Another quarter of an hour later, Fang Yun's face appeared angry.

He was about to find the man, but Han said that Lin's bravery mark on the man had been erased, and he couldn't know where the man was now.

Fang Yun bit his teeth and didn't give up. He flew in the direction of the second person.

Three quarters of an hour later, the other three people's feelings disappeared.

Fang Yun stepped into the clouds and stopped over a wilderness.

Fang Yun took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and flew to the nearest Qingguo county.

Close to the county, connect with the holy temple, and the official seal immediately received some news.

After getting the general direction given by Han shuolin, Qijun toured the world with a jade seal, sealed the two criminals with Guoyun Town, and finally sent someone to catch them. He had already used a flying leaf empty boat to transport the two people, and he could reach baling city at night.

The treatment of the two countries is too different. Fang Yun's heart is warm. He solemnly thanks Qijun and says that he owes Qijun a big favor and must be rewarded.

Han said Lin hasn't sent a book yet. It seems that it will take time to find those people.

Fang Yun took a deep breath and hurriedly sent a letter to Qingjun.

"Mr. Qing, please give me a warning. I'm sorry to be rude and polite. The case of the extermination of Zhengde County shocked the world. In order to solve the case as soon as possible, I'd like to speak to Mr. Lin. it is said that Mr. Lin's investigation shows that the culprit of the case is in Qingguo, for the sake of both countries. He said that Mr. Lin only made a mark and did not arrest him. After I learned this, I wanted to discuss the joint arrest with your country, but I don't understand it Unfortunately, someone in your country has mobilized the national movement to erase Mr. Lin's mark. I dare ask Qing Jun, who in your country protects the murderer? "

Fang Yun stood quietly on the green clouds, looking at the direction of Qingjing, his eyes like ice, waiting for Qingjun's reply.

As time passed, Fang Yun remained calm.

After a full quarter of an hour, Qing Jun sent the book.

"Fang Xusheng is talking nonsense when he is ill. If you are too stupid to catch the murderer, just admit it. Why do you throw sewage into Qingguo? What is protecting the murderer? You laugh at the people of Qingguo at the cultural meeting. Even if the cultural meeting is over, you still plant a false accusation against the people of Qingguo? Who can't bear it? I just learned that you are in Qingguo. I'm not far away. Please help yourself. I'm not far away Send! "

Fang Yun bit his teeth and sent the book again.

"This case involves 15 people's lives and is of great importance. I'd like to ask Qingjun and Qingguo officials to help catch the murderer in order to comfort the spirits of the 15 people in heaven."

Qingjun didn't reply immediately. It took Zhong Qingjun two quarters to reply.

"The matter of King has nothing to do with Qingguo. However, the people of king are dead and king is incompetent. If you ask Qingguo, Qingguo will naturally help you. Well, you will be received by officials when you go to the Ministry of punishment."

Fang Yun was silent for a moment and sent the book for the third time.

"Your Majesty Qingjun, although you and I have private hatred, Jingqing and the two countries are antagonistic, but the victims are innocent. The hatred between you and me should not be borne by them! I beg you to put aside your prejudices and help the fifteen innocent people, so that the murderer can know that the net of justice is broad and sparse."

After another half an hour, Qingjun replied.

"Fang Xusheng, do you have a fever again? I said Qingguo would lend a helping hand. As long as you go to the criminal Department of Qingguo, you will be received by officials. Why, because you are Xusheng, you want to do whatever you want in Qingguo?"

Fang Yun did not reply to Qing Jun, but used the virtual Saint privilege to directly order the people of the criminal hall to investigate the location of the principal offender.

It is quite taboo to use the power of the holy courtyard to investigate the affairs of various countries. In particular, Fang Yun, who is also the governor of the two states of Jingguo, almost used the holy courtyard to spy on the intelligence of Qingguo on behalf of Jingguo. Therefore, Fang Yun did not use this means at the beginning.

But now, Fang Yun is not ready to continue to entangle with Qing Jun.

After only waiting for half an hour, the punishment hall sent a letter to Fang Yun. The principal criminal and four accomplices in Qingguo have all been received into the capital and become the imperial army of Qingguo! The information obtained shows that the five people will remain in Qingguo palace all the time.

Seeing the information given by the punishment hall, Fang Yun gnashed his teeth and wanted to rush to Qingjun and slap him in the face.

Qingjun wanted to protect the murderer. Fang Yun had already prepared mentally, but he didn't expect to protect to this extent!

If the five murderers are placed elsewhere, even if it is a big account in the army, Fang Yun can rush in to catch people or kill people.

If in an ordinary city, Fang Yun can also control the holy temple as a virtual saint, and then go in to catch people, which will not be disturbed by Qing officials or even Qing Jun.

But in the capital of Qingguo, Qingjun is the first controller of the holy temple.

In Qingjing, if Fang Yun does something wrong, Qing Jun can seal Fang Yun, and then the holy courtyard will solve it.

What's more, the five murderers are in the palace.

The palaces of each country are blessed by many semi holy forces, and there are likely to be powerful treasures, even semi holy cultural treasures.

Don't say that Fang Yun is just a great scholar. Even if a great Confucian intrudes into the palace, he will be killed by a powerful force.

Fang Yun clenched his fist tightly. Unexpectedly, Qingjun was shameless to this extent in order to protect the murderer.

Fang Yun sends the fourth transmittal to Qingjun.

"Qing Jun, hand over the five people in the palace, otherwise you will regret what you did today!" Fang Yun's anger jumped to the letter.

This time, Qing Jun replied quickly.

"Fang Xusheng, you're crazy! I don't understand what you're talking about. If you do that again, don't blame me and Sue the holy court! I've been patient again and again, and even asked the Ministry of justice to cooperate with you to arrest the murderer, but you've repeatedly said rude words, so I'll stop this cooperation. Please Fang Xusheng leave Qingguo as soon as possible. If anything unpleasant happens in Qingguo, I won't be responsible! In addition, if you really have something in your heart If you are really a good governor of the kingdom of Jing and a good virtual saint of the human race, then come to Qingjing and kneel and kowtow step by step from the south gate to the gate of the palace and admit your mistake in front of me. Then I will help you find the murderer. If you can't do it, don't talk about it! "

Fang Yun was filled with anger after reading the letter.

Even when Zonglei and his family colluded with jiaosheng, Fang Yun was not so angry.

It was clear that the spirits of 15 people in heaven could rest in peace without effort, but Qing Jun ignored it.

Obviously, it is easy to let the cruel murderers get their due punishment, but Qingjun protects them.

Obviously, justice can be done with only one word, but Qingjun is constantly obstructed for his own personal hatred.

Fang Yun has never hated a person so much.

He slowly turned his direction and carried Fang Yun to the direction of Baling city.

Now it is the night of Shengyuan continent. The Wenqu star shines high and the world is clear.

Fang Yun looked at the great mountains and rivers below, and a firm color flashed in his eyes.

"When I become holy..."

Fang Yun suddenly opened his mouth. There was nothing strange when he said the first word, but when he finished these five words, the vitality of heaven and earth in a radius of thousands of miles was completely boiling. Then a great force came down from the sky, centered on Fang Yun, and instantly spread throughout the whole Shengyuan continent.

At this moment, everyone in Shengyuan continent, no matter men, women, young and old, no matter the level of literature, no matter how literate, can hear an angry and grand voice.
