Zeng Yuan said with a wry smile, "the students were persuaded by you. Even if the Terrans don't implement common characters, they can make progress, but if they use common characters, they can make progress faster, so it's better to choose to implement common characters. I will never advise you to use less common characters in Min Bao, but will advise you to use more, because it can make more people read min Bao. At the same time, the students admit a mistake to you."

"Oh?" Fang Yun looked at Zeng yuan.

Zeng yuan's face was slightly red and he coughed softly and said: "Students didn't realize it at the beginning. After listening to your words, they realized that students support complex orthographic characters. In fact, they use orthographic characters as a roadblock to obstruct others. Words are a tool, and the information carried by words can continuously improve themselves. People's mastery of words is strong or weak. The more complex this tool is, the more people who have weak mastery will be able to master it There are fewer strong people. There are more difficult to learn and more troublesome articles. The gap between those people and me will become larger and larger. Only a few geniuses can equal or even surpass my achievements in the imperial examination when they are far inferior to me in terms of body, time and family background. The orthodox characters may not hinder those geniuses, but can make most ordinary people People are more mediocre. In fact, I don't mean to obstruct others, but... I instinctively do that. "

Fangyun Road: "So Confucius once said, self-restraint and return to propriety. Saints should restrain themselves and follow ethics in order to achieve the realm of benevolence. You and I are not saints. Naturally, we can't do self-restraint and return to propriety. Naturally, our instinct is to reduce competitors and make our desires easier to meet. This is due to nature. Unless we become saints, who dares to say that our instinct is bad and who dares to say that we are evil , who dares to say that our human nature is ugly, that person must be a great traitor and evil man. "

Zeng yuan nodded repeatedly at the beginning, heard the last light cough and said, "fortunately, Xunzi is a saint of Asia."

Fang Yun smiled. Although Xunzi's theory of evil nature has many explanations, it does not regard human instinct as neutral in essence.

Fang Yun continued: "before the first World War of liangjieshan, that is, 60 years ago, Wen Bao" There was a news that shocked the whole people. A private school teacher taught students with a stick, and finally killed one student and maimed three. After that, countries reflected, so many places began to relax education, reduce the school time of Mongolian children, reduce the number of scriptures in textbooks, learn more poetry, learn more riding and shooting swordsmanship, and learn more Cuju. But after the first liangjieshan war, the saints suddenly Do you know why you came forward to stop this kind of liberal education? "

Zeng yuan frowned and thought for a moment, then looked ashamed and said: "At that time, the students couldn't figure out why the local government implemented liberal education for civilians, but our aristocratic families still forced their children to study crazy. After listening to your words, I finally understood that, to put it mildly, this is the way for the weak branches of the holy aristocratic families to be strong. To put it mildly, people in high positions obviously benefit from a good educational environment, but in order to let their offspring continue to live In order to prevent their offspring from being replaced by low-level people, high-level people use the most vicious means to cut off the way for low-level people to rise. The best way for low-level people to rise is to read, study hard and do everything! "

Fang Yun smiled and said, "there is nothing new in the sun. When it comes to this deception, you did many similar things in those years."

Zeng was stunned at first, then he showed shame again and said: "It's true. Whenever we want to buy some government workshops that have potential to make money, we will spread a lot of news that seems true or false, or even nine true and one false, before the acquisition, so that all the people think that there is a big problem in those government workshops, and all the people will be affected. Only selling them will make the people better. Three years ago, we were purchasing the freight and passenger transport business run by Yuzhou government At the meeting, they spread news everywhere about how greedy the leaders of the chambers of commerce are and how expensive they charge for delivering goods and passengers. This is asking for directions. If the people find out our intention and oppose the acquisition of the government chamber of Commerce, we will stop and wait for the next opportunity. If the people do not find it and successfully form public resentment and think the government should sell the chamber of Commerce, we will take over it immediately and find it What can those people do to us except complain when the time comes to raise prices? However, since I told you, I will not do such a thing again. "

"No, we will certainly do this kind of thing, perhaps not to embezzle the workshop or make money, but for our own interests, we will certainly do similar things," Fang Yun said.

Zeng yuan was speechless.

Fang Yun said, "let's go on with min Bao. What you said at the beginning is very important, so min Bao should make targeted changes. From the next min Bao At the beginning, the contents related to people's livelihood, society and current affairs will be written in plain spoken Chinese, and a large number of common characters will be used, which can not only make ordinary people understand, but also make them like to read, without setting any obstacles for them. As for the imperial examination and culture, the traditional characters will still be strictly used, and the common characters are not allowed to appear, reflecting seriousness and authority. "

Zeng yuan immediately said, "well, the students will implement vulgar characters in Fang's Library and academy to a limited extent. Of course, Mongolian children will not be involved at present, but only for people over the age of 16 or with literary position. Let more people communicate with vulgar characters. For example, some official documents and documents can use vulgar characters, which can not only increase efficiency, but also pave the way for you in the future."

Fang Yun smiled and said, "no wonder you will become the first person in Zeng's family to do business. No wonder you are compared with Ge million when you are over 30. Indeed, I will gradually promote common characters in Xiangzhou until the whole people use the common characters I formulated to turn my common characters into normal characters!"

Zeng yuan's face flashed with shock and admiration. He just vaguely knew that Fang Yun was going to implement common characters, but now he realized that Fang Yun's picture was much bigger than he had imagined before, like taking the road of half Saint LISS.

The reason why Lisi was able to canonize is only on the one hand. The main reason is that he carried out the great innovation in the Qin Dynasty, and everyone praised the credit of Qin Shihuang. In fact, Lisi's credit in "books with the same text, cars with the same track, money with the same currency, and weights and measures" is no less than that of Qin Shihuang, because many innovations were written by him first and done by himself, which is the basis of Lisi's canonization.

Therefore, even LV Buwei has to admit that LISS is above him in terms of governance.

Zeng yuan stood up and bowed and said, "no one can match your wish for talent, sir. If you can become the only founder of the next orthodox character of the Terran, your holy foundation will be extremely strong, far more than ordinary semi holy. From today on, students will follow you to the death, break through thorns and thorns, and clear all obstacles for your path of canonization!"

"Good!" Fang Yun nodded gently.

"Students have a suggestion. You can simply set up a special page in Min Bao and compare the common characters with the traditional characters according to the contents of Min Bao that day, which is close to teaching."

"Great kindness!" Fang Yun smiled.
