If you are in Shengyuan mainland, Fang Yun will not hide, but this is the burial Valley, which is full of dangers. If you say your main attack on the Analects of Confucius, those demons are bound to be extra vigilant when using the great art of holy words.

Be careful to sail for ten thousand years.

However, Yi Zhishi smiled and said, "the flavor of Fangzhen country is faint, condensed and scattered from time to time, standing on the spirit skeleton of the emperor, but it is like being on the top. It should be the way of saints and have a success in governing the Analects of Confucius."

"Oh?" all the scholars were even more surprised.

Implicit into benevolence, now into righteousness, if implicit, there is the meaning of the golden mean; Congealing is to cultivate oneself and dispersing is to reassure others. Congealing and dispersing can cultivate oneself and reassure others. These are the acme that great Confucianism can achieve at present.

The Analects of Confucius is a book that records the speech of Confucius and his disciples. Even if it is said that the book of changes is the first of the classics, in the eyes of many people, the Analects of Confucius is the first of the Confucian classics, because it really records the ways to achieve the holy way, which is far more valuable than other classics.

But to everyone's surprise, Fang Yun did not expect to directly treat the Analects of Confucius, which is very rare in Terrans.

Generally speaking, the first major is a semi holy classic, then a sub Holy Scripture, and finally the Scriptures related to Confucius can be traced back, because it takes a very long time. Basically, only older scholars will govern the Analects of Confucius.

The Analects of Confucius originates from Kong Sheng, and the real book of this book has great power. It is very dangerous for young scholars to specialize directly.

Even Yi Zhishi, who is known as a great scholar of scriptures, governs scriptures in the order of semi holy works, sub holy works and finally Kong holy works.

Now, Fang Yun not only manages the Analects of Confucius, but also has obvious achievements, which is affirmed by Yi Zhishi, which surprised all the great scholars.

Zong Wenxiong looked at Fang Yun and carefully sensed Fang Yun's breath and strength. He felt more and more unhappy. Fang Yun's poetry was good, and he also showed great combat strength. Now, even the realm of classics is so high that he can hardly find his weakness.

Xi Luan was overjoyed and said, "Fang Xusheng is hiding so deeply! The literary talent and martial arts of Xu Sheng in front of him are obvious to all. The only weakness is the study of classics. Everyone thinks that the success of Fang Xusheng's rule of scriptures will be 20 or 30 years later. I didn't expect to achieve something now. It's really gratifying!"

Li Zhenggang smiled and said, "in fact, when I found that Fang Xusheng entered the three realms, I was worried. Now that Fang Xusheng has achieved success in curing the Analects of Confucius, he is naturally not afraid of the instability of the realm. Even if there are defects, he can recite the Analects of Confucius."

Yi Zhishi took a deep look at Fang Yun and said slowly, "it's not just the success of governing the classics. Fang Xusheng is afraid that he has begun to make sparse notes for the family, and may even make notes directly for the Analects of Confucius, and has made great achievements."


Everyone was shocked. Even the star demon man showed an incredible look.

Explain the original of the saints' classics as a note.

For example, Zuo Qiuming annotated the spring and Autumn Annals, and the completed book is the Zuo clan's biography of the spring and Autumn Annals, which is abbreviated as Zuo Zhuan.

The book that explains the notes of a family is sparse.

For example, the books that explain Zuozhuan are called Shu, such as Zuozhuan justice in the spring and Autumn period.

People thought that Fang Yun was only successful in studying the Analects of Confucius and its related annotations. They didn't expect that Fang Yun had started writing. Even if he started writing, they thought that Fang Yun was at most sparse. It can be heard that Yi knows the world. Fang Yun may directly make annotations to the Analects of Confucius.

The essence of making notes for the Analects of Confucius is to explain Kong Sheng's words and deeds. It is a self-made statement! Is to practice the Confucian holy way!

Don't mention those ordinary scholars, even the classics masters of past dynasties, even the saints, don't dare to do so in their early twenties!

It's not a matter of ability, it's not a matter of talent, it's a lack of accumulation.

Whether it is the accumulation of knowledge, life experience or horizons, it takes time step by step. Even King Wen of Zhou or Kong Sheng can only make a blockbuster in his later years and become a saint.

What does Fang Yun rely on?

Zong Wenxiong looked stiff and said slowly, "the golden mean" In Chinese, zisizi has the theory of three knowing and three doing things. The first is "knowing by birth", the second is "learning by learning", and the last is "knowing by difficulty". The three doing things are "doing things in peace", "doing things in profit" and "doing things reluctantly". Kong Sheng himself said that if he could not reach the boundary known by birth, it was just learning and knowing. It seems that Fang Xusheng is afraid that he was born to know. "

The great Confucians didn't know how to refute.

Three knowledge and three actions is one of the Confucian evaluation systems.

Being born to know is the ideal state and the holy of nature. You know everything when you are born. However, such people have never appeared. Confucius said that this is the highest level in order to motivate students and avoid students' complacency.

Learning and knowing is Kong Sheng's evaluation of himself. Through active and unremitting efforts, he has achieved success in learning and achieved wisdom. Initiative is the core of learning and knowing.

Finally, it is "difficult to know". When you encounter personal difficulties, or find yourself insufficient, you have to learn. Finally, you know that this is poor.

Among the three elements, doing it safely is to do it for peace of mind. The extended meaning is to obey the original heart, not fake foreign things, and take the initiative to do it and practice it.

It is because of external temptations, such as fame and wealth, that we do it for profit, which is slightly worse than doing it for safety, but we still have the initiative intention.

Reluctantly, do it when you have to do it. It is almost forced, and there is little active will.

However, the judgment made in the golden mean is essentially the same as long as it reaches the state of "knowledge".

Whether it is safe, profitable or reluctantly, as long as it is done, it is essentially the same.

In the doctrine of the mean, the three knowing and three doing originally only refers to learning and practicing the "five ways" such as the way of kings and officials, the way of father and son, the way of couples, the way of brothers and friends, and the "Three Virtues" such as wisdom, benevolence and courage, but it can be extended to learning everything, practicing everything, knowing everything and completing everything.

Three knowledge comes from Confucius. Confucius originally said that "learning by birth, learning by learning" and "learning by difficulty". Learning by difficulty is to learn after encountering difficulties. In Confucius' view, even if you can't learn, you can accept it as long as you learn, which is only slightly worse than him.

Zisizi finished mentioning the three knowledge and three lines, and Confucius said after "learning from difficulties", if "learning from difficulties", he would be the most inferior person, which is a rare derogatory remark of Confucius.

Kong Sheng is equally superior to gentlemen and villains, adults and villains, scholars and people. He distinguishes them strictly according to "Rites" and has no meaning of discrimination. However, when talking about people who are sleepy and don't learn, his tone is obviously full of personal feelings and criticizes this behavior.

The reason why all the great Confucians are silent is that after Zong Wenxiong said that Fang Yun was born and knew, they all feel like people who are sleepy but don't learn. The gap is too big.

A moment later, Zong Wenxiong couldn't help asking, "Fang Xusheng, where is your annotation? When will it be written?"

The rest of the Confucianism didn't want Fang Yun to expose his strength, but they all looked forward to Fang Yun saying it.

"It's almost a step to the mountain and sea given by God." Fang Yun smiled and changed the topic.
