At that moment, the whale came out with joy and saw the scene in front of him. He was puzzled and puzzled, but he could not care for anything else. Lang's voice said, "Fang Xu San, thanks to your Divine medicine, the injury of your highness is already unharmed, and she is sleeping. When she wakes up, it is the day of recovery."

Fang Yun originally wanted to see Ao Yuwei, but since she had slept soundly, she said, "OK, let her rest. I'm going to the depths of the holy mausoleum and will leave in a day or two at most."

Fang Yun was about to go to the depths of the holy mausoleum when he saw a Beng woman standing in the water in the Longcheng building behind the whale wasteland.

As soon as the woman came out, all the aquariums showed respect.

Fang Yun didn't know the big demon king of the Beng family, but he guessed that this man should be a high-ranking female official in the Dragon Palace.

The female official of the Beng nationality holds a palm sized seashell, and there are occasional Colorful streamers floating on the edge of the seashell.

It turned out to be a heaven and earth shell.

Even the rich dragon family can't get a few Heaven and earth shells.

Heaven and earth shells are worth more than all semi holy treasures.

Tiandi seashell is the largest stored treasure in the known world, and the divine Seashell one layer higher than Tiandi Seashell can no longer be regarded as a stored treasure.

The female officer swam to Fang Yun's body, handed over the heavenly and earthly shells first, then looked at Fang Yun with loving eyes and said, "Yuwei, the child, ordered me to stay in the blood tomb cemetery before entering the God given mountain and sea, waiting for you to come and give you the heavenly and earthly shells. Who knows, you only came now and saved her by Yin and wrong Yang. Perhaps, this is the thing that is doomed."

Fang Yun looked at the heaven and earth shells floating in front of him and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Heaven and earth shells are too precious. The two semi holy treasures of wolf head holy hammer and longjiaohai can't exchange for heaven and earth shells.

The reason why tiantianbei is so precious is not only because it is rare, but also because it has strategic value that semi holy treasures do not have.

As long as there are seashells in heaven and earth, there is no need to worry about logistics for any expedition in the world, even if it crosses countless star regions.

This is only one of the uses of tiantianbei.

Heaven and earth shells can also be used for fighting, but few people use them to avoid damage.

Many sacred objects and treasures can't be accommodated by ordinary seashells. Only heaven and earth seashells can be accommodated.

Heaven and earth shell is almost equal to carrying a boundary.

Seeing that Fang was out of luck, the female official explained: "Yuwei, that child, has been thinking about your kindness and always wants to give you a good treasure. After learning the clue of Tiandi shell, she gave up the opportunity to find other treasures and finally found this treasure and delivered it to me before the mountain and sea are opened. If she knows that you are willing to give such a rare magic medicine to save her, she must be full of joy. Take it, if you don't want to take Yuwei's East Xi, take it as Ao Huang's. you have no reason to be polite about his things. "

"Those miraculous medicines can't compare with heaven and earth shells." Fang Yun shook his head and said.

"Fang Xusheng, take it. You have the qualification!" said the whale.

"Yes, if it weren't for you, we'd be..." Jingkai didn't say the possible consequences.

"You saved Yuwei's life this time." the female officer cut the nail and cut the railway.

Many East China Sea aquariums have lingering fears. Ao Yuwei's temper is well known and extremely strong. If Fang can't deliver it and AO Wushan continues to force marriage, Ao Yuwei will die together with the yimailong family.

"Well, Fang accepted Yuwei's kindness." Fang Yun took Tiandi Bei.

Ordinary Terrans can't use this artifact directly, but Fang Yun, as a literary star dragon, can use it easily as long as the dragon in the literary palace is there.

Fang Yun's mind swept away, and there were some treasures Ao Yuwei had prepared for herself.

There is a Dragon Emperor's skeleton, many sacred objects needed for burying the holy Valley, and even her token, which can play a certain role when meeting other dragon families.

However, the most important thing is an oracle of the Dragon saint of the East China Sea. At a critical time, this Oracle can stimulate the power of the Dragon saint of the East China Sea. It must be used by the Dragon saint of the East China Sea to protect Ao Yuwei's life.

"Rare heroic spirit, the most difficult to absorb the grace of beauty."

Fang Yun sighed, put away the heaven and earth shells, sat on the water throne and entered the depths of the holy mausoleum.

Those ethnic groups who left their veins continued to lie on the ground. They didn't get up until Fang Yun's figure completely disappeared.

A big dragon king suddenly pretended to be angry and said in a loud voice: "you Shui people in the East China Sea almost missed a big event! If we had known the identity of Xiaowen star long Jue, why should we do that? Speaking of it, we all blame Ao Wushan and AO Hun. One harbors evil intentions and the other knows the Dragon unknowingly, which makes the families of the legacy almost oppose the four seas."

"Yes! Aowu mountain is really not a thing. I'm afraid it was some means of coercion and inducement that made Aohu's lard deceived. However, wrong is wrong. Since aowu mountain and Aohu's subordinates committed crimes, we should make a clear distinction with them. When we return to our ancestral land, I'll ask the elders of all veins to get rid of Aohu's Dragon nationality and lower their blood together with his descendants!"

"Yes, all the descendants of Ao Huo should be defeated as Jiao clan. This is the price of the following crimes! His stupidity doesn't matter. He deceived us into antagonizing Wenxing longjue, which almost led to great disaster! How can he be false if he has compassion for the will of the holy mausoleum?"

"Yes, yes! Wenxing longjue is really a model of our dragon family. He can enslave negative Yue Dasheng for his own use. He is the greatest dragon family after the war of havoc!"

Each relic dragon began to put on airs and act, leaving themselves alone and deliberately let the East China Sea Aquarium hear.

The East China Sea Aquarium sneered, but did not refute. Since the other party has been so knowledgeable, there is no need to drop the stone.

The dragon people in the East China Sea only care what Fang Yun does in the depths of the holy mausoleum.

Just one day later, Fang Yun came back from the depths of the holy mausoleum with a tired face.

Knowing that Ao Yuwei was still sleeping, Fang Yun left a swallow seashell and left the blood Tomb of the dragon family.

Fang Yun flew to high altitude and observed the matte cemetery. He found that the speed of spread was slower than he thought.

Whether to go directly to the human blood tomb cemetery or to the Xuantian River, Fang Yun couldn't pay attention for a moment, so he decided to fly to the northeast first. At that time, he will be on his way to both the human blood tomb cemetery and the Xuantian river.

The reason why Fang Yun doesn't want to enter the Terran blood tomb cemetery now is that once he enters, doing something he didn't dare think of before will inevitably lead to earth shaking upheaval, and he may not be able to come out again at that time.

If you go to the Xuantian River first, you can not only look for the legendary reincarnation algae, but also try to fulfill your commitment to the saint in the mountain, look for the purple Tianzhu, and then exchange it for the treasure Jiuxing mountain of the negative Yue family.

However, it is very important to return to the blood tomb cemetery of the Terran as soon as possible. If you go to the Xuantian River, I'm afraid it will regenerate branches.

"My heart is self-evident. It's hard to find my way."

Fang Yun kept weighing. When he hesitated, the world shook.

Fang yunwang looked to the source of the shock and found that it was in Zhilei mountain, which seemed to be related to the Xuantian river.

Then, a pale golden light flashed through the depths of the mountain, and then disappeared.

"This is... Dragon turn over!"

Fang Yun didn't expect that he could meet the dragon and turn over.

When I first entered the holy burial Valley, I met Fang Yun once, but at that time, Fang Yun's strength was low and he was not even a great Confucian. After getting the holy air, he left in a hurry, which is still a pity.

"Since there is a dragon turning over there, I have to go!"