"The truth of this matter is uncertain."

Aowu mountain took a look at Fang Yun's crown and yellow robe. His face didn't change at all.

"It seems that you are determined not to recognize me as the literary star longjue and the special envoy of the general supervision court." Fang Yun glanced at the Yimai dragon clan and aowu mountain opposite.

Ao Wushan said calmly, "you misunderstood. If you were really recommended by the four seas dragon saint and then canonized by the Dragon Court, we would naturally recognize you as the literary Star Dragon Lord. But the problem now is that his Majesty the West seas dragon saint has withdrawn the recommendation and has not been canonized by the Dragon Court in the first step. What's more, we can't judge the truth of the Dragon Court Oracle just now."

Donghai aquarium stood beside Fang Yun and frowned. Aowu mountain is completely shameless now. In fact, the root of the problem is that the Dragon Court no longer exists. If other dragon families insist that they don't believe the oracle of the Dragon Court, no one can prove it.

Fang Yun said, "how to judge my identity? Very good. You give up the protection of the Erlong seal, don't use any treasures, attack me with hostility, and I won't fight back. Then, if you are punished by the dragon family, I will be the real Wenxing Dragon Lord. If you are not punished at all, I will be the fake Wenxing Dragon Lord. How about I am willing to be punished?"

There was a change among the Yimai dragon family. They wanted to try this method, but Ao Wushan smiled and said: "That's too bad. There are endless secret methods in the world. When I attack you, what if you use a special secret method and pretend to be me and encounter the punishment of the Dragon Court? I think it's better. Let's stop for a while, and no one is allowed to stir up trouble. When the burial of the holy Valley is over and you return to Shengyuan, please take out the four seas dragon saint to test. How about if the four seas dragon Saint approves, you get the Dragon Court Canonization, the emperor is willing to compensate you for a semi holy treasure! "

The dragon family in the West Sea hurried to secretly send a message to aowu mountain, hoping that he would not be impulsive.

"Then, how should we solve the problem of the dragon family's legacy forcing Ao Yuwei to marry?" Fang Yun said his intention.

Ao Wushan looked at Fang Yun with a smile and said, "don't say you're not necessarily Wenxing longjue. Even if you are, you have no right to intervene."

The East China Sea Aquarium was eclipsed. Unexpectedly, aowu mountain grasped the focus of the matter.

In ancient times, all kinds of foreign dragon barons were either powerful or powerful, and in many places they were no less than the dragon race, but no matter how powerful these dragon barons were, even the great sage had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the dragon race.

Fang Yun touched the Erlong jade seal and said with a smile: "You're right. I have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the dragon family. Then, in the name of the special envoy of the supervisor of the grand supervisory yuan, I temporarily enlisted and buried all Aquarians and dragon families in the holy Valley, investigated the negative coffin man and the negative stele lion, and tried to explore 3000 eyes, the soul of chanting scriptures and Xue Baiyi. At the same time, I appointed Ao Yuwei as the Dragon General of the town army and took full charge of the matter."

Then, the Erlong jade seal exuded the pure breath of dragon saint, forming a real dragon chanting imperial order, which spread to the ears of every Shui Nationality in the blood tomb cemetery.

Whale said in a cheerful voice: "you have seen and heard that this is the real imperial edict of Erlong jade seal, which is not false at all."

Ao Wushan said with a smile, "I object. I'm still not sure whether this command is true or magic."

"We also oppose it!"

Many lineage dragons responded with a roar.

At this time, a dragon king of the South China Sea sighed helplessly and said: "You guys, why? Although I'm not convinced and I don't understand the intention of the Dragon Court, the official book of the Dragon Court has been sealed. It's almost impossible to fake that power, that breath, as well as his crown and Dragon Robe. What's more, the holy mausoleum in the blood tomb garden here, where the will of the Dragon saints exists. If he dared to fake, he would have been killed "Why, you?"

Ao Wushan turned to look at the Dragon King and said, "Ao Qi, I ask you, can you completely confirm that Fang Yun didn't use magic and that he didn't cheat?"

Ao Qi was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a moment and said, "No."

"That's it. We can't be completely sure. Therefore, we'd rather believe it than nothing." Ao Wushan said and looked at Fang Yun, "Fang Xusheng, please leave. If you continue to be stubborn, I can only be polite."

With that, a huge shadow appeared behind aowu mountain. The shadow soon appeared. It was a huge jiaosheng thousands of miles long, like a giant beast suspended in the water, emitting great holy power.

Fang Yun only felt that the water in the holy mausoleum suddenly increased hundreds of times. If he hadn't borne the withering power, he had been crushed into meat sauce. Although he can hold on now, he can't move a step.

The whale whispered in the dark and said: "Fang Xusheng, you'd better leave. When Princess Yuwei wakes up, we will tell him that you have done your best. Ao Wushan has coveted the princess for many years. It's not easy to find the opportunity to force marriage this time, and he will definitely go all out. I know that you are the real literary Star Dragon Lord, but they also have two dragon jade seals and Jiao Holy Spirit bones. If you don't retreat, you will die."

Fang Yun turned a deaf ear, but looked up at the Jiao Holy Spirit skeleton, and suddenly smiled and said, "Jiao Sheng, I almost killed one."

At that time, in the Shihan ancient land, the power left by the ancestral butcher's court was attracted to form the virtual shadow of the great slaughter axe, which almost killed Jiao Shengao Zhou.


Many lineage dragons shouted.

"Good courage. But that's all. You still have half an hour to think about it. After all, I like your poetry very much." Ao Wushan was not aggressive at all. It was like chatting with Fang Yun from beginning to end.

Seeing that the whale shortage did not return, Fang Yun explained that he had given enough divine medicine and the crisis was temporarily lifted. However, I came to bury the holy Valley not to save Ao Yuwei, but to help Ao Huang. By the way, I can help Ao Yuwei and myself.

After all, their own cultural palace, Panlong, Zhenlong Wentai and Zhenlong ancient sword all need the strength of the dragon family.

However, now it is more important to solve the problem of forcing Ao Yuwei to marry.

Fang Yun glanced at the dragon family ahead and said: "If what I expected was right, you planned to force Yuwei to marry you. You first pretended to set up your own affairs and let the Yimai dragon family hit Ao Yuwei hard, and pretended to be a villain to force Yuwei to marry one of them. At the last moment, you will appear and bear Ao Yuwei's responsibility. Then you sing duel with the Yimai dragon family and let Yuwei marry you. Although I don't know your specific plan, it's probably I'm right about this process? "

"Of course not. In addition, the emperor reiterated that this is the internal affairs of our dragon family. If you want to intervene, once you leave the burial holy Valley, don't blame your majesty Xihai dragon holy for having an excuse to kill you yourself!" Ao Wushan still smiled and made no secret of the threat.

"The Dragon saint of the west sea? He hasn't touched it yet. As you can see, I'm still safe. As a foreign nationality, I can't intervene in the marriage. But as a special envoy of the inspector general of the Supreme People's court, I said that Ao Yuwei is now a general under my Lord. If she doesn't want to marry, no one can force her! Whoever forces her is affecting the military morale of the Dragon nationality and hindering the revival of the Dragon nationality. As a grand supervisor, I am Special envoy of the Academy, you can kill first and then play! "

Fang Yun bypassed the dragon family's internal affairs and found an excuse for interference.