Amid the disputes over the list, the Terrans ushered in the annual Mid Autumn Festival, and people everywhere took to the streets one after another.

On the mid autumn festival every year, a large number of scholars begin to gather, especially in Fucheng and even the capital. They will warm up in advance. Many people will go to some places where literati gather to touch their literary style and talent.

Today, many people arrived at the usual venue of the cultural conference and found that the scene was deserted and there was no festive atmosphere at all. Even if there was a cultural conference, the literary position of the participants was not high. After asking, they knew what happened.

The Sihai dragon clan announced the location of the temporary Haiyan early. From August 13, scholars from all over the Terran clan began to go to the temporary Haiyan.

Although there are many sea eyes, the Shengyuan continent is vast. Scholars in some remote areas are often thousands of miles away from the nearest sea eye. Even if there are Jiaoma who travel three or four thousand miles a day, it needs to be two or three days in advance.

If you look down on the Shengyuan continent from a high altitude, you will see that there are large and small temporary sea holes in various waters. These sea holes are different, but they have two things in common. They are surrounded by dense people, not only scholars, but also many ordinary people with families.

Another thing in common is that all these sea holes lead one way to the horse head outside baling city.

Shazhou, located in the valley country in the west of Shengyuan continent, takes oasis as its county.

Yangma county is a large oasis with tents and more than 50000 people.

The center of Yangma county is a lake. In the center of the lake, a black vortex appears, and the vortex is slowly expanding.

Around the lake, a large number of people gathered. At a glance, there were more than 70000.

Among these people, the number of scholars is less than 3000, and the vast majority are ordinary people with families.

A small number of civilians were wounded, and not far from them, more than 5000 soldiers will be ready. Farther away, many people in Yangma county are watching the excitement.

At the edge of the lake, there is a clear distinction between readers and non readers.

A seven year old girl was wearing a blue coarse cloth with seven patches. She carried a small backpack and held her father's hand in her right hand.

The little girl asked angrily, "Daddy, they are all from the valley country. Why did you beat us?"

"We're going to go to Jingguo to take refuge in Fang Xusheng. They won't let us go, but we have to go. Naturally, they want to beat us. Hum, fortunately, there are many of us, plus there are people in the holy yard, and Fang Xusheng sends a letter to Gu Jun, otherwise we will all be caught in prison." the black faced middle-aged man grabbed his daughter in one hand and the big burden on the ground in the other hand.

"Ah? It's great to take refuge in Fang Xusheng!" the little girl was very happy, but she looked worried behind her. "Those officers and soldiers seem to be attacking us. Will we be killed?"

"Give them ten courage and don't dare to do so! As long as we don't start first, they just kill people. Scholars from all over the world can drown them with one mouthful of saliva. What's more, Fang Xusheng stands on our side! Look at those injured uncles and uncles. At first, those officers and soldiers wanted to catch them, but they resisted while shouting Fang Xusheng and with the help of others The officers and soldiers dare not come hard. "Black faced middle-aged humanist.

"Well, if Fang Xusheng is here, we won't be afraid. By the way, Dad, can we eat meat when we see Fang Xusheng?" the little girl looked up at her father seriously.

The black faced middle-aged man sighed softly and said, "Fang Xusheng is the best to the people and the most fair to the people all over the world. At the beginning, we may not be able to eat meat, but in Jingguo, even if there are dog officials, Fang Xusheng will do justice for us. As long as we make a good living, we will definitely eat meat in the future!"

An old man nearby sighed: "yes, it's better to be a long-term worker for Fang Xusheng than to be a common people on the sandbar! The officials of the valley state are lawless. If we can live, why go hundreds of thousands of miles away?"

A young man in Chinese clothes snorted coldly and said: "I can live, but I don't want to be so oppressed! The miscellaneous family and the group of dogs in the valley country should pay tribute to the barbarians, cut land every year and make compensation every year. I'd rather go to the Jing country to fight with the demons and barbarians than suffer from this cowardice here. The Jing country is not much less than the valley country. The two countries have always been difficult brothers and sisters, but if there is a false saint, there is hope!"

"Yes, if we people want to go, we can't live or we are too unhappy. If we have enough to eat and wear, if we are calm, we don't have to carry the stigma of treason," the old man added.

People nearby kept talking, and some even scolded the officers and soldiers in the distance and officials of the valley state.

Gu officials looked at these people helplessly, and not far from these people, more than 3000 scholars had complex faces.

These scholars are also from Gu country. After learning the news of Yueyang Tower Cultural Club, they came from thousands of miles one after another to prepare to use Haiyan to go to baling city.

Compared with other Haiyan, there are fewer scholars here, not only because it is vast and sparsely populated, but also because it is too far from baling City, and the temporary Haiyan is moved in one direction. Once you return to baling City, it will take several months to get home.

These scholars in the valley country originally only wanted to participate in the rare event of the human race, but they saw with their own eyes that the 60000 or 70000 people who were going to flee to Jingguo were full of contradictions. On the one hand, they didn't want to see the people of the Valley Country betray the country, on the other hand, they understood that these people really couldn't live, so they had to leave here. If they continued to stay in the valley country, they would be waiting for death.

Because there is a holy temple here, some scholars sent what they saw and heard to the discussion list, shaking the whole people.

Subsequently, scholars from all over the country successively sent documents, not only Gu state, but also Kong City. People in every country moved to Jing state with the help of Haiyan.

On the morning of August 15, all the Terrans' sights were attracted by the temporary sea eyes and the people around them.

In Baling City, Xiangzhou, which does not need a sea eye, undercurrent surges.

The street outside Lishi yamen has been blocked by dense carriages, and hundreds of Xiangzhou officials have gathered in the courtyard of Lishi Yamen.

Nie changju is a kind-hearted old man, but at this moment, everyone seems to see lightning and thunder in the clear sky reflected by his eyes.

Nie changju glanced at the hundreds of officials in front of him, smiled calmly and said, "you go to Yueyang Tower today, not for anything else, just to participate in the cultural conference. When you see the dispute between Zhang Longxiang and governor Fang, the governor's office is the largest here. You don't want to talk nonsense. Remember."

The officials present nodded gently. Nie changju's meaning was very clear. Fang Yun took charge of the official seal of the governor. As long as he wanted to, all their actions in Baling city could not hide from him. However, before becoming holy, even if Fang Yun had two purposes, Fang Yun could not monitor hundreds of people at the same time, which was a huge burden for his literary palace.

Nie changju continued: "we are officials of Xiangzhou, of the kingdom of Jing, but also of the human race! Saints have words. If you don't have a king, you can't be a minister. If the superior official is wrong, we should stick to the character of scholars even if we give up our life and die! Of course, there is no accident. We just need to watch quietly today. If there is an accident, it will be a great opportunity for you to stay in history!"
