(the previous chapter is 2012)

However, after the ban of Beihai Dragon Palace, the Yishui River in Mizhou has completely dried up. No matter how much water is left upstream, it will be taken away by invisible forces.

The barbarians continued to charge on the riverbed.

Near, the Terran arrows suddenly became dense, because there were not only bows and arrows, but also many crossbows and arrows.

Many demon barbarians were killed or severely injured by arrows, fell to the ground, and their blood stained the riverbed.

"Use magic to completely block Terran arrows!"

The wolf had to give orders. Although excessive use of magic will consume HP, if it is not used, more barbarians will be killed and injured.

Once again, the Terran launched thousands of arrows at once, such as clouds. A large number of barbarians immediately put magic outside. Various forces such as flame, sound wave, black fog, blood and so on rushed into the sky and swept away countless arrows.

There were cheers of joy from the barbarian army.

This time, the Terran arrow did not hurt a barbarian.

After a few breaths, the machine included sound, bow strings, and dense arrows crossed a beautiful arc and accurately flew to the barbarian army.

The barbarian army used magic again, but before they used magic, they saw the aquarium on the city wall suddenly move and even began to use aquarium magic.

The vitality of heaven and earth shakes violently. Countless aquarium witchcraft such as ice arrow, ice spear, ice gun and water wave are formed in mid air. At the same time, a great force comes from the sky to take away these water related forces.

However, the holy temple in the center of Ning'an city was slightly shaken, and an orange light appeared, sweeping over Ning'an city and wiping out the power of that great bank.

Near the holy temple, the edict of Nanhai Dragon Palace is invalid!

Aquarium magic surpasses the Terran arrow and meets the barbarian magic first.

A large number of witchcraft collided over the barbarians, and the afterwaves scattered, resulting in small-scale deaths and injuries of the barbarians.

Without the barrier of magic, a large number of arrows from the first to the next fell among the barbarians, forming a powerful killing force.

At first, the barbarians didn't care, but soon the barbarian kings found the problem.

"What's the matter? How can those stupid aquariums become so smart?"

"You see, the magic they use and the timing they choose are not early or late before the Terran bow and arrow, but also can just destroy our magic. At the same time, the afterwave formed by the collision of magic has little impact on the Terran arrow."

"Is it the strength of the crossbow hand of the Terran or the strength of the aquarium?"

"The aquarium is obviously more stupid than our demons. Why has it become so powerful now?"

The demon and barbarian kings in the rear looked blankly at the pieces of aquarium magic, which collided with barbarian magic from time to time, while the Terran arrows fell into the barbarian army unhindered.

When millions of barbarians rushed hundreds of feet away from the city wall, it was less than 900000!

The barbarian kings were indignant. This was not the most disastrous charge, but it was definitely the most inexplicable one.

"As long as we step on the wall, it will be our world!" a barbarian roared.

"Rush up the wall, the barbarians are invincible!"

Many wolves are red eyed, shouting slogans and even charging.

The sound of killing shook the sky.

It's more than half a mile. For the wolf barbarians who charge with all their strength, they can reach it in less than ten seconds.

The war poetry soldier of Terran will officially launch.

More than 100000 war poetry archers began shooting.

The powerful arrows fall on the barbarian camp. These arrows often have special destructive power. The barbarians in front fall to the ground one by one. A few barbarians are fixed on the ground by multiple arrows, struggling, howling, bleeding and dying.

So far, the great Confucianism has not used the poetry of calling soldiers and fighting.

Fang Yun and many other great scholars also did not use the war poetry of calling soldiers, and only some of the war poetry soldiers of great scholars will do it.

The hundred Barbarian King also stood in the sky two miles away and did not attack Ning'an city with the army.

A hundred feet away from Ning'an City, it seems to become the junction of life and death, as if the power of the holy way of death draws a line there.

Bow and crossbow men, organs, war poetry soldiers and Shui people will form a four fold attack and kill all barbarians who try to get close near the Baizhang line.

One, two... Ten, twenty... One hundred, two hundred

Within the Baizhang line, there are only sporadic barbarian corpses. Outside the Baizhang line, there are corpses everywhere.

A clear line of death appears outside Ning'an city!

In the rear camp of the barbarians, two masked Terrans came out, their whole bodies were wrapped in black robes, without revealing any skin, and even their eyes were covered with talent.

"Waste! Waste! It's all waste!" the barbarian wolf yelled in a low voice. He didn't want the whole army and the barbarians charging on the front line to hear his curse.

The demon man nearby was silent and didn't dare to say a word. No one thought that the first attack of the barbarians was so miserable that they couldn't get in within a hundred feet.

In recent years, the barbarians have been moving southward and have never encountered such a situation.

"This is only Ning'an City, not Liangjie mountain! A group of waste!" wolf yuan kept scolding.

Suddenly, an attendant whispered, "Your Majesty, two gentlemen are coming out."

"What?" langyuan suddenly looked back and saw two Terrans coming to him.

The wolf restrained his anger, bowed his head slightly, and said, "why did the two gentlemen leave the camp?"

The two people not only attracted the eyes of the demon and barbarian kings, but also the eyes of all the scholars on the wall. All the scholars who did not participate in the war looked at them.

Fang Yun, who took part in the war, used two purposes and looked at the two masked Terrans.

Langyuan's attitude makes everyone realize that the two masked Terrans are not only the legendary inverse scholars, but also have a high status. At least one of them is the inverse imperial forest!

In the demon world, the status of the anti species is low, but in the barbarians, in the Shengyuan continent, especially the anti species scholars who are proficient in the art of war, their status is far higher than that of the ordinary Barbarian King.

With the increasing strength of the Terran, a few barbarians have changed from power worship to wisdom worship.

"Your Majesty, there are some oddities among the Terrans." when the leading inverse scholar spoke, he didn't even look at the langyuan, but looked at the Terran wall.

The wolf didn't care and said, "we have all found that the current Terran is too strong. Can you two gentlemen have a solution?"

The two inverse species shook their heads together, and the first inverse species said: "If you think carefully, you will understand that it is not the aquarium soldiers who have not changed individually, but the whole has changed greatly. The key is that they cooperate closely. It seems that everyone and aquarium can get accurate and effective instructions at the first time. Originally, this is impossible, because it can only be done by military scholars, not soldiers The great Confucian scholar will not waste his strength in this aspect. This means that the new strength of the Terran strategist may be Wentai, the country and the world, or the power we don't know. "

"What should we do?" asked wolf yuan.

"If the previous goal was to capture Ning'an City, from now on, we must find the reason for the strength of the Terran at all costs! Even if hundreds of millions of demons die here, it's a great achievement as long as we can find the reason!"

The wolf suddenly realized and said, "thank you for reminding me. I was almost overwhelmed by anger."
