Those great scholars and scholars looked at the military scholars with a smile and shook their heads gently, as if laughing at their youth.

Because only they know how powerful the martial arts temple is and Fang Yun's experience along the way is incomparably rich. Although the number of battles is not as high as that of the old scholars who have experienced liangjieshan, the combat experience is definitely at the level of a great Confucian, and the understanding of the military sage is no less than that of a great Confucian.

This martial arts temple has something to do with the military sages. Only the military sage is strong, it can't be cast. It also needs a huge amount of combat achievements that even the military genius can't do!

After becoming the Lord of the Yangtze River, even the hard spoken Zong family and Lei family had to admit that Fang Yun's war achievements reached the level of holy throne.

Only with such a degree of combat merit can we resonate with the ideas left by the military sages of the past dynasties of the Terran family between heaven and earth, and forge the Wentai of the martial temple.

Moreover, casting the Wentai of the wumiao temple is only the first step. It is even more difficult to awaken the statues of the wumiao temple. The current experience of yifangyun can only awaken a few sages. The rest can awaken Jiang Taigong, even if they can awaken the accumulated virtue of their ancestors.

In other words, the wumiao Wentai is simply a Wentai tailored for Fang Yun's transportation volume. Even a bachelor with semi Saint qualification will not choose the wumiao Wentai.

After Fang Yun finished talking about the Wentai of the Wu Temple, he continued to discuss the war with the people.

Not long after, Fang Yun was suddenly surprised and looked at the barbarians. Then many great scholars and scholars also looked at the barbarians camp one after another.

The barbarian camp was in full readiness. All the barbarians made a defensive posture and firmly surrounded the huge tiger skin in the center of the camp.

Half of the demon barbarian kings had their backs to the tiger skin and faced Ning'an city. They were suspended in the air, high and low, with fierce eyes.

The other half of the demon and barbarian kings stood on the ground facing the huge tiger skin and bowed their heads slightly.

Langyuan and Langchi stood side by side. Langyuan held a drop of golden blood in his hands. The blood was like a small sun, shining like day for hundreds of miles.

The blood is so beautiful that it will be intoxicated at a glance.

The holy blood slowly flew to the tiger's skin in the air, and suddenly the golden light was great. Hundreds of feet around were full of dazzling light, and everyone instinctively narrowed their eyes.

After a breath, the light slowly converged, revealing a huge silver wolf 100 feet long. The whole body radiated a faint light. Countless strange lights and shadows scattered within a thousand feet, such as grass, feathers and leaves.

The giant wolf has thick silver hair. Under the strong wind, the silver wolf hair floats gently, soft and elegant, with unique beauty.

No one can see what is hidden under the wolf's hair, but just looking at his appearance, he can feel the explosive power. His shoulder, waist, back, legs and claws are perfect, as if they can represent the male of the world and dominate the powerful power between heaven and earth.

The giant wolf is 60 stories high, far higher than the wall of Ning'an. In the eyes of the people, the giant wolf is like a small fortress.

The giant wolf glanced at the barbarians below. All the barbarians knelt down and shouted their names.

"See your Majesty the wolf!"

Half saint of demon clan, wolf killing avatar arrives.

Wolf killing avatar looked up at Ning'an city.

A pair of huge blue wolf eyes are clear and transparent without any impurities, like two lakes.

He is clearly a fierce beast, but in everyone's perception, he is a beautiful man. There is no attack in his eyes. Instead, he looks like a gentle gentleman and a kind gentleman, carrying rites and music and a scholar temperament.

Many Terrans were prepared to be killed by wolves, but now they can see that wolves are instinctively relaxed. They feel that wolves will not kill themselves, but help themselves.

In the next moment, Fang Yun and many scholars burst out a fine cold sweat on their foreheads.

Fang Yun was extremely shocked. The incarnation of the secret way semi saint was really powerful. He was cheated by rumors. It was said that all the demons and semi saints were extremely vicious madmen. They killed people when they saw people. They were crazy dogs. Only when you really see it, you know that these semi holy capitals have reached a very high level. Even if they are not as smart as the Terran, they won't have a big mouth until they tear their face. They know how to deal with the Terran.

Fang Yun can be sure that all the people present except the great Confucianism have full respect for wolf killing, even with gratitude, just like a strong man who can kill himself but doesn't do it. Everyone wants to thank him.

However, Fang Yun and the great Confucian immediately realized that the wolf killing could not be good to the human race, nor could he sacrifice the interests of demons and barbarians for the sake of the human race. The reason why he did so was only the instinct of the holy throne. Instead of exposing hostility at the beginning, he was far better to buy people's hearts by this means.

The best way to conquer is not to kill, but to make the other party admire first and then surrender.

Fang Yun sighed in his heart that this is the power of the holy throne. Even if there is a stupid demon family in the world, once promoted to the holy throne, it will look full of wisdom. Even a real fool will not do anything stupid.

Then Fang Yun suddenly realized that it was not wolf killing that really became smart and could use tricks, but that there were thousands of holy ways. Even if the holy way of wolf killing was full of killing, even if it was far away from the power of those wise holy ways, it was closer to those holy ways than everyone under the semi holy.

Everyone present will not interfere with the holy way, and wolf killing is affected by those holy ways full of wisdom, so it becomes very wise. But once a semi holy comes, destroys the holy way of wolf killing, leaving only killing or cruelty to the holy way of wolf killing, he will not treat the Terran in this way, but will treat the Terran in a way close to his own holy way, such as intimidation or threat.

Fang Yun stared at the blue eyes of wolf killing. His eyes were soft and almost kind, but Fang Yun had a feeling that under the blue, there was a sea of blood. Only those who did not have enough experience and wisdom would be deceived by the appearance of wolf killing. People with a firm mind would never like wolf killing, and would give birth to instinctive vigilance in their hearts.

The power of the holy way goes beyond the ethnic group, so wolf killing can make ordinary people forget their national hatred and admire. However, if a person's wisdom, experience, knowledge and so on are really superior, they can be influenced by the holy way, but they will never lose themselves.

Fang Yun raised his chin slightly and his eyes became very firm. Then he saw that the air around the wolf seemed to have a very slight distortion.

Fang Yun was delighted. This is the expression of the power of the holy way to distort the reality. Only the great Confucianism who touches the edge of the holy way can see it. He can spy on clues, indicating that he has been infinitely close to the great Confucianism.

A trace of surprise flashed through the eyes of the wolf killing avatar, stared at Fang Yun and said slowly: "Fang Yun child, if you bind your arms to take refuge in our family, the saint will make you the first half saint in the world!"

In the Terran, the anti species is derogatory, but in the demon world, the anti species Terran is commendatory.

Fang Yun calmly replied, "wolf killing, if you belong to this saint and take the hip mount of this saint, semi saint will show you a great saint's road."


Before the wolf kill spoke, countless barbarians shouted and scolded. Some demons were almost mad. That was the demon saint. How dare the human race want him to be a mount!
