The seven great Confucians were silent for a quarter of an hour and finally reached an agreement.

"We agree, but we may keep silent when it is inappropriate." Xiang Liyuan looks at Fang Yun.


Fang Yun showed a bright smile.

Subsequently, Fang Yun began the preliminary planning of the engineering school with seven great scholars.

The eight soon reached an agreement to build three types of schools: secondary professional schools, colleges and universities and comprehensive colleges and universities. The first batch will be established in Mizhou, Xiangzhou and Jiangzhou respectively.

The colleges and universities in Mizhou mainly study the technology of military industrial organs, while Jiangzhou mainly focuses on the technology of civil organs, while Xiangzhou takes the overall situation and studies the technology of workers at the highest level, involving all aspects of workers at the same time.

Jiangzhou is the hometown of Fang Yun, Mizhou is the place where Fang Yun rises, and Xiangzhou is almost the land laid by Fang Yun alone. Only by setting up new academies in these three places can Fang Yun dare to ensure everything goes smoothly.

At the same time, Fang Yun also has some selfishness to let his people get the benefits first.

Fang Yun is well aware of the impact on the mainland and even the world once a large number of students from these three places enter the Institute of technology.

The engineering colleges in these three places will become the cradle of national soldiers!

"In addition, in addition to the title of the working master, I hope I can become the first principal of all schools and the first honorary principal forever," Fang Yun said.

"This is not a problem," the cabinet elders promised.

Fang Yun handed a thick booklet to Xiang Liyuan and said, "in the booklet, I listed the divine materials that can be used by the workers. Please prepare it first, give me a budget plan on how to use these divine materials, and then give me a detailed construction plan of the workers' colleges. Then, you can act in detail."


The seven great Confucians were overjoyed and began to look through the booklet handed out by Fang Yun.

"You discuss it first. I'll put all the ideas of the mechanism master into a book first. You can study it on this basis."

After Fang Yun finished, he first sat in Wuhou's car and closed his eyes for a period of time, then picked up his pen, or book or painting, and wrote a preliminary plan for making the machine tool.

After that, Fang Yun looked at the time, swore with all the old cabinet members in the work hall to confirm the formal cooperation, and then left. He went to the agricultural hall first, and then to the medical hall.

There was no one standing at the door of such a large medical hall, and the square of the medical hall was even more quiet. Only seven attics sat firmly in the main hall of the medical hall.

With the increase of the number of Terrans promoted to great Confucianism, the number of old people in each hall and cabinet increased accordingly, and the number of medical hall increased from five to seven.

Like the previous workers' cabinet elders, the seven doctors' cabinet elders sat firmly in the hall and waited for Fang Yun to enter. As soon as the door was closed, the seven doctors' great scholars' eyes lit up.

However, the doctors pay attention to self-cultivation. Unlike the pragmatic workers, they are a little reserved. However, the smiling expression on their faces betrays their true attitude.

"I've seen Fang Xusheng!"

Seven people greet each other.

Fang Yun nodded and said, "although I didn't explain it in advance, you also understand my origin. Don't talk much nonsense. Please enter the literary world of the medical hall."

In a flash, heaven and earth changed, and the eight came to the huge space of independence.

This time, Fang Yun changed his strategy slightly and did not immediately use a large number of divine drugs to give them a inhuman spiritual blow. Instead, he first took out the complete version of the theory of plague and discussed the problems of infectious diseases and febrile diseases with seven great Confucianism.

During the discussion, Fang Yun revealed intentionally or unintentionally that he would write a perfect treatise on Febrile Diseases in the future, and that he was not interested in the holy way of doctors. He hoped that other doctors would carry forward it.

After that, Fang Yun released a large number of magic drugs and began to attack at the spiritual level.

Fang Yun didn't take out all the divine medicines, but only a part. He mainly took out the divine medicines that he couldn't use. Most of the divine medicines that are also effective for half saints, such as holy fruit, still need to be hidden. Otherwise, not only the human race, but all races will be crazy about it, and may even plot to rob the divine medicines themselves.

At the beginning, these doctors and scholars were quite reserved. When Fang Yun took out many whole miraculous drugs, such as complete living fruit trees, longevity fruit trees and so on, the seven attic elders also entered a state of fanaticism.

Medicine is not divided. No matter how skillful medical skills are, they also need drugs. The more drugs they can use, the wider the path of doctors, and the stronger the strength of doctors themselves.

The widespread cultivation of any kind of medicine and the wide sale of any kind of medicine will enhance the holy way of doctors.

Finally, Fang Yun put forward the same requirements for working at home, prepared to establish a medical college, also asked to be a substitute teacher, and did not compete for the holy way of doctors.

The reaction of the seven doctors was not so fierce, but the more so, the greater the resistance.

After Fang Yun intentionally or unintentionally mentioned that he had just returned from the factory, suggesting that the two sides had reached an agreement, the attitude of several cabinet elders in the medical hall had changed significantly.

There is no internal struggle in each hall of the Terran, but there has always been benign competition.

For example, more scholars will be attracted to major in their own holy way than those who have made greater contributions to the Terran and the war, and which palace is stronger and has greater influence, so as to roll a snowball. The stronger the stronger, the more slowly expand the holy way.

All the temples and courtyards knew that both human and material resources, especially the most valuable human and material resources, were limited. Whoever mastered more would be stronger. In fact, this was the struggle of the holy way.

Among the hundred, which one doesn't want to be the strongest?

Before the final decision, Lao Zhang cangxiang of the doctor's Pavilion smiled and said, "Fang Xusheng, we can do everything under pressure. However, our doctor's human and material resources are limited, and it is not difficult to build a doctor's college, but some steps may need to be delayed for a period of time."

Fang Yun doesn't know what's fishy inside. This group of old women and chicken thieves in the doctor's Pavilion say they are delaying. In fact, they want to follow up after the worker's official announcement to seal Fang Yun as the master of the worker's family, so that the worker can attract fire and avoid other companies targeting the doctor too much.

All this was expected by Fang Yun. Fang Yun happily agreed and both sides vowed to cooperate formally.

Subsequently, Fang Yun hoped that doctors and farmers would share cultivation techniques and conduct extensive cultivation research on some divine medicines, hoping that everyone could eat weakened divine medicines.

Doctors and farmers have always had a close relationship and promised.

Fang Yun wrote books on Febrile Diseases on the spot. Because they are only general directions, they are only the first draft, not a book. They are mainly to point out a relatively correct direction for doctors.

Before leaving, Fang Yun also said that he would hold a meeting in the West Temple a few days, mainly to launch an invisible attack on the demon world, hoping that the doctor's cabinet would be present as soon as possible.

After leaving the doctor's house, Fang Yun went to the punishment hall first, and then arrived at the agriculture hall.

Fang Yun didn't have many hands in the farm hall, except for some sacred objects, which were the farm tools he promised. However, when Fang Yun threw out the theory of planting beans to get beans and melons to get melons, and concocted relevant arguments by using the genetic characteristics of foreign races and murderers, the doctor was crazy about it, because Fang Yun opened up a new holy way for the farm family.

Fang Yun frankly said that both the workers and doctors had agreed and applied both soft and hard. He said that in the future, the tools of the farmers will become more and more dependent on the workers. If he did not support this matter, he was afraid that the holy way would be taken away by the workers.

Finally, Fang Yun took a drastic step and said that he already had a complete set of institutional planting system. If farmers can not keep pace with the times, agriculture will be completely controlled by workers in the future.

The farmers have always had natural resistance to the workers, because the workers always think that the farmers will eventually be incorporated into themselves. Therefore, after Fang Yun exerted pressure, the weak palace of the farmers simply can't stand it and decided to cooperate with Fang Yun.