A moment later, not only the Terran scholars and scholars at the foot of Binggong mountain began to read the holy classics, but also the Terran camp area in the distance began to change.

"Fang Xusheng is in trouble. We are powerless, but we can recite the classics of all saints and integrate with the power of great scholars and Confucianism to help him concentrate and reduce accidents!"

One after another, the voice of spring thunder exploded in the crowd.

"Come on, read the holy classics!"

"I come to Mencius!"

"I recite Mozi!"

"I want to read spring and autumn!"

"Come, let's recite the Analects of Confucius together. I'll start! One... Two, start! Confucius said: learn from time to time, don't you also say..."

We can see that in the original hot camp, the Terran scholars continue to work while reciting the holy classics.

Some women who don't read much can't recite, which is a little difficult, but soon some women who are full of poetry and books began to lead them to recite a sentence by themselves and let other women recite a sentence.

The children, male and female, gathered together and shook their heads to recite the holy classics.

Many children clenched their fists, flushed their faces and shouted with all their strength just to help Fang Yun.

Not long ago, the Terran camp was full of voices reading the holy classics. At first, these voices were very messy and disturbing. However, slowly, these voices seemed to become the most beautiful music in the world. Everyone could not help immersing themselves in them. They could not only understand the original meaning of the words, but also resonate with their own thoughts and experiences, So as to have a new understanding of life and the holy classics.

Everyone found that they seemed to remember all the holy classics they had just read. Not only that, they could also remember the contents read by others nearby.

Many people secretly rejoice and work harder to read.

At first, everyone read with the intention of helping Fang Yun, but soon, even children of several years old found the benefits of reading and read the holy classics wholeheartedly.

Some people's chanting voice is too loud, their throat is dry and their voice is hoarse. After hundreds of breath, their mouth and saliva grow and return to normal, and their voice also becomes pearly and mellow. The previous abnormal throat seems to be just an illusion.

Those old people who are aging slowly feel that their bodies have endless strength, those children feel that their minds are smarter, and those who don't read much suddenly find that they have learned all words

Some people who are good at calligraphy obviously don't start writing, but they feel that they have a deeper understanding of calligraphy; Some people who have studied some first war poems deeply feel that they seem to have mastered the new artistic conception of this poem; Some workers' children suddenly find that there are more defects or even defects in the mechanism they make, and know how to improve it

Suddenly, there was a soft noise.

Many Terrans looked to the place where the voice came with joy. It was an old scholar who was promoted to the second realm!

After a few breaths, the vitality of heaven and earth suddenly vibrated, like a strong wind falling from the sky, injected into one of them and blew around.

People in the neighborhood were so happy that a Jinshi was promoted to Hanlin!

Gradually, more and more people were promoted to the literary position or bravery, which caused the concern of all demons and ice families.

The blood demon man and the ice clan around the camp area quickly gathered together to discuss how to deal with it. They could discuss it. There was no result, and finally let it go.

The star demons were stunned and looked at the Terrans with envy.

Xiong Ba Wang sighed and said, "this envies the Terran and can be promoted easily. Our demon man doesn't have such a good thing."

"I envy you so much!" the rat King stroked his beard gently.

"It's totally effortless. It's a lucky race..."

When the star demon manwang talked, Hu Li not far away said: "You guys, you misunderstand. They are neither lucky nor relaxed. Our demons draw strength from their ancestors' blood and can naturally obtain powerful blood. As long as they are not too stupid, normal cultivation can obtain the corresponding demon position according to their ancestors' blood, which is easy. However, different Terrans, when they were born, they were almost the weakest in the world They don't seem to have gained any power from their ancestors. "

"They crawl slowly, they learn to speak, they learn to walk, they learn to run, they learn to read, they learn to understand literature and meaning, and they don't really master the power and poetry of all ethnic groups until the scholar. The average age of the scholar is more than 20 years old, that is to say, they spent 20 years studying and learning the knowledge of their ancestors. Don't mention us outsiders, that is Even some Terrans feel that most learning is useless, but when the wind blows, our cheeks will remember; when the snow falls, our fingers will remember; after learning so much knowledge, their minds will remember. "

"Those knowledge will not make them gain real strength immediately, or even remain silent for a long time, but everything they encounter and learn is imperceptibly changing them. Some people think they have learned useless things and abandon what they have learned, but some people can realize that the biggest change by what they have learned is those knowledge The role of! "

"Some of them have been learning all their life. They learn in different ways, some from games, some from others' words and deeds, and some from books... They know that their 'learning ability' is their greatest advantage! Look at the scholars who have just broken through, they have never given up learning, so when the opportunity comes... No, God There are no opportunities at all. All opportunities are the result of hard work and learning. All these are destined to belong to them! They are not lucky people, but people who study and work hard! They do not inherit strong power from their ancestors' blood, but they inherit their ancestors' knowledge and spirit! "

"Because they have unparalleled learning ability and realize this, they are the most intelligent group in the world!"

"There is no end to learning, so the future of the Terran is endless!"

Fox Li's words made the star demon kings speechless, and even several demon kings nodded in shame.

At this time, no demon king questioned Hu Li's words, because Hu Li's tone was full of strong envy from beginning to end.

Hu Li sighed softly and said, "Kong Sheng once said that 'education without discrimination', everyone can receive education and everyone can learn, which is the root of the strength of the human race. It is not war poetry, words, words, but each of them has the consciousness of educating future generations and the mind of learning from the sages."

After a few breaths, King mouse Yin said, "fortunately, not everyone pays attention to their learning ability and tries to learn. Otherwise, this world is already the world of the human race. Isn't that the best example? He shocked the world when he was a teenager. Which family is not afraid?"

Many demon kings looked in the direction of Fang Yun and nodded gently.

"Maybe the Terrans are really lucky, because they have mastered the strongest talent in the world and learn." Hu Li muttered to himself.
