Fang Yun's body is motionless, but his mind has been in a strange world.

The sky and earth were dark in all directions, such as the collapse of the void and the silence of the world. Slowly, the void creatures under his feet appeared around silver and black thin lines, and slowly intertwined into low trees. These low trees were arranged in a mysterious and wonderful way, intricate, as if they formed a maze.

Meanwhile, as like as two peas, there was a mirror, reflecting the same silver black line and dense jungle.

The upper and lower images of fierce trees are completely symmetrical. Fang Yun's mind steps on one and one on the top of his head. In the next moment, the two images of fierce trees suddenly expand!

The remnant of the fierce tree below turns into Silver Black Mountains, rivers, earth and hills, and the fierce tree above turns into the night sky and stars.

Hundreds of millions of miles of territory and sky, Fang Yun is as small as an ant.

Heaven and earth shook together, and wisps of golden sage gas escaped from it. In the blink of an eye, golden sage vaporized into countless flashing shadows.

Those golden shadows dance like gods and demons, filling the world.

Fang Yunyong tried his best to watch, but all the shadows were twisting and flashing at a very fast speed. He couldn't see what it was. Every time he saw it, he felt that a magnificent mountain rushed into his mind

However, after a breath, Fang Yun felt that there were tens of thousands of mountains in his mind, which connected into mountains and sealed the world. He wanted to burst his mind, and the continuous mountains were increasing, which might crush his spiritual world at any time.

Fang Yun's mood did not fluctuate at all. He methodically controlled the holy Qi in Wen palace, integrated into his mind, and fought against the invisible mountains in his mind.

Fang Yun closed his eyes and was silent for a moment. He opened his eyes slowly at a very slow speed, revealing a very thin gap between which the golden light flickered and the Holy Spirit swayed.

So far, Fang Yun could only see a few golden virtual shadows in his eyes, but the flashing speed of each virtual shadow slowed down.

Fang Yun glanced at the virtual shadow again, but there were many virtual shadows. Each virtual shadow seemed like a mountain and a world, very strange and far away.

Not long after, Fang Yun's eyes focused on a bunch of virtual shadows, which twisted and flickered more and more slowly. Finally, Fang Yun could clearly see all the subtle changes of the golden virtual shadows.

Fang Yun stared at the virtual shadow expressionless. After a quarter of an hour, the virtual shadow suddenly shook gently and dissipated between heaven and earth. At the same time, his eyes suddenly burst into a pale golden glow. Then a mountain peak in the invisible mountain in his mind collapsed into countless extremely fine particles, which were integrated into his mind and literary palace.

A grand sound like reality and illusion sounded in Fang Yun's literary palace, like a giant holding a mountain and hitting the earth, resonating in all directions.

Fang Yun shook his body and closed his eyes. Then a slight luster appeared on the surface of his skin and disappeared slowly.

Fang Yunming closed his eyes, but saw that a very common leaf in the tree world appeared in front of him. The leaf left the branch and fell slowly, and finally fell to the ground, dry, rotten and integrated into the soil.

This seems to be a very ordinary scene, an ordinary phenomenon that can no longer be ordinary.

For some reason, Fang Yun showed a knowing smile. His body slowly stretched out his right hand, pinched his thumb and index finger gently, and the leaves of a tree above fell between his two fingers.

Fang Yun smiled and slowly squeezed the leaves.

One breath, two breaths, the green leaves have not changed at all.

After three breaths, the originally vibrant leaves turn yellow in an instant, and then turn into fly ash. The wind blows gently and dissipates like smoke.

A bunch of virtual shadows, a leaf lives and dies.

Fang Yun opened as like as two peas in his eyes. Two pairs of identical trees were still showing up. God again sought golden shadows between the fierce tree and the remnant pictures. Soon, Fang Yun was watching a bunch of shadows.

In Fang Yun's eyes, the virtual shadow slowly stopped flashing and finally turned into a branch. There were seven leaves on the branch. With the passage of time, the seven leaves withered and fell one after another. When the last leaf fell, the golden virtual shadow disappeared.

Next, Fang Yun constantly captures new virtual shadows. Almost every virtual shadow is related to fallen leaves and withering, as if he is constantly repeating the process of vibrant leaves from peak to wither.

All the processes seem to have no difference, but Fang Yun is like a demon, constantly looking for similar virtual shadows.

It's not just a shadow, it's the path of the holy way.

One world, one leaf, one universe.

One day and one night later, Fang Yun's eyes began to shed dark blood.

After two days and two nights, Fang Yun's temples turned white.

Three days and three nights later, the moon in Fang Yun's eyes suddenly contracted, and the pattern woven by the silver black silk thread lost its attachment and collapsed.

The ferocious and evil power of the moon tree's core was suddenly recovered from the core.

Fang Yun's eyes were replaced by dark meat holes. His eyes disappeared and the edge was smooth, but after a few seconds, granulation sprouted at the edge of the meat hole and grew slowly, finally forming new eyes.

At first glance, these eyes are no different from those before, but if you carefully observe them, you will find that they are extremely white and black, as if they are the purest two colors in heaven and earth, which are obviously different from heaven, but extremely harmonious.

Fang Yun blinked slightly. He always felt that the world in front of him was somewhat different, but he couldn't tell what was different. Then he went to the Wen palace.

Soon, Fang Yun's eyes fell on the talented moon.

Great Confucian talent condenses into a month.

There was a poem tripod on Fang Yun's talent before, but now, there is still a poem tripod on the first round of bright moon on the left, but there is a new three legged and two ear bronze tripod on the next bright moon. The tripod body is mottled and old, and the vast ancient smell comes to our face. Compared with the first tripod, there is more smell of defeat.

On the second tripod, there is a very strange symbol, like a picture or a word.

Fang Yun could not recognize this symbol, nor did Shu Zun exist in the inheritance, but he knew at a glance that the meaning of this word was close to the "withered" of Chinese characters.

Looking at the fierce tree map, Fang Yun realized a kind of holy power related to the fierce tree in the tree world. This power is very shallow, and it is only the most preliminary holy power, but it has finally stepped into the category of holy Tao and exceeded the boundary of holy Tao that can be reached by great Confucianism.


Fang Yun officially named this new power and then tried to use it. He soon found that neither war poetry nor words can "directly" carry this power, because it is a real holy power, even at the lowest level.

However, as a great Confucian, there is a power that can carry the great power of this level of Taoism.

Home, country and world!

Just because the family, the country and the world are the rudiments of the semi holy literary world.

Fang Yun's mind moved, and a perfect translucent ball appeared in the Wen palace. The surface of the ball was full of cracks everywhere.
