"As for the third..."

Sheng Boyuan looked to Fang Yun and said slowly: "The miscellaneous family and Qingguo hate each other. If Fang Xusheng can't admit his mistake, the miscellaneous family will never stop. However, the miscellaneous family always focuses on interests. The bottom line of the miscellaneous family should be that Fang Xusheng admits his mistake in private. The reason why this matter is listed in the third place is so important because I suspect that many people in the miscellaneous family would rather not benefit than admit their mistake."

"Fourth, seeing that Jingguo is deeply benefited by innovation and is booming in many aspects, the miscellaneous artists must ask to set up a new college in Qingguo, ask Jingguo to sell new workers' technology, etc. in this regard, they will not be too greedy, but should be a fair deal."

"Fifthly, Fang Xusheng should still be involved. A large number of officials of the Zong family and Qingguo are covered by the dust of literary courage, and even Zongsheng is difficult to remove easily. In the world, only Fang Xusheng can solve this matter. Therefore, miscellaneous families will certainly ask Fang Xusheng to remove at least some important officials."

"Sixth, it should be required that all the halls of the holy courtyard should treat Qingguo equally and should not punish Qingguo because of Jingguo."

"In addition, there should be room for negotiation, which is not particularly important, and I won't waste my time."

People nodded slowly, lifted the blockade, revised the treaty, Fang Yun admitted his mistake, exchanged benefits, dispelled the dust, and impunity should be what miscellaneous people want to negotiate most.

Sheng Boyuan glanced at the crowd and said, "however, I want to say one of the most important things. These words may hurt my colleagues, but to be honest, even if all my colleagues leave the court, only the rest of them work together to ensure that the king country will not be in chaos. However, if the miscellaneous family is sealed down by the holy way, the king country will be in chaos."

A young official said, "Sheng Shangshu's words are bad, not to mention that the seal of the holy way is not to fall if he wants to. Even if it falls, Chen Sheng can greatly weaken it."

The people looked at the official, a native of Mizhou. The Jinshi in the middle of last year was named Bo Han. Now he is a county magistrate of Qipin in Jiangzhou. He is an iron party. He had a friendship with Fang Yun many years ago.

Sheng Boyuan scolded and said, "Chen Sheng is so noble that he will not participate in the dispute between the two countries. How dare you discuss semi saints? Today's pilgrimage meeting only mentions miscellaneous families, not all saints!"

Bo Han blushed and had to step back.

Strangely, Party officials did not refute Sheng Boyuan.

Bo Han's youth could not understand the truth, but most officials could understand it.

Because although Sheng Boyuan opposes Fang Yun, he is not stupid and does not favor Qingguo.

The reason why Sheng Boyuan doesn't want Chen Sheng to intervene is actually to put an end to Zongsheng's intervention. If Chen Sheng doesn't intervene, it's just that if he forces Zongsheng to intervene, it's a great disaster.

It can even be said that the miscellaneous families and Qingguo are eager for Jingguo to let Chen Sheng come forward and force Zongsheng out.

Sai Zhixue said: "What Sheng Shangshu said is reasonable. Don't disturb the saints. What the Wenxin academy did must have nothing to do with Zongsheng. However, Sheng Shangshu didn't put forward one point, which is also the key to the whole thing. Without Zongsheng's consent, the miscellaneous scholars would never dare to seal the holy way of Jingguo when the demon world invaded on a large scale. If they dared to do so, the other temples would never give up. If a miscellaneous family does so, it will kill one thousand enemies and lose two thousand. "

Sheng Boyuan shook his head and said, "that's a bad word. Qingguo is almost out of ammunition and food. Fang Xusheng obviously places great importance on Legalists, workers, farmers and doctors in Jingguo and despises miscellaneous families..."

"Sheng Shangshu speaks carefully!" Cao De'an interrupted Sheng Boyuan with a calm face.

Sheng Boyuan looked complicated and said, "I made a mistake. Thank Cao Xiang for waking up."

The complexion of miscellaneous officials began to change significantly.

In fact, Sheng Boyuan did not want to sow discord at this time, but inadvertently pointed out a fact that miscellaneous officials were worried about.

Fang Yun's innovation is not useless to the Taoist priest, nor does it pay little attention to the officials of the miscellaneous family, but the problem is that the rest of the families get too many benefits.

The most direct evidence is that in the past few months, the number of other officials has improved far more than in the past, and far more than others.

Strangely, miscellaneous officials feel that many innovations are beneficial to miscellaneous officials. It is reasonable to say that many miscellaneous officials in Jingguo should also improve their realm, but in fact, this is not the case. The number of miscellaneous personnel who improve their realm is not significantly different from that in the same period in previous years!

Therefore, the miscellaneous officials of Jingguo have always suspected that either Fang Yun deliberately suppressed the miscellaneous, or the miscellaneous sage did not recognize the innovation of Jingguo.

Just before the beginning of the great court meeting, some miscellaneous officials secretly sent letters and discussed it. They suspected that the Academy of culture and information technology had found that Fang Yun's innovation had not really strengthened miscellaneous experts, so they brazenly sent them to each other.

At this moment, a four product inspector, Shi Lang, said: "Why don't you hide it? I heard a few days ago that some great Confucians of the Zong family have been convinced that all the innovations and reforms of Fang Xusheng deliberately avoid the miscellaneous family, which is completely opposite to the miscellaneous family. Therefore, the miscellaneous family had to take the initiative to attack in order to avoid the loss of the holy way. The six things in Sheng Shangshu are reasonable, but the real core of this matter is the struggle between the holy way!"

All the officials present looked at the censor with strange eyes. This man, named Di Jianmin, is from Jiangzhou. He is responsible for supervising Yanzhou. He has been a Jinshi for many years. His wind rating is OK and his ability is average. This man was originally difficult to be promoted to a high position, but after the Liu party was purged, this man who has nothing to do with the Liu party was given the opportunity to serve as the censor, ranking fourth.

However, everyone didn't expect that this seemingly non party, non factional, rootless and passive person should wield the first sword stabbing Fang Yun at this time.

Even Sheng Boyuan, who has always opposed Fang Yun, played down Fang Yun in this matter and only listed Fang Yun's mistake as the third, rather than insisting that Fang Yun was the main reason for the mischief.

In this matter, Sheng Boyuan showed the overall view that a senior official should have. When he was outside, he was not blinded by factional interests.

However, di Jianmin is different.

At this moment, most officials have similar ideas.

This di Jianmin turned out to be a deeply hidden spy of the Qing Dynasty. If not, he may also be the dark son cultivated by Liushan for many years.

Without any objection, di Jianmin continued: "Therefore, in this matter, we should not only consider the interests of Jingguo, but also the interests of Qingguo and miscellaneous families. Miscellaneous families' behavior is not mainly aimed at Jingguo. Now that Jingguo is in the development stage, we should bear it. What's more, we should bear it for the sake of the overall situation due to the invasion of the demon world. Moreover, the reason why miscellaneous families take action is that we Jingguo and Fang Xusheng Fang Xusheng is the root of everything caused by the excessive punishment of Qingguo! "

In the Fengtian hall, there were endless curses. Some military scholars led by Zhang poyue even spat at di Jianmin.

Di Jianmin's face remained unchanged.

Fang Yun suddenly nodded and said, "in fact, what Di Yushi said is very reasonable."

The crowd was shocked, but Fang Yun continued: "If Jingguo tolerates humiliation and steals life, Qingguo people won't be angry; if Jingguo and pro pay tribute, Qingguo won't attack us; if Jingguo is willing to be Qingguo's slave, miscellaneous families won't be angry. We Jingguo people don't want to die and don't want to be Qingguo's slave. It's really embarrassing for Qingguo people. So they have to attack us, and we can't fight back, Those who fight back, those who make Qingguo dissatisfied, those who hurt Qingguo, and those who can threaten Qingguo are sinners. For example, today's sinners are our luck. "

Fang Yun's words pointed out the real root of the matter.

Jingguo people didn't kneel down.