Under the public's attention, Fang Yun's real dragon ancient sword, like before, grew bigger in the wind and turned into a mile long giant sword, regardless of whether it went straight to the golden tent wolf king.

"Well come! Let you see my demon family... Dry..."


Halfway through what the golden tent wolf king said, the huge real dragon ancient sword attacked, and the golden tent wolf king was split into the ground by a sword.

A huge sword mark appeared on Wuji mountain, up to 100 feet deep, and the golden tent wolf king was at the deepest place, surrounded by the peaks on both sides and the real dragon ancient sword above.

The demon king and university scholars in the distance looked straight. Above the golden tent wolf king is the peak demon king. Even in the demon world, they can become a very strong tribal leader.

The golden tent wolf king is very cunning because of his agility. Let alone Zhengxin university students with the same level of ability. Even if he fights with the top university students, he has more than 50% chance to win!

But now, he was cut into the mountain by a sword, and Fang Yun won the first battle with absolute advantage.

"Fang Yun's real dragon ancient sword seems to have nothing..." a great scholar muttered to himself, as if reminding CHAIZHI to look down on Fang Yun before waiting.

When they looked carefully, they saw that the Juhua real dragon ancient sword was shining on the surface and rising rapidly.

"No, the real dragon ancient sword got a complete talent of giant spirit patrolling the sea? The real dragon ancient sword is just a sword, not a dragon family! Is it true that Fang Yun pregnant the sword with a complete corpse of the dragon family? It's impossible. If he did that, he would become a public enemy of the dragon family."

"Is it the function of ZuLong's real blood?"

"Apart from ZuLong's real blood, I can't imagine what makes the real dragon ancient sword, like the real big dragon king, obtain the complete power of the giant spirit patrolling the sea. Look at the water light on the sword, which is the core of the giant spirit patrolling the sea. It can absorb all the water related forces in heaven and earth and enhance itself. The reason why the real dragon ancient sword was not damaged in the battle with the golden tent wolf king is because of this layer Shuiguang! "

"The talent of the dragon clan is so strong that it makes the fragile words and swords more solid than steel."

"You should know that the dragon clan used to be the leader of the world, while the Terran clan can only climb on the mountain of the leader of the world without even reaching the waist of the mountain. In some aspects, it is not as good as the dragon clan who once stood at the peak. I doubt that Fang Yun must have a big secret related to the dragon clan. Otherwise, he can't get the real blood of ZuLong, become the literary Star Dragon Lord, and the power of the real dragon ancient sword can't be ignored Can be so strong! "

In the process of CHAIZHI's speaking, the huge real dragon ancient sword flying high was chopped down again.

This time, the golden tent wolf king went all out, and a half Holy Ghost of the wolf family appeared behind him, which stimulated all the strength of the golden tent wolf king. He saw that the golden tent wolf king's hair was straight, his body expanded for three times, and his blood vessels and green tendons were all highlighted.

"Get out of here!" the golden tent wolf king roared and waved his claws to hit the sky.

Qi and blood soar like a dragon, as if to collapse the sky and break through a boundary.

The demon kings in the distance were secretly surprised. This blow was infinitely close to the peak demon king.

However, on the Juhua real dragon ancient sword, another water light flashed.

All those who look at the real dragon ancient sword or the demon family seem to see an illusion that the real dragon ancient sword came from the deep sea and came here with the power of hundreds of millions of miles of the ocean.

Just to prove that all the places on parade are under the dragon family!

Like a sword, like a dragon.


The dazzling light is embedded in the black ridge mountain like the sun, and then it shines everywhere.

Wuji mountain began to explode from the hillside, and countless stones were flying. A large number of demon families either died from the impact of the real dragon ancient sword and holy phase, or were crushed by stones.

The blood dyed the black ridge mountain red, and the screams and cries of the demon family rushed into the sky.

Even the four Qingguo university students who were enemies of the demon family suddenly felt that the scene was very tragic. Those demon families were really poor.

Half of the Wuji mountain collapsed, and the real dragon ancient sword flew high and looked down like a king.

Among the rocks, the demons wailed, but they couldn't see the golden tent wolf king.

Fang Yun just glanced at the ruins at random and blinked slightly. Juhua's real dragon ancient sword was cleaved down again.


From the rocks below came the angry roar of the golden tent wolf king, but the real dragon ancient sword mercilessly cut off the third sword.

The sword enters the riprap, skips the peak, crosses the mountainside and reaches the foot of the mountain.

The power contained in the real dragon ancient sword is fully stimulated.

Before, Wuji mountain began to burst upward from the hillside, but now, the whole Wuji mountain has burst.

Falling stones are like clouds and demon corpses are like rain.

The real dragon ancient sword shrank and walked through at an incredible speed, and then killed the remaining living wolf demons until it killed three wolf demon kings.

The wolf demon of Wuji mountain is extinct.

Chai Zhi and other four scholars of Qingguo University looked at each other.

"I finally understand."

"I see."

"Fang Xusheng came to Mo demon mountain not to compete with our Xuanwu army, but to kill demons and barbarians."

"Or to open the mountain."

In less than a quarter of an hour, two consecutive peaks were erased by Fang Yun on the map.

"His real dragon and ancient sword are really unusual." CHAIZHI muttered to himself. Up to now, even if he is an enemy, CHAIZHI can't tell lies with his eyes open.

"The seven pattern real dragon ancient sword deserves its reputation."

Fang Yun looked around, stepped on the green clouds and flew to the third peak.

All the demon families on that mountain ran away, scattered all over the mountains and fields, which was spectacular.

Chai Zhi opened his mouth and didn't go on. Before, Qing officials wanted to use Xuanwu army to rob Xiangzhou people to suppress the newly appointed Fang Yun. He agreed and even thought it was time for him to make achievements. But now CHAIZHI has regretted it.

If Fang Yun fails to accumulate military achievements in moyao mountain, the whole Xuanwu army will go back and apologize, which is tantamount to slapping itself. The negative impact of the other party's movement and Jingguo will not only dissipate, but even oppose Qingguo to form a fatal negative impact.

CHAIZHI gritted his teeth and said, "stay away from Fang Xusheng. We five university scholars try our best to work together and will never be weaker than him! He will be promoted to a bachelor soon after all, and his talent is limited! Although the seven pattern real dragon ancient sword is strong, it is absolutely impossible to make endless changes. Let's go!"

CHAIZHI left with the other three undergraduates.

The four men turned back from time to time and saw that Fang Yun, like before, killed all the demons and barbarians who swept the third mountain with a sharp knife.

The four people were thinking about where Fang Yun was going next, but they saw Fang Yun suddenly turn around and look at them with a sneer.

Fang Yun changed his direction and flew to CHAIZHI.

The four of CHAIZHI felt that their minds were hit by a boulder. They were a little confused. After fainting for a few seconds, the four scholars regretted it.

"He... Won't take away our military achievements?"

CHAIZHI was silent.

"What should we do?"
