Ape Bay looked at the continuous flow of huge meteorites from the sky, like the collapse of heaven and earth, and hurriedly said to the people: "let's do it. The Star Gods are deeply favored by the creator, and their power is completely different from ours."

"What's going on?" asked a great Confucian.

Ape Bay Road: "Terrans have war poems, demons have war skills, and other races also have various combat means. All combat means basically have a beginning and an end. However, the attack of Star Gods is different. Their power directly comes from the void. As long as they don't die, their attack will continue indefinitely. Therefore, each star God will only cultivate a limited number of combat means in his life. If I know It's expected that the star God attacking Fang Yun will only summon meteorites, but his power is incomparably pure. "

"Endless? It's impossible..."

During the conversation in ape Bay, the first meteorite hit the target like a flaming monster, making a huge sound that shocked hundreds of miles, and then the flying meteorite fragments splashed all over the sky, blooming like fireworks.

Before everyone could see how Fang Yun was, the numerous meteorites kept falling, as if they could hit Fang Yun and then explode.

Not long ago, Fang Yun's place has become a place for meteorite explosion. Hundreds of meteorites fall and explode every breath.

Time passed slowly, the cracks in the sky did not shrink, and those meteorites were endless, as if they would never stop.

When they saw this scene, they were shocked. Even those who went against the tablet emperor showed fear. This power is too terrible. Once they encounter this attack, unless they can kill the star God in a very short time, once they fall into a tangle, the star God must win in the end.

The frost pattern star God smiled and said, "you have made great progress in the burial holy valley. When you return to the star village and practice hard, you can impact the semi holy position for up to a hundred years."

"Thank you, your highness..."

Before the star myth was finished, it was interrupted by a voice.

"Star God, is it just this degree?"

Everyone looked at the source of the sound and saw that where Fang Yun was, a spherical transparent shield suddenly rose and expanded rapidly. All meteorites were lined up by the shield and could not leave a ripple on the shield.

They looked at Fang Yun through the shield and found that Fang Yun had no damage, and even his clothes were still brand-new.

"Let's go!" Fang Yun said, using the skill of herding Xingke to control his mind, combined with the power of decay, rushed into the sky to form a magical power to block the void and here. He saw that the cracks recovered quickly and disappeared at last.

The sky is clear and there are no meteorites falling.

"Worthy of being Fang Xusheng!"

The star demon man and the Terran praise unceasingly. With this skill alone, they surpass the ordinary peak emperor.

"Fang Xusheng's power grows so fast?"

"Maybe the emperor under his throne took the credit of Yue's spirit skeleton."

"Or a secret treasure."

The powerful light shield was slowly retracted, and Fang Yun still stood on the negative mountain and looked down on the enemies.

"It seems that you get some fur from the shepherd star guest family, otherwise you can't ban the secret skills of our star God family. Since you want to die yourself, no wonder the God. Sky crack!"

The frost grain star God said that and with a move, the sky suddenly opened a huge crack, thousands of miles long and nearly 100 miles wide, across the sky, like cutting a wound in the belly of a giant beast.

A chill of freezing all things gushed out of the arrogant crack, which was no less powerful than the chill caused by the giant reverse monument, even more so in terms of pure cold.

Many evil spirits against the stele became restless. They didn't expect that the frost pattern star God was so powerful.

Fang Yun thought of some pictures, looked at the frost star God and said, "I probably know your origin."

"Scared? Unfortunately, I don't have a chance! Star Pendant!"

The blue sky suddenly disappeared and replaced by a dark void. People seemed to fly out of the burial Valley and into the starry sky.

A comet with an unknown total length of hundreds of millions of miles appeared in the dark void. The core of the comet was only more than a thousand miles, but the long tail of cold ice was endless in the starry sky.

"This is the power that only semi saints can have..."

All ethnic groups are amazed. It's not difficult to call meteorites. Comets can be called. No one can do it under the semi saint.

The boundless comet kept shrinking. Finally, after the core was reduced to a hundred miles in diameter, suddenly, the sky made a clear sound, like glass falling to the ground.

People felt that the sky seemed to crack, and they saw a huge comet core like ice squeezed out of the big crack, emitting endless cold.

What is more terrible than the cold is that the comet has a world-wide smell.

The cold is all over the earth. With Fang Yun as the center, the ground of the buried holy Valley begins to freeze, and a layer of beautiful frost patterns are generated on the ground, which is spreading rapidly like ice flowers on windows.

Everyone felt cold. If the hundred mile comet core fell within one boundary, the whole boundary would face the end.

The Lion King sighed: "it is worthy of being a family of stars and gods. Just the emperor, the power contains the power of destroying the world. Although it is extremely subtle, it is one of the most terrible powers after all. Only the power of destroying the world can call comets at this level. It seems that the battle will end without our hands."

Fang Yun looked up at the huge comet in the sky like a slow disease and sighed: "it's worthy of being a family of stars and gods. Even the powerful race of shepherds can't suppress you. A mere emperor has the power of semi saint, which is enviable. Unfortunately, you fought the wrong battle with the wrong enemy at the wrong time and in the wrong place."

When Fang Yun finished, he stretched out his right hand, looked at the sky and gently scratched, as if he just grabbed a handful of air.

However, above the sky and under the comet core, a huge hand condensed by surging holy power appeared, held the huge comet core, and then clenched it with force.


The comet burst, the broken ice splashed everywhere, and ice rain began to fall within a thousand miles, reflecting the magnificent color light.

The comet enough to destroy a world was crushed by Fang Yun!

Fang Yun smashed the sky with one hand!

The frost grain star God looked at Fang Yun with a calm face. The two star gods around him were numb and completely frightened by this terrible force.

The evil spirits, evil dragons and blood demons were stunned and couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

Terrans and star demons were ecstatic and almost shouted.

The four legs of the hundred arms are bending, and the 88 arms are holding weapons high, as if they want to jump into the air to stop the comet, but now they slowly return to their standing position.

"What magic is this?" the frost grain star God murmured to himself. He still doesn't believe that the powerful comet he summoned by using the power of semi holy treasures was crushed and exploded by a great Confucian in the four realms.

Many blood demons are cold. Look at me, I look at you, big eyes and small eyes. I can't understand why Fang Yun suddenly has this power. Fang Yun may use magic, but the star God does not use it, and the breath of the power to destroy the world will not be wrong.

What does Fang Yun rely on?