When Fang Yun returned to the independent study in the Zuo Xiangge, the three people calmed down.

Li Zhixiao said in a low voice: "Fang Xusheng is really a practical and pragmatic talent. This report seems useless, but in fact there is a mystery."

Xu Changgeng also whispered, "yes, everything in the cabinet is actually composed of us. If you know what everyone does, you will naturally know everything in the cabinet. A paper report, read the cabinet. However, this report is very difficult. I'm afraid you won't have time to sleep tonight."

Dong yueqian said, "just write truthfully according to what Xiangye said. Why is it difficult?"

Xu Changgeng looked at him and said, "for an honest guy like you, it's good to write truthfully, but for us, it's stupid to write truthfully. Forget it, you don't understand."

Li Zhixiao said with a smile, "it's hard for us to catch up with the ability of Mr. Xiang. You can't think about this report or think deeply. No matter how deep you think, you can win Fang Xiang's wisdom?"

Dong yueqian was a little confused and said with a smile, "I don't quite understand. I know a little. Congratulations on your promotion!"

Xu Changgeng said, "I don't know how lucky I am. In the future, you will know the difficulties of both of us. This personal report is unprecedented. Since we bear the great kindness of Xiangye, we can't be rash. I think the three of us should discuss it carefully after we are released to the Yamen. I have a relative nearby. I can borrow his family for an hour or two. How about you two?"

Dong yueqian said with a smile, "I'm stupid. I need your advice."

Li Zhixiao took a deep look at Xu Changgeng, gently nodded his head and said, "brother Xu, please, don't dare not obey."

At seven o'clock in the morning, the cabinet began to count Mao, and then all the officials went their own way.

After a while, Xu Changgeng handed the transcribed documents to everyone in Zuo Xiangge in turn, and explained that Fang Yun ordered everyone to write a personal report. The documents were specific requirements.

Everyone carefully deliberated on Fang Yun's requirements, and everyone fell into deep thought. Similar documents have always been available.

The official Department of the imperial court is responsible for evaluating the officials and recording the merits and faults of the officials. The superiors will also evaluate the subordinates. Moreover, historians and scholars will also record some deeds, and a few people will also publish documents to state their merits and demerits.

Zhuge Liang's "a teacher's example" and Cao Cao's "order to tell the will" are basically a kind of work report.

However, it is unprecedented for a new official to require all his subordinates to write such personal reports, especially the five themes.

As soon as Fang Yun was appointed as Zuo Xiang, he scolded and laughed. However, a few officials from all over the ten countries began to secretly follow suit, especially in Xiangzhou and Mizhou. From the state, government and county yamen, they began to ask relevant officials to write a personal report.

Because too many people pay attention to Fang Yun, many things that happened to Fang Yun in Zuo Xiangge have been widely publicized, and the news that Fang Yun repeatedly praised Liu Shan in the cabinet has also spread.

That night, another person on the list said that after Liu Shan learned of the personal report, he sighed: "I'd better not be the talent of Fang Yun."

Afterwards, many people analyzed the report on their work and drew many conclusions. One conclusion was agreed by many people. These reports were useless in the hands of mediocre senior officials, but in the hands of capable officials such as Fang Yun, they could not only clearly see the people who wrote the report, but also master the operation of Zuo Xiangge, cabinet and even the whole court as soon as possible.

Fang Yun's second day as Zuo Xiang was very calm. He was not as arbitrary as others guessed.

Before he makes a decision on every matter, he will ask relevant personnel and make a decision after listening to their opinions. If his subordinates have different voices, he will also listen and improve the decision as appropriate.

Zuo Xiangge has to deal with a lot of affairs every day. In the past, Zuo Xiangge's position was vacant. Many affairs officials can make a quick decision after discussion, but with Fang Yun, they can only implement them according to the established process and get Fang Yun's reply. Therefore, there is an increasing backlog of documents, and Fang Yun has to deal with important affairs first.

They found that Fang Yun's efficiency in handling government affairs was slow, but his means were old and rigorous, so that people could not pick out any mistakes.

Those officials who despise Fang Yun in their hearts now realize that Fang Yun was not a white Dang when he was a county magistrate in Ning'an and a governor in Xiangzhou. He has long known the operation of the government offices.

On the same day, Cai he, Sai Zhixue and Yu Xingshu were received by Fang Yun. The four talked secretly in the study for a long time.

Time flies. It's half a month in a flash.

Compared with Fang Yun as the left, this half month has been calm, because no major event has happened, but small things continue to happen.

The four phases of Jingguo have their own division of labor.

Among them, Zuo Xiang was in charge of the Ministry of officials, the Ministry of rites, the Imperial Academy and Honglu temple.

Even Zuo Xiang had no right to directly transfer and appoint the first chief officials of the four yamen, namely, the Minister of officials, the Minister of rites, the head of the Imperial Academy and the Minister of Honglu temple.

However, Zuo has great control over the positions under the four chief officials of the four Yamen. As long as Fang Yun wants to transfer the officials under the chief officials, whether other officials or the queen mother, under normal circumstances, he will agree, unless the person appointed by Fang Yun has a big problem or involves a dispute over interests.

Fang Yun did not make too drastic personnel transfer, only appointed three people.

Sai Zhixue, who once served as Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of rites, was transferred to Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of officials and became the second leader of the Ministry of officials. Because Sai Zhixue has rich experience and is flat in position, it did not cause any waves.

Cai he, who once served as the magistrate of Jixian County, later served as the prefect of Mizhou, and served as the right Chamberlain in the Ministry of rites. Later, he was transferred to the Imperial Academy as an idle post. Fang Yun transferred him back to the official position of the Ministry of rites again and continued to serve as the right Shilang, the third ranking official of the Ministry of rites. There is no objection to this appointment.