Seeing that Fang Yun had said this, the officials present understood that Fang Xusheng came to Xiangzhou not to be a governor in the same world, but to pursue far more than officials.

Those means in officialdom are not applicable to Fang Yun.

Many officials look at Dong Wencong. At this time, they can only expect the governor of a state to speak.

Dong Wencong, the state shepherd, coughed and said, "since Fang Xusheng wants to hear the truth, the officer will answer truthfully. The fundamental reason why the people go to the streets is that they lose trust in our Xiangzhou officials."

"Not enough," Fang Yun said.

Dong Wencong said helplessly, "a few people have been bullied by local officials, so the target state government has been completely desperate."

The rest of the officials were in a cold sweat on their foreheads. As a member of senior bureaucrats, everyone knew this, but the problem was that they could not say these words, because it was tantamount to skinning all bureaucrats.

"Yes, it's not that they are stupid, not that the workers can't do it, and even those unscrupulous businessmen are the secondary reason. The main reason is that you bureaucrats are shameless and incompetent. However, there are deeper reasons for the loss of trust or despair of the people, in addition to your official injustice, ignorance and injustice." Fang Yun said.

"Please give me your advice." Dong Wencong was slightly surprised, and other officials showed curiosity.

Fang Yun Road: "Regardless of the power of the saints, from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the spring and autumn and Warring States dynasties, to the alternation of Qin and Han Dynasties, once the people are miserable, someone will rise up. Chen Sheng, Wu Guang and even children are recorded in history, which is similar to the status of important officials of princes and great scholars. Liu Bang is just raising people. He is only tall and can't take charge of a county, but he finally became the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty. In those days, if the people could not live, they would dare to fight with the kings and officials, and the princes would rather be kind. Therefore, even if they lost trust in the officials, they would not despair. In those years, except Xiang Yu and Chen Sheng, I'm afraid many people dared to look at Xianyang and want to replace it! "

The officials present vaguely understood Fang Yun's intention.

"However, it is hard for the people to live in poverty, at least not on a large scale. The most important thing is that in those years, the people rose up, even if they can not overthrow the tyranny, they can shake their foundation, so that there are righteous men to replace them. But now, the gap between the power of the people and the government is becoming wider and wider. The people are surprised to find that even if they rise up, it is not possible How many people will respond? Even if they respond, they can't shake the foundation of the government. In other words, the people already know that they have lost the power to restrain officials! Now officials don't say they fear the people or even treat the people as people. "Fang yundao.

The officials present were stunned. Even if they were in important positions, they didn't think about it.

"Therefore, when they no longer trust officials, they can't really restrain them. They can only hold together to keep warm and vent their anger by yelling in the street. A real good official will defuse their anger before they go to the street, not like you. Either they know they don't dare to rebel, so they don't care, or they think they are ignorant and lazy to educate."

Dong Wencong was trying to speak with a bitter face. Fang Yun waved his hand to stop him and said: "I know you will say that you have difficulties, difficulties and helplessness, but never forget that since you are the prefect and the state shepherd, you should have solved these problems. Those ordinary servants, ordinary officials and ordinary soldiers have no real decision-making power, so they can complain and complain. However, no one forces you officials to educate the people To help the people, you have chosen your current position, so you must do it! Otherwise, what do you want you to do! "

All the officials present were ashamed.

"What my lord taught me is." Dong Wencong was convinced.

"I know my mistake!" all the officials admit their mistake honestly.

Fang Yunleng snorted and said, "now, give me an answer, how to solve the problem of the paper workshop."

Dong Wencong said firmly, "since the people oppose it, we will cancel it immediately."

"Oh? If the people oppose you, cancel it. How will you manage a state in the future? The paper workshop could have brought thousands of jobs to baling, and could have allowed a large number of readers in Xiangzhou to buy paper at a lower price. These good things are gone. Weighing them, it seems that the loss of canceling the paper workshop is greater."

Dong Wencong smiled bitterly. He didn't know how to answer and couldn't figure out Fang Yun's intention.

Yan Xiao, the governor of baling, hurriedly said, "in that case, all our baling officials will go to the workshop in the next few days to resolve the doubts and anger in the hearts of the people. As long as we treat people sincerely and do what we say, the people will certainly support us, and finally make this matter happy."

"What do you take to convince them that the paper mill is OK?" Fang Yun asked.

Yan Xiao was silent for a moment and said, "we will do our best and use all means."

"Yan Xiao, Wen Cong, and all the officials present, tell me, are you sure that this paper mill is good for baling and Xiangzhou, and the damage to the surrounding area is not enough to affect the people's health?" Fang Yun glanced at the people with a serious look.

Yan Xiao first said, "I dare to guarantee my head and future. The papermaking workshop is absolutely beneficial to the state, and will never damage the surrounding waters, let alone hurt the people nearby."

Dong Wencong hesitated for a moment and said, "the idea of the lower official is the same as that of magistrate Yan."

"The same is true for lower officials!" all the officials present expressed their positions one after another.

Fang Yun smiled, nodded and said: "Well, this is the official in charge of Dajing state. This is the man who has the ambition to do practical things. Different from those despicable officials who only want to get promoted and get rich, who only want to satisfy their personal desires and are full of money and power! We are proud to be an official in Xiangzhou with you! From today on, I can proudly say to everyone that we were once in Xiangzhou Officer! "

Fang Yun said and stood up excitedly.

The officials present were also excited. It was a great honor to be praised by the dignitaries.

"But... You still don't have a specific way to solve this?" Fang Yun smiled kindly.

The officials nodded helplessly.

"I have a plan, which can not only solve this problem, but also show your official character and benevolence." Fang Yun said.

"Please, governor!" all the officials asked respectfully.

Fang Yun smiled and said: "It's very simple. From today on, move all the government offices in Baling city to the vicinity of the paper mill, or move the houses of officials of Qipin or above there! In this way, you declare with practical actions that there is no problem in this paper mill. Facts prove that you have not deceived the people. You are good officials with conscience and ambition! You are different from those dog officials!"

All the officials were stunned. No wonder Fang Yun held them so high before. Now he looked down and saw that he was being roasted on the fire by Fang Yun.
