Dong Wencong sat in the car for a long time. Then he entered the discussion list with his official seal and told what had happened in the past two days. At the end, Dong Wencong added the original words of Confucius.

Politicians, Zhengye. Who dares to be right when he is handsome?

This sentence explains Confucius' understanding of those in power. To be in power, we must first be correct and fair. If the ruler is right in words and deeds and fair in handling affairs, as an example, the officials and people in the world will be upright and will not go astray.

Soon, a large number of readers replied to Dong Wencong's article.

"Two years ago, I thought he was just a gifted child. Today, I repent. In front of Fang Xusheng, old age is just a crane's hair and a man's ear. Dong zhoumu finally ended with the words of Kong Shengsheng. He probably wanted to say that Fang Xusheng is upright, sets an example and has embarked on the Confucian holy way!"

"Fang Yun doesn't punish an official or hurt a people. He can prove the ability of various officials and relieve the people's worries by deeds. He has the appearance of a great sage!"

"Until today, I don't know what it means to 'be upright and act without orders; if he is not upright, he will not obey orders'. Fang Xusheng is upright and even if he doesn't personally order the people to leave, the people will leave by themselves. If the officials of Xiangzhou are not upright, no one will leave even if they have repeatedly ordered."

"When Mencius said that 'civil affairs cannot be postponed', Fang Xusheng acted like a thunderbolt today, which coincided with Mencius's way."

Many people have contacted Fang Yun with the famous words of all saints and praised him for what he did today.

Some people also criticized Fang Yun for fishing for fame and reputation, which attracted public criticism.

A Qingguo Jinshi angrily said: "if living on the Bank of waste water is fishing for fame and reputation, everyone under that day is greedy pigs and dogs!"

"If this means fishing for fame, I really hope all officials in the world use this means to win fame!"

The voice of opposition was soon suppressed. Half an hour later, an old man in kongcheng replied to the vibration list.

"Heaven and earth are great. If you are not sincere, you can't change everything."

At first, some people thought it was written casually. After all, some scholars like to reply to other people's articles when they are free, but soon someone understood the old man's intention.

"Hey, the one above, the punishment hall invites you to tea."

"Light wax for the one above and observe silence."

"It seems that some people can't understand it? I'll paint a snake and add feet. This sentence is what Xun Sheng said. Xun Sheng is good at judging the saint."

Now everyone can see that it is taboo for sages, so the man said that Xunzi was good at "commenting on the saints", but in fact it was "criticizing the saints", but as soon as we contacted the complete words, we suddenly realized.

The original text of Xunzi is: Heaven and earth are great, and if you are not sincere, you can't change everything; Saints know, but if they are not sincere, they cannot transform all the people; Father and son are close, but if they are not sincere, they are sparse; If you are not sincere, you will be inferior.

The meaning of this sentence is not profound: even if the heaven and earth are vast, if they can't be sincere, they can't raise all things. Saints know everything. If they can't be sincere, they can't educate the people. Father and son are connected by blood. If they can't be honest, they will alienate each other. Kings respect nobility. If they can't treat people sincerely, they will become inferior.

If the old man finished this whole paragraph, he was naturally praising Fang Yun for being honest with others and being able to manage one side of the people. However, he deliberately concealed the following words, he was not only praising Fang Yun, but also secretly accusing Qingguo of being semi holy and dishonest, allowing Qingguo to squeeze Xiangzhou, and allowing Qingguo people to incite and deceive the people to take to the streets to oppose.

Subsequently, many scholars staged an unprecedented "death contest" under this article.

The prologue was the old man, who was soon followed.

"Qi Ming is exhausted."

Xunzi's Central Plains dialect is "Qi Ming is inexhaustible, and saints are also", which means that semi saints can always maintain quick thinking and superior wisdom. Now removing no means implying that a semi saint is not a semi saint.

"Measure yourself by others."

The original words of Xunzi are "saints, those who spend with themselves", which means that semi saints can deduce things with their own ability. On the contrary, people who talk about the list naturally say that some semi saints can't do this.

Later, this article was completely out of control. Dong Wencong had to lock this article and don't let anyone reply.

Dong Wencong quietly put away his official seal and looked out of the carriage.

"The virtual Saint moved to the workshop. I don't know if the one in Fengzhou will live by the Yangtze River..."

Dong Wencong thought to himself, smiling and shaking his head.

Zongsheng lives in Fengzhou.

That evening, Xiangzhou officials got a message.

Just today, Fang Yun personally mobilized personnel to pursue and arrest a group of people who went to the street to make trouble in the paper workshop.

The incident caused an uproar.

Most people were silent, but a small number of people began to criticize Fang Yun for cheating the people. They first persuaded them to leave, and then secretly arrested people. It was not the work of a gentleman.

Several officials of Xiangzhou even ran to the discussion list and issued a statement, expressing their opposition to this kind of unjust governor and asking the Qingguo cabinet and the Empress Dowager to give an explanation to the people of Xiangzhou.

Soon, grapevine news spread all over baling, and those who took part in the streets were angry and panicked.

Dawa village, with more than 200 households, is a fishing village along the Yangtze River. Most people here live by fishing. After learning that the papermaking workshop that had plagued a generation appeared in Baling City, hundreds of people in the village did not even go fishing and went outside baling city to oppose the establishment of the workshop.

Now, the whole village is gathered in the south of the village. Many people want to go out, but Liu Sanzi and others stop the villagers.

"Liu Sanzi, are you still not human? Your villagers were caught by the dog officer of Fang Yun, but you won't let us complain?"

"Liu Sanzi, did you take the money from the official transportation of dogs? At that time, I suspected that you were so impulsive and reckless that you fired and exploded like a firecracker. Why Fang Yun didn't even say a word, so you let us leave the paper workshop and go home!"


Liu Sanzi is over thirty. He is strong and dark. He has a two inch scar on his face and is helpless.

"I say, fellow villagers, do you know Fang Yun is a famous virtual saint? Will such a powerful and intelligent person turn back? It will never be his job to drive us away before catching people!" said Liu Sanzi bitterly.

"Then why was my nephew taken?"

Liu Sanzi said, "are you sure Fang Xusheng knows about it? Maybe he didn't do it at all, or he can't control those who catch people."

"Fart, he's the governor. He can't control those officers and soldiers."

"Shengyuan kills people every day. Can saints control them? Don't say so absolutely." Liu Sanzi said.

"No matter what you say today, I will save my nephew!" said old Geng.

Liu Sanzi said: "I said old man Geng, I thought you were a good man, so I agreed to discuss with you. Since you don't appreciate it, I'll tell you clearly. Don't you know what your bastard nephew is? All the villagers present who know old man Geng's nephew stand up and say what he is! I'll tell you some things I saw with my own eyes, scolding the 60-year-old mother and being widowed A woman's ass is picked up by a debt collector, her five-year-old child is smashed by a debt collector, one thirty-five dozen children, two forty-six dozen daughter-in-law... I'll say that. Who else wants to add? "
