"Mr. Jingye doesn't look like such a pedantic person." Fang Yun said calmly, with a little different tone.

Meng Jingye explained: "my Meng family inherits the 'holy way of righteousness' of Meng Zu. In case of crisis, we will certainly sacrifice our lives for justice. However, we can only sacrifice our own lives, not others' lives. Otherwise, we will violate the holy way and the teachings of our Meng ancestors. If we can, I am willing to exchange that person's life and judge myself in front of the demon saint to save the other 100 people."

Several great scholars nodded gently, and everyone looked at Meng Jingye with respect. As a great Confucian, Meng Jingye dared not lie about the holy way. If he really encountered this matter, he would sacrifice his life for justice to all 100 people.

The five star demons looked different, and some looked puzzled, as if they couldn't understand the man's suicide; Some are full of doubts and don't believe that someone will sacrifice for others. Even if the star demon man is more peace loving than the blood demon man, he can listen to the order to die, but he will never take the initiative to die.

Yan ningxiao said, "we live in the ancient cold land, where more than 99% of the creatures will be extinct every hundreds of years. We bear the mission of the human race, shoulder the heavy responsibility of the expansion and survival of the human race, and may die at any time. I believe that even if I kill the man, the man will not blame me, and the sanctuary will not punish me."

"He can die, but you can't kill an innocent person! If I kill him, he may not blame me, but I will blame myself!" Meng Jingye said.

"That's a bad word. As long as he is willing to sacrifice for a hundred people, I will kill him to complete him." Yan ningxiao said.

Fang Yun suddenly said, "I interrupt. The man is sleeping and doesn't know what's happening outside. It has nothing to do with him. It's about how we do it. Brother Pingyang, you seem to have something to say?"

The great scholar Xun Pingyang nodded and said: "I don't talk about anything else but myself. I support Jingye guru, but my reasons are different from him. I think those who violate the great rites can be killed, and those who violate the capital crime can also be killed. But since they are innocent people, no matter what others do, I will never wave a knife at them. The reason for this is that no matter how noble a reason we kill an innocent person, it is a sin Yes. Once we allow innocent people to be killed for any reason, the human order will disappear as soon as this hole is opened. The superior can recklessly create all kinds of excuses to kill innocent people. A person can sacrifice himself in order to save 100 people, but we 100 people will never have the right and reason to kill innocent people and save ourselves! "

Zeng Yue sighed and said: "When I read history books when I was young, I often saw that I did evil in the name of justice, and I was very angry. Now it's my turn. When I'm old, without the blood of a young man, how would I choose? I will make excuses. As long as I can find the man's crime, I will kill him and act as a hero to save the other 99 people, because I'm stained with evil Blood, I'm not afraid of any accusation. Unfortunately, the man is innocent and sleeping. I can't find any excuse, so I can only stop and look at the knife. I can have countless despicable thoughts, dirty thoughts and evil desires in my heart, but I won't say it or do it. This is the difference between man and beast. "

Several demon barbarians immediately opened their eyes and looked at Zeng Yue discontentedly. In the language of demon barbarians, "animal" or "animal" is just a lower demon barbarian, which is essentially different from the "animal" when people curse.

Yan ningxiao seemed to have a slight shadow on his face. He snorted coldly and said, "killing is not only to save himself, but also not to save 99 people. Among us, there are great scholars, great Confucians and even dignified saints! I ask you, killing him alone can save the whole people. Do you kill him or not?"

Fang Yun smiled and said, "Mr. Ning Xiao is off the topic. In addition, none of us knows who that person is, or even whether that person will be canonized in the future, or whether that person is a dying semi saint. As I said, he is only an innocent person and does not involve others. We can only judge our own value, not the role of that person."

Xun Pingyang Road: "Mr. Yan's words are too high sounding. The essence of this matter is not to save people or sacrifice, but whether we should sacrifice innocent people! A few years ago, a general of the state of Wu, in order to obstruct the demon barbarians, learned from Han Xin, cut off the water and blocked the flow, obstructed the demon barbarians, and preserved 100000 troops. However, thirteen towns were flooded, resulting in thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of displacement. The general He argued that he saved half of the kingdom of Wu, but was finally determined by the kingdom of Wu and the holy courtyard that the reason why he cut off the water and blocked the flow was the failure caused by poor command and incompetence in combat, not saving people's water and fire, so he was exiled to the ancient land. Is it Mr. Yan overturning the case for this person? "

Yan ningxiao said, "how can the two things be confused? The man said it was for the sake of the martial state, but as you said, it was his incompetence and courage that led to the downfall of the army. We were caught by the demon saint, and the fault is not our own! I have no selfishness in this matter!"

Xun Pingyang retorted: "If you have no selfishness, do you have a public mind? Unfortunately, there is no law in the holy court or in other countries that allows us to kill innocent people. On the contrary, there is a law to punish the murderer! Everything you say and do is selfishness! The real public mind is to protect everyone. Even if that person is an ordinary person who does nothing, we do not sacrifice him to live a miserable life Right! "

"Having said that, can you just watch Fang Xusheng die? Once we die, the blood demon man and the ice clan in the Shihan ancient land will surely join hands to surround the ninth cold city and kill the human race there! Is it worth it for an insignificant person?" Yan ningxiao said.

Xun Pingyang said, "you are off the subject. We only discuss one hundred people and one person, which has nothing to do with other places."

Fang Yun nodded and said, "Mr. Ping Yang is right. It has nothing to do with the current situation in the Shihan ancient land. Mr. Ning Xiao's statement is unreasonable."

Yan ningxiao snorted coldly and said, "I will never hesitate to kill one person and save a hundred people. That's all! Xun Pingyang, you are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality. In fact, you are completely selfish. Some are for your own holy way, some are because of your temperament, and some are derived from ideas. Frankly, you are no different from me."

Zeng Yue sighed and said: "As I said before, I would find an excuse to kill him, but if I couldn't find an excuse to kill him, I had to not kill him. I was really selfish. I even thought that if one of us killed that person, I would enjoy living with peace of mind. Anyway, I didn't kill the person and I didn't have to bear any sin. However, if we didn't kill him, the demon Saint killed me in the end Ladies and gentlemen, I have no complaints. It's a good thing to die with all reasonable heroes. It's not unjust. After all, our death is not meaningless. At least an innocent person can be saved from killing. "

Many scholars nodded gently. Before that, they all wavered, but after listening to Zeng Yue, they found that they agreed with him very much.

Yan ningxiao was silent

Fang Yun smiled and said, "Mr. Zeng Yue's truth can be explained in one word, that is' not evil '."

As soon as they saw it, Zeng Yue then said, "Fang Xusheng is really a Pearl! To be a man, we should at least stick to the bottom line of 'not doing evil'."
