Yuan county is connected to the mountains in the north of the city. Yuanshan is lush with trees, high and slow terrain and many peaks.

Dinghefeng, near the north of the city, is the resort of Yuan County, overlooking the whole city. This is the best place for every cultural conference.

Jufeng, another director far from the county seat, is a cemetery with excellent Feng Shui.

In the early years, all residents of Yuan county died and could be buried in changjufeng. However, with the increase of the number of deaths, the county government continued to improve the standard of burial in changjufeng.

After Liu Shancheng served as Zuo Xiang, I don't know whether it was the action of the county magistrate of Yuan county at that time or the message of Liu Shan's disciples that the standard of people who can be buried in changjufeng has been raised again. Only after the death of the head of a distinguished family or a person of higher status can they be buried in changjufeng. Those tombs that fail to meet the standard must be removed.

The whole county was in an uproar, especially the people who had just buried their elders.

However, the county magistrate put pressure on them impolitely and forced them to move their tombs under the slogan of returning the tombs to the forest.

If it was for Yuan County, many people would move their tombs no matter what. After all, the government compensated for the cost of moving their tombs. However, in the process of moving the tomb, many people found that the county government gave one or two tomb moving fees to ordinary people, but gave five or two tomb moving fees to the Liu family.

Many people in Yuan county were even more dissatisfied, but soon found another thing. A few Liu families did not move their ancestral tombs on the grounds that they were far from the waist of changjufeng mountain, and obtained the permission of the county government.

Neither oligopoly nor inequality.

As soon as this happened, many people in Yuan county went to the county government to petition, and the anti Chennai county magistrate was perfunctory. Finally, some people went to the government government government or even the state government, but there was no suspense. Several leaders were arrested and jailed, important people were severely punished, and the rest were warned.

Those scholars did not receive much punishment, and many people without literary positions were forbidden to participate in the imperial examination of Jingguo within three generations.

In the Shengyuan continent, this punishment was comparable to capital punishment, and the storm of moving tombs immediately subsided.

However, since then, many people in Yuan county regard Liushan as an enemy.

Some people in Yuan county had to leave their homes and go to other prefectures and counties. From then on, they became the sworn enemies of the left party.

Just after the government announced that Ding you had no official status when Liushan returned home, firecrackers sounded everywhere in Yuan county.

In the past, the Yamen servicemen in Yuan county would certainly be like wolves, copying their families and convicting them, but now the people who set off firecrackers are safe and sound, because the county magistrate of Yuan county has been arrested by the Ministry of punishment and escorted to the capital.

There is a valley in the northwest of Yuanshan, with waterfalls pouring down, deep pools and unique scenery. It is known as the first scene of Yuanxian county and is called Luobao valley.

As early as ten years ago, a fence and gate were built at the mouth of the waterfall Valley, which was classified as the private property of the Liu family. People in Yuan county can no longer enter the valley.

People in Yuan county dare to be angry but dare not speak, because people in Yuan county know that the falling waterfall Valley is already in the bag of Liushan mountain.

Today's waterfall Valley is no different from usual.

Even the occasional sound of firecrackers in the city can't disturb here.

Although Liu Shan is not Zuo Xiang, he is still a great bachelor.

The only bachelor in the history of Yuan county.

The Liu family's Ding guards outside the waterfall valley. Although he is not as arrogant as before, his fat body can still frighten everyone.

Beside the pond in the valley, there is a courtyard with dense bamboo forests and winding paths. It suddenly opens up after going deep.

In the courtyard, there were more than ten people facing the central Liushan like the stars holding the moon.

Liu Shan has a thin body, elegant face, pure white beard and hair, and many more wrinkles on his face. He is more than ten years older than a year ago, but his eyes are still deep. He is no longer the Zuo Xiang who failed in the struggle in the hall, but a wise bachelor.

If a great Confucian is present, you will surely find that even if Liushan is hit so hard, even if Jingguo regards him as an enemy, his realm will not be damaged, and he may even be promoted to a great Confucian within a few years.

Liu Shan drank tea quietly, while the people around him were talking.

Among these people, the backbone of the leftist party has resigned and will soon go to dangerous places such as the north or liangjieshan.

There are great scholars from Lei family and Zong family, Hanlin from Qingguo, and other miscellaneous people.

"Liu Gong, you can rest at ease and meditate. The day you become a great Confucian is the time to dominate the wind and cloud again!"

"The left Prime Minister of Jingguo is bound to return to his position!"

"Fang Yun was so foolish that he thought he could master the general situation of the world by forcing you away. He even chose to resign. In my opinion, this is the beginning of his defeat!"

"That's right. Although Fang Yun is an unborn genius, his official skills are far inferior to those of our miscellaneous families. Once he gives up his official position, it's difficult to win over the party. Liu Gong is different. Liu Gong has been running for decades. As long as he keeps the system, he will shout loudly and gather followers."

"Liu Gongshou system. When we join the army, we just hide our strength and bide our time. When the time comes, we will return to the Jinluan hall!"

"Despite Fang Yun's efforts to turn the tide during the southern barbarian invasion, Jingguo has exhausted its national strength. Once there is a disturbance, it will inevitably fall rapidly. What's more, Qingguo will not watch Jingguo recover. No accident, Qingguo will certainly take action against Jingguo."

"I've come from Qingguo. I've learned that after the war of Ning'an, the demon world shook. It is said that the demons and barbarians have reached an agreement not only to attack Liangjie mountain, but also to destroy Jingguo. No accident, when the barbarians continue their strength again, they will win Jingguo!"

"Actually, how long can that... Last?"

"The one who didn't last until this year is said to have benefited from Fang Yun's Medical Association and extended his life by one or two years. Even so, he may not be able to last three years! Once three years come, as long as the barbarians put a little pressure on him, the Qing army will surely move north in the name of fighting against the barbarians, take over Xiangzhou, Jiangzhou and the capital, and leave other places to the Wu state."

"Don't forget that not only monarchs but also saints can seize love! As long as Duke Liu is promoted to a great Confucian and the holy edict seizes love, Duke Liu goes to Liangjie mountain to fight. A few months later, the Dongsheng Pavilion will send him back to Jingguo. At that time, Duke Liu will be in charge of Jingguo again!"

"Yes, only when Liu Gong is promoted to a great Confucian, he can turn his hands into clouds and cover his hands into rain."

Everyone nodded.

At the same time, many people found that Liushan held an official seal and his face changed slightly after seeing it.

Liushan's official seal has not changed, but its name is no longer Zuo Xiangyin, but his Hou seal, which has a slightly different function.

Many people communicated secretly and soon learned from the discussion list that in Baling City, Fang Yun instructed hundreds of officials in Xiangzhou to deal with government affairs in the Academy of Arts. The apricot trees were towering and became a small apricot altar.

The crowd was at a loss. Then, some people blushed, and then there was a worried look in their eyes. Just now they said that Fang Yun was difficult to win over the party, and now they even formed a small apricot altar. Moreover, it is because of the guidance of government affairs that a small apricot altar is formed. Originally, only miscellaneous artists could do it.

Kong Sheng traveled around the world and gave lectures in dozens of places, but the most common and important place was the apricot altar.
