The main body of Han Jun's palace seems to be a huge iceberg. I don't know which craftsman dug the palace in the iceberg.

Most of the ice walls of the palace are transparent, but there are always some secret ice walls attached with a layer of light fog, which makes it impossible to see the inside.

The palace itself is very simple. It is nothing more than an iceberg hollowed out and carved, plus some ice carvings and patterns. However, because of the characteristics of ice, the whole palace emits strange light and beautiful everywhere.

Over every door and window, there was a strange rainbow, which attracted Fang Yun's attention.

There is no heavy snow in Hanjun palace. Only a little snow will float in to decorate the ice world, so that the Palace Square is no longer monotonous.

Fang Yun was careful at the beginning, but soon found that the ice was not very smooth, but more like an ordinary slate.

Yan ningxiao introduced while walking.

"There are many cities in the Shihan ancient land, but only the ten cities where Han Jun lives are really called cold cities. All the other cities are built the day after tomorrow. These ten cold cities, like the ice emperor palace, are natural things here. They will reappear no matter how many times the Shihan ancient land was born or died."

"This is the big square. There are more than five miles between the outer gate and the gate of the Imperial Palace, which is very inconvenient. Also, you see, the shape of the palace is very different from the style of the human race. It is extremely huge. The main hall was chiseled out with a big iceberg. The two side halls were built by later generations and made of a large number of ice cubes..."

Fang Yun walked forward while listening to Yan ningxiao's introduction.

In front of the big square is the front of the palace. The main hall is extremely magnificent, with a maximum of 100 feet, which can be called a behemoth.

After only a few eyes, Fang Yun had determined that 90% of the owners of the palace were ancient demons, but he did not rule out early demon barbarians. After all, ancient demons were the ancestors of demon barbarians. The two sides had lived and fought together for hundreds of thousands of years, and they had been compatible in many aspects.

The five mile journey is very long. Yan ningxiao dutifully explained. Fang Yun spent most of his time thinking about the origin of the Shihan ancient land and where the power to attract him came from. At present, it is speculated that the biggest possibility is the star demon man. After all, the star demon man believes in the moon god and he is the moon emperor.

When he approached the main hall, Yan ningxiao finished his explanation and said with a smile, "since you have entered the ancient cold land, I'll tell you a little secret."

Fang Yun smiled. Unexpectedly, the great Confucian had such an interesting side.

"Please," Fang Yun said.

"How to punish you after you fight against the punishment hall is a headache for the elders of the punishment hall. My brother Ning Shan sent a letter to the elder of the punishment hall and punished you to go to the ancient land to fight for the human race before Cheng Daru. During the cultural meeting in Yueyang Tower, if Jiao Sheng arrives in Yueyang Tower, my Yan family will certainly come forward, so as to win your trust and let you enter the cold ancient land! Unfortunately, Jiao Sheng didn't even surface, so he was killed by you "The story of Yueyang Tower" scares back the jiaosheng palace. "Yan ningxiao said.

Several Yan Family college students behind him smiled, and most of the Yan family showed an original appearance.

Fang Yun smiled helplessly and said, "it's all calculation. It seems that you Yan family can't find the right person."

"No, I can't find a more suitable person than you." Yan ningxiao said.

"How much confidence can the Yan family have in dealing with Jiao Sheng?" Fang Yun asked.

"Ten percent!" Yan ningxiao, a modest old man, said with a trace of pride.

"Yes," Fang Yun said, "but just for a cold monarch, the Yan family can't be willing to resist the jiaosheng. I'm afraid there's another plan?" Fang Yun said.

"When I meet the ninth cold gentleman, I will mention the reason." Yan ningxiao said.

Fang Yun nodded and didn't speak.

At the bottom of the stairs of the main hall, most people stopped, and only Yan ningxiao, Fang Yun and five university scholars went up.

The seven people came to the door of the magnificent main hall. Before entering the door, Fang Yun felt a vast and majestic atmosphere filled the front. He could not know what power it was or where it came from. He couldn't help feeling awe in his heart.

Fang Yun had a similar feeling when he entered zhensin temple, holy temple and other places.

Fang Yun blinked. The front was suddenly bright. The huge main hall was like a beautiful crystal palace. There was no fancy or elaborate. Everything looked so rough, but it had an unspeakable beauty.

In the depths of the main hall more than 300 feet away, there are layers of ice platforms stacked upward. At the top of the ice platform, there is a throne like ice and jade. On the throne sits an old man with an ice crown with a red diamond on his head. He is thin, his eyes are deep, and there is a very faint flow of red light in his eyes.

Seeing the throne, Fang Yun's eyes moved. Others didn't know the goods, but he saw at a glance that the material of the throne was a rare divine object in ancient times. The translated adult language was "longevity jade", which was a divine object that could prolong people's life.

Both the dragon and the ancient demon regard this as a treasure.

Then Fang Yun took a look at the ice crown on the man's head, which was also Shouyu, but the material was not as good as the larger throne!

Even if he was in a good mood, Fang Yun had a desire to get the throne for Yang Yuhuan.

However, after a moment, Fang Yun suppressed the idea. After all, it is the property of others. As a person, it is harmless to have inappropriate ideas. Whether he can control his mind and prevent inappropriate ideas from turning into words and deeds is the difference between human beings and animals.

Shouyu was quite a lot a long time ago, but it was very rare when the ancient demon rose. When the demon man conquered the world, it almost disappeared. Even the demon man's Classics rarely recorded this kind of divine object. Even if it was recorded, there was no accurate description.

But Fang Yun got the inheritance of ancient demons. In the picture of ancient demon inheritance, he saw this longevity jade many times.

The old man on the throne squeezed out a smile and walked down slowly.

"The ninth cold gentleman, I've heard a lot about Fang Xusheng!" the ninth cold gentleman carries his hands and looks free and easy, but his pale skin and dark circles make him look less dignified.

Fang Yun doesn't adapt to this claim, but he knows that this is the rule of the Shihan ancient land. Once he takes over the post of Han Jun, he must change his name.

"Fang Yun has seen your majesty Han Jun." Fang Yun bowed his hand without giving a big gift.

"I have seen your majesty Han Jun!" except the great scholar Yan ningxiao, the other five great scholars bowed deeply and had complete etiquette.

The ninth cold gentleman approached with a smile and said, "they are all their own people. There is no need to be polite."

The man's tone was obviously very kind, but his expression was like a skin smile.

Yan ningxiao said, "Your Majesty Han Jun, Fang Xusheng came for the birth and death of the ancient land. You are the Supreme Master of the ninth cold city. It's up to you to explain why you invited him."

The ninth cold gentleman nodded and said, "let's get down to business first. Fang Xusheng, the reason why the Yan family invited you here is because they suspect that the ice family and the demon man are working together to completely drive our human family out of the Shihan ancient land!"
