By 10:00 p.m., all 55 young people had finished writing poems, and the good poems were appreciated and commented by the University. I wonder if they were influenced by "Celebrating the dog barking at the snow" and "Celebrating the donkey's poor skills". None of the poems of the five young scholars in Qingguo went out of the county. The best one lined up with some Jingguo officials to secretly pay attention to Zuo XiangLiu mountain in ordinary blue robes among the crowd, But he stood there like an ordinary person from beginning to end without any special action. Without Fang Yun's warning, these officials could not find Liushan at all.

When there was still a quarter of an hour left, Fang Yun suddenly looked at Dong Wencong and focused on it.

Dong Wencong immediately nodded in response, and then held the official seal. She didn't know what she was doing.

After only three breaths, suddenly a woman's cry spread through the amplified conch.

"Hua qingniang, the people's daughter of Xiangzhou, please Qingjun and Gujun preside over justice for the people's daughter!"

The people who were watching the acrobatics were startled and looked at the direction of the sound together.

There is the place where the people of Xiangzhou are located. You can see that the calligraphy written by Qing Jun, the "Duanmu legacy", was held up again, and the people of Qingjiang commercial firm led by GE Yiming stood beside Hua qingniang.

Later, Ge Yiming's tongue burst with spring thunder and said, "Ge Yiming, a Jinshi in xiaxiangzhou, sued the governors of the two states for Fang Yun's abuse of power and wanton attack on Qingjiang business! Please preside over justice with your Majesties Qingjun and Gujun!"

When GE Yiming finished, many people showed that they knew it would be like this, but some people were stunned and couldn't believe looking at Hua qingniang and Ge Yiming. This is the biggest Mid Autumn Festival cultural meeting in the history of the Terran. It's too much for Fang Yun at this time. It's more than breaking up with kindness and righteousness if you don't give Fang Yun some face at all.

Later, Qingjun spoke with the jade seal and spread hundreds of miles.

"I'm the king of Qingguo. It's inconvenient to deal with the internal affairs of Jingguo, but Qingjiang firm is a firm of Qingguo. If I don't say a few words, I'm afraid it will chill the hearts of the people of Qingguo. Fang Xusheng, is Ge Yiming true about Qingjiang firm? Have you issued some decrees against Qingjiang firm?"

Fang Yun's tongue bloomed and Chunlei replied, "Qingjiang firm? Yes, I hit their flower building."

Qingjun didn't expect Fang Yun to answer so happily, but he was stunned, and many people were also stunned.

After several interest rates, the people of Xiangzhou praised Fang Yun one after another.


"I have long been unhappy with Qingjiang firm. It was rumored that it was Fang Xusheng's attack. Some people said it was not. Now the truth comes out!"

"Just want to do Qingjiang business, deserve it!"

"In that case, I have to intervene! Hum!" Qing Jun snorted coldly.

Suddenly, a Hanlin stood up from seat C, bowed his hand to Fang Yun, then bowed his hand to everyone, and said with spring thunder: "I'm a collateral of the Sun Bin family, the imperial scholar sun Shicong. Dare you ask Fang Xusheng, do you remember the gambling of the family in those years? Still remember that year, I Sun Bin family believed that you could write 16 handed down war poems in three years, so I bet with a miscellaneous family on a semi holy dress and some land shops. As a result, you didn't finish writing 16 handed down war poems until the beginning of spring this year and failed to become the world Master! I, the Sun Bin family, have been counting the land and house deeds these days. I am humble in the Sun Bin family, but as Zhang Mingzhou said in his poems, "I am humble and dare not forget to worry about the country"! The elders of the Sun Bin family are generous, but I want the other Xusheng to say today, please apologize to the Sun Bin family because you have betrayed our trust! "

The whole audience was in an uproar. The Sun Bin aristocratic family is one of the strongest semi holy aristocratic families in the military family. Now the sun family openly accuses Fang Yun. Should the Sun Bin aristocratic family and the military family start to join hands with other families against Fang Yun?

However, when people think about it, it is not like that the literary giants who killed the strategists were very likely to be canonized in vain. After LV Buwei's canonization, the strategists have been attached to the miscellaneous scholars, resulting in the opposition between the miscellaneous scholars and the strategists for many years, and the miscellaneous scholars can never pay the price of reconciliation with the strategists.

But after only a few moments, a great scholar in purple got up with a grim face and said, "I'm sun Tianxiong, a great scholar of the Sun Bin family. I hereby announce that sun Shicong betrayed the Sun Bin family and was listed as the public enemy of the family. I personally arrested him and escorted him back to the sun family. The family law will deal with him!"

With that, sun Tianxiong grabbed sun Shicong, who was dozens of feet away. Sun Shicong flew to sun Tianxiong involuntarily, as if he had been grabbed by an invisible big hand by the collar.

After counting the rest, sun Tianxiong pinched sun Shicong's neck with his right hand like a chicken, stepped slowly up, then bowed his head slightly to Fang Yun and said, "today's matter, my Sun Bin family will certainly give Fang Xusheng an explanation. Of course, some people must also give my Sun Bin family an explanation!" Sun Tianxiong said that, he took a fierce look at Zong Ganyu and Qingjun, the leaders of Zongsheng family, and walked away.

Until then, all the people understood that Zong's family or Qingjun should have plotted against sun Shicong by some means and asked him to come forward at this time to find Fang Yun's trouble.

Sun Tianxiong is not far away yet. Young scholars from many aristocratic families have spring thunder in their tongues. They accuse Fang Yun of causing their aristocratic family to lose the gamble.

All those aristocratic families, without exception, announced that they would be expelled from the aristocratic family.

However, this has had a great negative impact on Fang Yun. Not only other people have doubts, but also the people of Xiangzhou began to doubt Fang Yun's ability.

Gu Nan, the great scholar of Qingguo and the Minister of the Ministry of officials, had a cold voice and a spring thunder: "I heard that the Chen Sheng family of Jingguo lost to the Zong family in that big gamble. Why didn't they pay the bet?"
