Many people nodded.

Some people think that the sentence "those who steal the hook will be killed, and those who steal the country will be Hou" is very reasonable. Most people think that Fang Yun's last demand is reasonable.

At this time, all the great scholars and scholars turned their eyes to Fang Yun and listened carefully with all their strength, while the other scholars in the Imperial Academy or other scholars could not help moving forward to Fang Yun.

"What you said is that it's better to eat and wear warm clothes in a place that may be killed at any time than in a safe place. Even if the clothes, food, housing and transportation are poor, you can at least survive." Fang Xingyan said.

"Stability and tranquility are the most basic needs of the normal people. Therefore, there were two great men who were really supported by the people in that period, Confucius and Mozi. Have you found that, to some extent, the holy ways pursued by the Mohists, such as" universal love "," non attack "and" upholding sages ", are surprisingly similar to the benevolence, righteousness and rites of Confucianism? Even with Confucianism Mozi only advocated the implementation of "festival burial" in weak and poor places. Even frankly, if heavy burial can make people feel at ease and enable some poor people to engage in related businesses and obtain money, it is also a matter of benevolence and righteousness. The only difference between the two is that Kong Sheng is from top to bottom, while Mozi is from bottom to top. "

Everyone nodded gently. Confucianism and Mohism have always been opposed, and few people dare to say such words.

"Kong Sheng's" benevolence "means a lot, but the most important thing is" benevolent monarch "and" benevolent government ", which will make the people more stable. In the era of Mencius, Mencius emphasized" righteousness ". Why? Because in the Warring States period, there was no benevolent monarch and benevolent government in various countries, which was far more chaotic and desperate than that in the spring and Autumn period, so that Mencius had no hope for benevolent monarch, Therefore, when we look at the people, the state and the king, we say that "the king is light". Mencius pays more attention to "righteousness". Instead of pursuing the great benevolence and righteousness, he pursues the "morality" that everyone should abide by. When everyone abides by morality, he even encourages us to have the courage to support justice by radical means. Even killing a king is killing a thief. "

"Then, why do you pay attention to 'propriety' when you come to Xunzi? If Confucius is a kind old man who believes that everyone can teach well, Mencius is like a righteous man who understands the hardships of the people and sympathizes with the people, but looks coldly at the king. What about Xunzi? He doesn't believe in the king, not only the people, but basically no one except Kong Sheng, He believed only in heaven and believed that only "Rites" could solve everything, and his rites were very different from those of Kong Sheng. Strictly speaking, Kong Sheng's rites were "rites and music", which established a system for people to follow on their own initiative, but Xun Sheng's rites restrained the monarch and the people with order and rules and regulations, so he trained two legalist giants, Han Feizi and Li Si. If you appreciate them carefully, you will be angry What a cruel world the three saints have experienced! "

The crowd was attracted by Fang Yun's novel argument, and was shocked by the clues hidden behind the three saints. After careful understanding, they found that the Terran is moving towards despair step by step, from benevolence to righteousness, from righteousness to ritual, and finally from ritual to Dharma. Behind it is almost a dark history.

Many people were shocked and speechless. What kind of despair and struggle the Terran has experienced will breed this tree and vine rooted in darkness and running through thousands of years.

Fang Yun Road: "When you look at history with a fair eye, you will find that it is not Confucianism that chose the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, not Confucianism that chose the Qin emperor and Han Wu, but the kings, officials and people of that era chose Confucianism, and history chose Confucianism. It is not necessarily how perfect the Confucian holy way is, it is likely that it is only because no holy way can surpass Confucianism, and no holy way can better represent Dang The needs of everyone at all levels. "

Most people just think deeply, but the higher the level of literature, the more frightened they are. Fang Yun's words are really shocking. If they are said in Shengyuan, they will be enough to shock hundreds of schools. Both Confucianism and other schools will attack each other.

However, these people also believe that after the fierce debate, once the situation calms down, everyone will find that what Fang Yun said is true.

"If one day, the Terran has created a stronger and more perfect holy way, then even if there are thousands of Confucianists, we should also know that in the ignorant period of the Terran, the Confucianists are the lights, swaying and flickering in the containment of demons and barbarians, but they have led the Terran forward until the heaven and earth reopen, the turbidity is divided again, and the big day shines on the world."

I don't know why, from civilians to Confucianism, they feel an unprecedented impact and shock from these words, and even the clue of reshaping benevolence, righteousness, etiquette and law makes their hearts fluctuate.

Fang Yun smiled and said: "Back to our previous topic, why does Confucianism suppress our nature to some extent, why are you angry, we want to stop, you fear, we want to make you quiet? Because we are human beings, we want to control ourselves as much as possible. The tyrants, butchers, murderers, madmen, etc. of all generations are just because they can't control themselves when they do evil It has become a disaster. "

Fang Xingyan muttered to himself: "I understand what you mean. I will apologize to those who persuaded me. I really shouldn't lose control of myself. However, I'm not the saints who control the Terran. When I think I'm going to die and think I'm actually burying myself, I really can't read calmly like you. Fang Xusheng, tell the truth and swear to your courage that you are really like an ancient well Bo, are you really reading and practicing with the same mentality as usual? "

The people were stunned and looked different, but they didn't say anything.

Because they want to know the answer, everyone wants to know.

Fang Yun smiled, straightened up, turned away and continued to be his own inspector.

They thought Fang Yun would not answer, but they heard his voice.

"How can I be the same as usual, how can my heart calm down, my blood is surging, my courage is chanting, and my literary palace is roaring, because I always tell myself that I want to clear the obstacles for the Terran, I want to lead the Terran to the ice emperor palace, I want to make more people live as much as possible, and I want to kill every demon ice clan that hinders me! You As you said, your lamentation, anger and complaint there are no different from our reading. Now reading can't let us solve the birth and death of ancient land and kill more demons and barbarians. Yes, what you said is right. There is no difference between us. "

Fang Yun paused and continued: "However, we know that reading is useless today and useless tomorrow, but in one or ten years, it will become our holy power and become the cornerstone of our literary position, so that we can kill more demons and live a stable life. We are not only reading, but also pinning hope, because we believe that one day, it may be a day A hundred years later, maybe even a thousand years later, the descendants of the survivors among us will think of this road to the ice emperor palace and of us who are reading. At that time, someone will say, this stable Terran, as you wish! "

Fang Xingyan looked at Fang Yun's back and red his eyes.

Then Fang Yun suddenly laughed happily and walked away while laughing, saying: "When I was reading these days, I was actually very excited, because I was carrying the hope of all the people in the Shihan ancient land. What would happen if I could do it? Don't worry, I may not be able to lead each of you out of the ice emperor palace, but Ben Sheng will carry every hope on his shoulder!"

Two lines of tears fell from Fang Xingyan's face, blurring his vision and the man in green shirt between heaven and earth.
