Today, Meng Jingye has to admit that Fang Yun at the moment has fully possessed the leadership talent and temperament.

Not because Fang Yun found the key to the problem in advance, but because Fang Yun did not stick to the rules and bound his mind with the idea of "not doing well, doing more and making more mistakes, doing less and making fewer mistakes".

In fact, everyone present will soon find that Fang Yun's opinions and questions are on the surface just a matter of time. However, at a critical juncture, one thought will change the outcome, and even put the whole Terran into an irreparable place.

Fang Yun didn't have too many outstanding people. Even after taking half a step, everyone followed up and stood side by side with Fang Yun.

But it is the seemingly insignificant advance that determines whether a person has the ability to lead.

That is not only a half step, but also in choosing the direction and determining the road!

Many times, the road and direction are far more important than effort and talent.

Fang Yun said, holding the virtual building beads, he saw a linear light projected, and finally intertwined into a map of the Shihan ancient land.

"Look, the ninth cold city of our Terran is located in the southeast. It is a Wanxing mountain away from the ice emperor palace in the center, and the only Canyon in the Wanxing mountain is stationed by the star demon man. Although our Terran and the star demon man are not allies, they are good neighbors, so we can always pass easily. Even if the ice palace appears, we can pass. Is it true?"

A scholar said, "if our Terran occupies the Wanxing pass, we will allow the star demon to pass, even to go to the ice emperor palace. Do you mean..."

"Yes! If the blood demon occupies Wanxing pass, we have only two ways. We can either forcibly capture Wanxing pass or bypass Wanxing mountain. It's not difficult to bypass Wanxing mountain, but the problem is that unless we know that the opening time of the ice emperor palace starts half a month in advance, we will wait for the ice emperor palace to open and then go on the road. On the way, what awaits us will be the birth and death of ancient land."

A university scholar said: "we talked about Wanxing pass the day before yesterday, but we found that if we seize Wanxing pass now, it will inevitably conflict directly with blood demon man. Blood demon man will never wait for us to occupy there."

The rest of the students nodded gently. In fact, almost everyone had considered Wanxing pass. After all, it was too important, but the consequences of a comprehensive war with the blood demon were too serious.

Fangyun Road: "I'd like to ask some questions. Under the current situation, we are more than 70% likely to start a war with the blood demon man. Do you want to fight the blood demon man in our ninth cold city, attack the Wanxing pass after the blood demon man occupies the Wanxing pass, or choose to occupy the Wanxing pass in advance, or fight the blood demon man outside the seventh cold city of the star demon man? In other words, if a war is about to break out, Do you choose to sit back and watch the war spread to your own land, or try to control the outbreak only in other people's land? "

Everyone was silent. The result was obvious. It was the best choice to defend Wanxing pass in advance, but it was too radical to go outside the star demon Man City.

"In fact, after the star demon man asked for help, I have been thinking about what angle we should consider this problem. When I stand on a personal point of view, I don't want to help the star demon man, because it may involve other Terrans. Regardless of the victory or defeat, the Terrans will suffer some losses and have an impact on my name. If we stand on the Terran point of view, we shouldn't fight, after all No one can predict the future situation. It's best to remain unchanged and respond to all changes. However, when we go to a higher level and consider the problem from a higher perspective, we will find that once the blood demon barbarian solves the star demon barbarian, it will not be stupid to attack our Terran, but it will block Wanxing pass at all costs and block our Terran's way to the ice emperor palace! "

The crowd nodded.

Fang Yun continued: "so I think, after Wan Xingshan is blocked, will my Terran pay a high price again, or will it pay a high price now?"

"We've also considered it, but the problem is that if we don't help the star demon man, we may still keep peaceful coexistence with the blood demon man. Even if Wanxing pass is blocked, we can detour ahead of time. If we do it now, we will definitely fight with the blood demon man, which is too expensive."

Fangyun Road: "Yes, we can make a detour, but everyone here knows the situation of the Shihan ancient land. Next, the Shihan ancient land will become colder and colder, and the peak will be reached when we are born in the ice emperor palace. So many of us rush ahead of time. For all of us, the number of casualties will exceed 20% just because we are on the way. How long will we wait outside the ice emperor palace? One month? Two months? More than three months, half of the people under the promotion will die! "

Everyone was silent. In fact, everyone present knew it, but they didn't dare to bear the consequences of fighting with the blood demon man.

To help the star demon man is to protect Wanxing pass and the Terran.

Fangyun Road: "Ordinary people can't see the teeth of the blood demon man biting their throat, the children can't see the claws tearing their flesh and blood, the scholar can't see the cries of countless human enemies, the whole people can't see the corpses on the way to the ice emperor palace, and the Jinshi can't see the blood demon man and the ice family waiting in front of the ice emperor palace. However, we should and must see! Why we can lead the human race, Not because we can reduce their fear in the great disaster, but to reduce the disaster before the great disaster and fight the disaster in the great disaster! "

Everyone's eyes became focused, and everyone looked at Fang Yun with respect.

"The saint decided to help the star demon barbarian, fight the blood demon barbarian, and give a big gift for the next two boundary mountain war! I will bear all the consequences! I will bear all the charges! I will bear all the curses!"

The faces of several great scholars present here showed a faint sense of shame.

Making a decision is always more difficult than waiting for a decision, but people often complain about the former.

Until this time, many people understood that Fang Yun did look at the problem from a higher perspective and even saw through the layout of the demon world. This cold ancient land is likely to become the prelude to the second liangjieshan war. If the blood demon man can win, he will launch the second liangjieshan war with the victory Yuwei.

There is no evidence to prove that this is related to the second two boundary mountain war, but they should and must see it!

A strange light flashed in Han Jun's eyes and said, "I support Fang Xusheng and help the star demon man as much as possible. However, how to help is the key to the problem."

"What your majesty Han Jun said is that if there were an appropriate way of assistance, I would have proposed assistance a few days ago. The problem now is that I really don't know how we can do it." Meng Jingye said.

Fang Yun smiled and said, "my income in Shengyuan mainland has been confiscated in recent years because of fighting against the punishment hall. As long as the star demon can afford money, I take off the following clothes and only represent myself. I volunteer to join the star demon man for a period of time and make enough money before I leave."

As Fang Yun said this, he took off his bachelor's uniform in public and put on an ordinary scholar's long shirt.

One after another, some senior scholars got up and began to change their coats.

There seems to be warmth flowing in Han Jun's palace.
