"Well, this should be a misunderstanding, but it's difficult to do. If those people are severely punished, it's the enthusiasm to crack down on the captors. The good situation in Xiangzhou may disappear. If they are not severely punished, someone will gossip and point the spear at Xiangzhou officials. You can tell which is more important?"

Fang Yun finished and looked at Dong Wencong without expression.

Dong Wencong looked at Fang Yun seriously. After watching Fang Yun for more than 30 seconds, he said positively: "what my Lord said is that there is nothing perfect in the world. It is a just move to crack down on spirit animal traffickers this time. Even if there is some noise, it will not hurt the great elegance. Don't worry, my Lord. My servant will deal with it properly to avoid causing more trouble."

"Well, you go down," Fang Yun said.

Dong Wencong saluted solemnly and then left.

Dong Wencong walked out of the governor's house slowly, meditating as he walked. After walking for a while, he hurried to get the official seal, then sent a letter to issue an order, and then looked through the letter he had just arrived.

Fang Shouye, governor of Xiangzhou, first sent a letter.

"Lao Dong, what's the matter? I sent a letter to ask Fang Yun how to deal with this matter. He said it was a small matter and left it to you. It's not like his style! The key is that the fight against the spirit beast traffickers is in full swing, and he will celebrate soon. If this happens, it will have a great impact on his prestige! This fight against the spirit beast traffickers is so powerful that it's inevitable that someone will pretend to be a tiger and provoke many people's dissatisfaction , once this happens, it will inevitably lead to controversy. "

Dong Wencong sighed and hesitated. After a few breaths, he looked firm and sent a letter to reply.

"This achievement belongs to the governor. I don't allow anyone to destroy it! Fang Dayan, you are my old friend for many years and Fang Xusheng's uncle. You should know how to do it!"

Half an hour later, Fang Shouye sent a reply.

"I see. It's not easy to get a stable situation in Xiangzhou. No matter what you do, there are some small accidents. Even if there is an impact, you should control it within a certain range and resolutely not affect the overall situation. However, how do you want to deal with it?"

"Thanks for governor Zhang's understanding. I'm afraid I need to borrow someone from the army to accompany me to the place where the incident happened, comfort the families of the dead, apologize to the families of the dead, and ask them to give up investigating the matter. We will give sufficient compensation." in the process of passing the letter, Dong Wencong's look will gradually return to normal. Like all bureaucrats, he has rich experience in dealing with this matter, Calm down.

"Don't worry, pastor. I will certainly arrange elite soldiers to follow and protect the scene to avoid people with ulterior motives taking the opportunity to provoke trouble!"

Dong Wencong thought about it, directly used the rare flying leaf empty boat to find the place where the past happened, found the elders of the deceased's family, used both soft and hard, and finally suppressed the matter. The murderous constable was transferred from the local area to the state yamen as an idle post.

However, the matter was somehow spread to the discussion list. Soon, a Qingguo whole people issued a document on the discussion list, attacking Fang Yun.

The article points out very sharply that Fang Yun is a hypocrite who likes to make great achievements. In order to avoid this incident affecting the action against spirit animal traffickers, to avoid damaging his political achievements and to his reputation, he covered the lid and did not severely punish the murderer.

This time, many scholars who supported Fang Yun did not speak, because according to the current situation, Fang Yun did something wrong.

However, some people fought back.

"If anyone is Fang Xusheng, this will be the case. This attack on spirit animal traffickers is not isolated. It involves the murder of 15 members of the family, his oath, and even the open and secret struggle between the two countries. If Fang Xusheng severely punishes the captors, it means that the captors are wrong, that many captors will have to restrain, and that revenge for 15 lives is empty talk What's more, Fang Yun admitted that there was a big mistake in this action! Then, the Liushan Party of Jingguo will certainly take action and turn the original credit into criminal responsibility! Fang Xusheng is right to do so for the sake of those 15 human lives and the peace of Xiangzhou. "

"If Xiangzhou officials ignore this matter, we can attack Fang Xusheng. However, Xiangzhou pastor personally apologized, handed the compensation to the family of the deceased, and even got the understanding of the whole family of the deceased. I think Fang Xusheng is not wrong. If we must say that he is wrong, it is wrong that he can't control every officer all the time!"

The two sides continued to argue, and the discussion list became particularly lively.

Fang Yun didn't seem to be affected by this incident at all. After Dong Wencong handled it, he never mentioned it again, but began to rectify the administration of officials step by step.

Then the east wind of the strike hard, the authority of Fang Yun was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the rectification of the administration of officials was not obstructed.

Fang Yun had reorganized the style of writing before, requiring Xiangzhou to simplify and accurately write documents, use easy-to-use common characters, and abandon the previous loud voice. This process was very smooth.

Now, Fang Yun began to rectify the extravagance and listed some very strict rules.

For example, officials can participate in the cultural conference, but any reward of more than twelve silver from the cultural conference will be either refunded or confiscated.

At the same time, all cultural meetings held by the government are required to be simplified. Except for large festivals and conventional cultural meetings, other cultural meetings shall not be held in the name of the government. Different cultural conferences have different scales. The costs of cultural conferences of each scale are clearly listed. We must not overspend.

In addition, it also requires the Yamen to save expenses and not waste.

All dynasties and all generations have been rectifying the administration of officials, so the officials of Xiangzhou do not feel much afraid. As before, they ostensibly respond to Fang Yun's call, but secretly they are no different from before.

On October 14, a news spread like an explosion in the government offices of Xiangzhou. The county magistrate of MINGGU county did not report to the government office, so he privately held a cultural meeting in the name of the government. He ate, drank and indulged at the cultural meeting. He has been taken away by the people of the governor's office for investigation.

Xiangzhou officials were in a panic and didn't know what Fang Yun was going to do this time.

On October 16, the official document of the governor's office was officially issued, revealing the misdeeds of MINGGU county magistrate, and has been sent to the capital for investigation. Although it is impossible to announce the verdict in the official document, there are words such as bad influence, major crime and crime against the wind. Everyone knows that MINGGU county magistrate is finished.

MINGGU county magistrate was born as a Jinshi. As long as he didn't commit a major crime, he was only transferred to the battlefield to fight against demons and barbarians. However, once convicted, it means that he will never be an official in Jingguo again.

MINGGU county magistrate is just a miscellaneous person. It can even be said that he either betrays the country to celebrate the country, or gives up the miscellaneous holy way, otherwise he will never break through and become a scholar.

This is already the most severe punishment for Jinshi. Another serious step is to deprive him of his literary position.

MINGGU county magistrate shocked all over the world. People knew that Fang Yun was serious.

Fang Yun began to take the official Liwei of Xiangzhou!

Many officials immediately stopped, and some timid officials refused all entertainment at two o'clock in the Yamen and at home every day.
