terrans instinctively want to punish criminals severely. We should protect or compensate the victims as much as possible."

"Therefore, good ethnic groups will formulate just laws."

"If we figure this out, let's think about it again. What about the unkind ethnic groups?"

"In my political history, I listed many ethnic groups or countries, and two types of countries are particularly obvious."

"The first kind of country, we call it the robber group, they are called Vikings. Their ancestors were a group of pirates who lived by looting. They lived in a bad natural environment. In order to survive, they would not and could not have a high moral level. However, when the Vikings completed their primitive accumulation and gained strong power by bloody means, their When life becomes rich, they find that they can live without slave trade, robbery of merchant ships and extortion. Then, for the stability of the ethnic group, they must formulate laws and stop the previous robbers. "

"The second kind of country is a branch of the bandit group. We call them exiles. These people committed various crimes and were exiled to Austria by their ancestors. Then, in order to allow themselves to occupy Austria, these people united their own people to massacre the aborigines of Austria, and finally gained the rule of the big island. Like the Vikings, they completed bloody After the primitive accumulation of, we should also maintain ethnic stability and formulate laws, which will inevitably prohibit cruel means. "