Fang Yun smiled: "First, even if there is a crisis, it will be many years later. The current innovation will at least let us get through the current crisis. Second, since the goods can't be sold, the workshop owner will naturally choose to make the goods that can be sold, and will also create the goods needed by the Terran. It's very simple. In the primitive tribe, no one thinks it's useful to read, but wait for the Terran When you need it, you will naturally create words. "

"As for the third, we not only have the internal needs of the Terran, but also can carry out external trade. Why don't we make the things needed by the dragon and the sea? Why can't we help them process the things in the sea? Why don't we make the things needed by the ancient demon? Why don't we make the things needed by the star demon? We also have those alien, fierce and other races Terrans are potential buyers of goods. Even, we can sell goods to the demon world. Of course, we can't sell goods that can enhance their strength. We only sell daily necessities and luxury goods that can corrode their will. Therefore, there may be many problems, but there must be a way to solve them. "

An old worker said calmly, "isn't that equal to saying that we Terrans should work for all ethnic groups in the world? We Terrans should serve them?"

Fang Yun was stunned and said in surprise: "Mr. Chu, it's a bad idea. What's the difference between you and some Confucianists who despise workers? We sell not only goods, not only our labor, but also our value and our influence. Why can we do what others can't do? It's because we have advantages in this field and accumulate many advantages in public Once all ethnic groups are used to using our Terran goods, they will certainly accept our ideas, which will affect their minds and ideas. In a way, we gain not only money, but also identity. When the identity accumulates to a certain extent, it will become admiration and even... Cultivate spiritual Terrans. Compared with the cost of conquering ethnic groups by force, we can export text Of course, the premise is that our Terrans are strong enough. At least when they speak by force, we can refute by force rather than shut up. "

The scholars smiled and Fang Yun's last metaphor was very interesting.

Xu Shi looked at Fang Yun with a complicated look in his eyes and said, "have you really thought about it? You should know that once you implement this plan, you will at least curse for a hundred years. Those displaced people will scold you, those just scholars will scold you, and your enemies will scold you. Your literary name will be affected."

"Many things, we could have done better, but we failed to do well. Why can't they scold? They scold not my innovation, but my mistakes."

In the work hall, there was a sigh, mixed with helplessness and admiration.

Xu Shi praised: "the heart of sages is no better than this."

Fang Yun smiled and said, "let's continue to talk about business. In addition..."

Fang Yun began to constantly describe his plan, involving all aspects, foresees almost all possible problems, and has emergency plans. Although it is impossible to avoid things, it will definitely avoid the deterioration of the situation.

The three Hall Confucianism did not fully believe in Fang Yun from the beginning, so the whole meeting took a long time and discussed many details, so as to avoid Fang Yun's omissions and eventually bring harm to the human race.

One day and one night later, the discussion was over. At the end of the meeting, a letter appeared in the work hall out of thin air and fell in front of Mo Shangtong.

Everyone stands up at the same time.

Mo Shangtong seriously picked up the document and read it several times before he looked up and said to Fang Yun, "Your Majesty's edict of Dongsheng, the power of innovation, has been recorded in history, has been infamous for thousands of years, and the holy courtyard bears it. Dongsheng has another oral instruction. You have shed your blood and should not cry any more."

Fang Yun was slightly stunned, smiled and nodded gently.

All the great scholars looked at Fang Yun with kind eyes.

After a few interest, Mo Shangtong said, "since your majesty Dongsheng has issued the edict, our plan must be changed. Fang Xusheng, the holy courtyard attaches importance to merit rather than name, but we should protect your reputation. Of course, if you want to bet on the name through this innovation, everything will be the same."

Fang Yun said with a smile, "if you can make a fortune quietly, why should you be scolded for counting money?"

The great Confucians laughed.

They were very happy because they didn't chill the hero this time.

Fang Yun received the favor of the holy courtyard.

"In that case, let's take the first step of land acquisition. Fang Xusheng only needs to give advice in the dark," said Gao Mo, an old judge of the criminal palace

"Well, I'll write a detailed plan in three days at most."

The three hall meeting is over.

Next, Fang Yun focused all his energy on the plan, no longer issued a new draft, but let his subordinates consolidate the achievements of innovation.

The work intensity dropped suddenly, and the officials in the capital were not adapted. They were also happy to breathe a sigh of relief. They were glad to finally have a rest for some time.

However, a paper document in the temple of punishment was like a bucket of cold water, waking up Jingguo officials who dreamed they could rest.

It turned out that the criminal hall visited all countries and found that since the barbarians invaded the south, the public security problem in Jingguo was unprecedented serious, and vicious cases occurred everywhere, especially the local tyrants and evil gentry.

On the day when the document was issued, Gao Mo, the senior cabinet member of the criminal hall, personally arrived in Jingguo and established the temporary Department of Jingguo to severely crack down on vicious crimes. He served as the director of the Department of strike hard, and Jingguo Sanxiang and Grand Marshal also served as the deputy director. He wanted to crack down on the black and evil forces in Jingguo in an all-round way. He should plow every inch of land in Jingguo like a plow, plow out all evils, and prohibit the breeding of black and evil forces in Jingguo!

As soon as this happened, officials of all countries laughed at Jingguo jokes, because similar things have happened in previous dynasties. Basically, the holy courtyard can't see the problems of a country. In order to avoid chaos to the whole human race, they personally end up solving the problems.

Once the sanctuary comes to an end in person, it is tantamount to slapping the royal family and officials of a country.

In particular, Qing officials, gloating over misfortunes, constantly ridiculed Jing Guo on the list, ridiculed the incompetence of Jing Guo officials, and dragged the punishment hall to come forward in person.

Even many officials in Jingguo believed that there was a big problem in Jingguo, and the morale was very poor.

As a result, rumors have emerged that Dongsheng has finally begun to rectify Fangyun.

However, the officials of Ning'an and Xiangzhou, as well as some officials who know each other very well, have an inexplicable sense of strangeness.

Because if Gao Mo is replaced by Fang Yun, it is almost a repetition of the old thing.

Fang Yun has done similar things.

No matter how the outside world, it can not shake the will of the temple of punishment.

The temple of punishment sent an unprecedented team, and even temporarily dispatched legalist scholars from the battlefield and countries to every place in the kingdom of Jing.

Ensure that at least one legalist Jinshi is stationed in each county!

Moreover, it was carried out secretly.

The largest strike hard action in Terran history was launched in Jingguo.

On the surface, the punishment hall is dealing with various cases in Jingguo, but secretly, those legalist scholars unite with the Ministry of water and soil to collect criminal evidence of families around.