Fang Yun only needs an excuse to remove officials below the third grade in Xiangzhou. If Liushan wants to remove Fang Yun, it is not only an excuse, but also Fang Yun's major fault.

"If all Qing officials go out and impeach me collectively, it is really enough for Liushan to dismiss me." Fang Yun nodded.

There was a flash of worry in Dong Wencong's eyes. Fang Yun said it easily, but in fact it was very serious. Once a large number of officials impeached an official, the political career of the impeached official would end. That year, Liu Shan was impeached by a large number of officials and was in danger. Only after he revealed his identity as a religious saint did he resolve the crisis.

Virtual saint can do a lot of things and even be exempted from punishment, but the best result is only transfer, and he will never continue to serve as governor of the two states.

Officialdom has officialdom rules. Fang Yun can change the officialdom of Ning'an County, but it can not change the officialdom of Xiangzhou, let alone the officialdom of panorama country.

"What else did they say?" Fang Yun asked.

Geng Hui said, "they said three things. Besides this, they also said that Qingjiang firm is very dissatisfied with you. Both Ge million and Ge Yiming want to revenge you. Obviously, once you have a problem, the Ge family will fall into the well. As for Fang Yun, he frowned slightly and said: "Yi Zhishi is more likely to know the world than Lei konghe. However, Yi Zhishi can become a literary giant. He will never be stupid enough to be an enemy to me on the eve of canonization. As long as his state of mind is a little confused, he may lose the opportunity of canonization. Now, he should be perfecting his foundation of the holy way. Once he determines the holy way and writes the book of the holy way, he can be canonized naturally. He should not follow Xunzi's path of canonization, and he should not be too stupid We can't follow LV Buwei's path of opening our own family. "

"If Lei konghe could ask him to go out of the mountain, it would make sense." Dong Wencong said.

Fang Yun nodded gently and said nothing.

Dong Wencong reached out to touch the official seal, and then said, "the magistrate of Ding County just sent a letter to me saying that the Xuanwu army has arrived 30 miles away and is slowly moving forward. It seems that he is very reluctant to go to the gate of Ding county."

"They should see the temporary sheds in front of the gate of Ding county. They know that the people they robbed live in the sheds. Naturally, they can't walk away. Ignore them." Fang Yun said.

"I thought Qingjun would take the opportunity to send someone to pick them up, so that they didn't have to apologize to the murdered people, and let you lose your reputation as governor. Since Qingjun didn't send someone to pick them up, that's a good thing." Dong Wencong said.

But Fang Yun sighed and said, "it's not a good thing that Qing Jun doesn't respond to Xuanwu army. It's a big bad thing. Do you think that big man will be Qing Jun?"

"Ah? Of course not, because Qingjun doesn't deserve to be a big man." Dong Wencong made no secret of his contempt.

Scholars have always had contradictory attitudes towards the monarch. When talking about the secular world, they will mainly follow the monarch, but when discussing the holy way, they only see the saints, and the monarch is just a stronger official in the eyes of scholars.

The monarch has absolute influence in his own country, no less than the semi holy family. Once he immediately his own country, his power will drop sharply.

Then Dong Wencong nodded and said, "you're right. Since Qingjun doesn't protect Xuanwu army, there can only be two reasons. One is that Xuanwu army is not worth his protection. Otherwise, he has a greater plot!"
