Over the capital, invisible power surged like an undercurrent in the sea, invisible, unknowable and unpredictable.

Three shocking and even shocking words hit everyone's literary palace.

Most people were stunned, unable to understand and imagine that someone would say such treacherous words.

However, the reaction of a few people is polarized.

Some people show obvious resistance and think that Fang Yun is trying to impress the public.

The other part of the people were excited and recognized Fang Yun's three words.

This is a typical great Confucian who annotates the contents of the holy classics.

However, this is the holy word Literary Association, not an ordinary Literary Association, so no abnormal phenomena will be caused in the process of Literary Association. Only after the Literary Association is completed, will the holy word power and abnormal phenomena be formed according to the content of Literary Association.

Every religious meeting will condense into a strange holy thing.

After the shock, they thought about the profound meaning behind these three sentences.

The literal meaning of the three sentences is not difficult.

It literally means that natural disasters or the way of heaven is not enough to frighten the human race. In extension, people can change the world. This can be regarded as a normal lofty statement and ambition, which is not amazing.

If the ancestors lack the law, it is more extreme than the previous sentence. The rules, customs, laws and so on of the human ancestors can not be fully followed and emulated by the human race. In other words, the current human race can completely change the rules set by the ancestors.

This is not a complete negation, but an incomplete meaning. Ancestors should learn good things and change bad things. This is the original meaning of this sentence.

People's words are not enough to sympathize, and the criticism and opposition of others are not enough to worry themselves. This is for the innovators and reformers. If you think about it carefully, the third sentence actually says that many people are actually wrong. They don't know what is right or wrong. They shouldn't let their remarks affect themselves.

The change of heaven is not enough to fear. The brave are fearless and change the world. It is aimed at people's environment.

The lack of ancestral law is to break through the shackles and forge ahead, aiming at inheritance and conservatism.

People's words are not compassionate. They are firm in their original heart and will never waver. They are aimed at today, and there is also a contempt for the enemy and opponents.

Those who had already entered the venue were better. Some people who entered the venue when Fang Yunli made three big words were scared to stay where they were and fought in two ways. They didn't understand why Fang Yun said such heroic words and were shocked by this powerful momentum.

When everyone understood these three sentences, Fang Yun spoke again.

"Although these three sentences are enough to explain everything, in order to prevent people with ulterior motives from taking advantage of the topic, I would like to emphasize that the 'deficiency' here is not" complete lack " , I'm not denying heaven and earth, ancestors and others, but I want to say that if I think I'm right, what I do is of great significance to the human race and can revitalize the human race, then I should complete what I think is right without fear of heaven and earth, ancestors and others. "

"This is what the legalist Han Sheng taught us. It can also be said that in Han Sheng's eyes, even his own holy way may change with the changes of the times and be surpassed by future generations. If one day, no one of the Terran wants to surpass the sages, it means that the Terran is about to perish!"

"Since the legalist Han Sheng allows us to overthrow his words and all the saints, including the legalist, everyone can approve the Holy Scriptures in this legalist holy Tao and culture meeting."

"For this is the right given to us by the saints!"

Many legalist scholars turned pale. Unexpectedly, Fang Yun wanted to make subversive remarks.

Those stubborn legalist scholars whose literary position is not high are on pins and needles. I hope Fang Yun will shut up.

However, all the Legalists present were looking forward to it.

Even if it is contrary to one's own holy way, even if one cannot understand it, or even is suppressed by Fang Yun's holy way, it will be worthwhile to see and hear the new holy way with one's own eyes and ears.

The morning hears that death can be done in the evening.

Fang Yun said: "back to my previous question, who can make laws and for whom? The book of Shang Jun by Shang Yang, the sage of the past Among them, there is a sentence that answers the first question: if the power system is arbitrary, the monarch will be powerful. This sentence means that if the emperor of the son of heaven controls the power and the law, the monarch can make the people fear and control the country. Therefore, in the ancient legalist theory, the law should be formulated by the monarch. "

"However, before this sentence, there is another sentence, that is," do not rule by the law of private harm ". This sentence is also very simple. It can not affect a country's law because of personal interests or desires, that is, if it is fair and fair, the country will be stable. Then, compared with Han Sheng's words, we will find that in the eyes of all saints today, the holy way of the ancestors is not completely correct Indeed, how many monarchs of the human race have reached the governance level of the sages? One tenth? Or one percent? "

"We don't talk about a few smart and capable monarchs, but only about ordinary monarchs. How did they get power? Monarchs are only lucky to inherit power, and we scholars and officials are step by step up and know the grass-roots level to the upper level like the palm of their hand. Therefore, even if the power ministers of previous dynasties are arbitrary, they will do a lot of right things. Even when we look back on history and the history of humanoid countries The number of reform and innovation initiated by officials is far more than that initiated by the monarch, and the closer it is to modern times, the more so. "

"Not counting the monarchs in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, what environment do most monarchs live in? They live in the palace without worry about food and clothing since childhood, and rarely go out. Even if there is a private visit in disguise, it is actually just for fun. Only in folk operas can there be monarchs who visit in disguise for the sake of the country."

"Let a monarch who may not be as good as excellent scholars decide the law. Is this contempt for scholars all over the world, or is it negating the wisdom of ancient sages? Once this monarch is arbitrary, it will inevitably harm the law with private interests, and it will inevitably lead to private interests throughout the country! Therefore, in order to assist the monarch, for the stability of the country and the well-being of the people, the law should not be formulated by the monarch, but should be formulated by the monarch Represents the most advanced collective mastery of the Terran! Scholar! "

Fang Yun did not continue to speak, but looked at the people quietly.

In the meeting hall, there were chaotic voices immediately.

Some sigh, some hum coldly, and some whisper.

Fang Yun's words are too bold and completely beyond the level that the Terran can accept now.

Fang is the VIP seat where everyone is. Han ShouLv holds his forehead and complains in a low voice: "I knew that the Fang Games said some amazing words at this cultural meeting. Unexpectedly, I threw large-scale war poems at the beginning, so that I couldn't find the north."

Li Fanming gloated and said, "there's no way. Who calls Legalists more and more important? Since Fang Yun wants to innovate, he must start with Legalists. However, you steal music. I have a bad... No, it's a good hunch that miscellaneous families will be more unlucky than Legalists."