Under the light of the night pearl, Zhou Zi Ren patted a stack of thick paper on the table beside him and said: "Tonight, we will post this notice all over the streets and alleys without using any violence. Let the people of Xiangzhou know that we oppose Qingguo's shops, not just to vent our anger, but to put pressure on Qingguo and businessmen. We can't let Qingguo threaten Xiangzhou with our Xiangzhou people's money! At the same time, we advise the whole city to remain calm and not to fight, smash and rob , moving forward in balance and stability is the way for Xiangzhou people! "

All the people of the Renaissance Society answered.

"Let's go!"

At night, hundreds of people were divided into more than 20 teams, each carrying a large number of notices, and began to post them on some streets of Taihe house.

Even if they met the Yamen patrolling the street, they took out their identity as scholars, and those yamen couldn't stop them.

An hour later, they returned to the gate of the Academy.

Now the East is slightly bright, and soon the sun will rise.

In the morning light, more than a hundred vigorous scholars smiled.

"Go home and have a good sleep," said Zhou Zi Ren.

A hundred people left one after another.

Soon after a hundred people left, dozens of people in black with bags and iron bars appeared in Mingyang street.

Mingyang street is a famous bustling street of Taihe mansion. The shops on both sides of the street operate exquisite goods from other places, which are completely monopolized by the large commercial firms of Qingguo. Even after Xiangzhou belongs to Jingguo, it will not affect the operation of these large commercial firms. In the process of beating, smashing and looting a few days ago, only three or five shops in the whole Mingyang street were affected.


A stone smashed a glazed window, which sounded the first sound of Taihe mansion today.

Subsequently, these soldiers were divided into three ways. One passer-by tore up some notices of the Renaissance Society, one passer-by constantly smashed the doors and windows of the shop with stones, and some people smashed with iron bars.

These people shouted as they smashed.

"Knock down Qingguo dog!"

"Xiangzhou people don't buy national products!"

"Qingguo people get out of Xiangzhou!"

Strangely, these smashes did not cause great damage to the shops in Mingyang street.

At the same time, a large number of people in black also poured out of Jianghe street not far from here. Jianghe street is also a famous commercial street, but unlike Mingyang street, most of the businessmen here are local people in Xiangzhou, and the goods are diverse, which is far less expensive than the things on Mingyang street.

The behavior of these people in black in Jianghe street is more violent. They often rush into the shop and pick up miscellaneous goods with iron bars. If someone in the shop doesn't stop, they beat desperately and run away when they faint.

These people shouted the same slogan.

"Those who sell Qingguo goods deserve to die!"

Yali academy is one of the most famous large academies in Taihe Prefecture. Those who can study in the academy are either rich or expensive. More than a decade ago, only the children of Qingguo scholars could study here.

Just as the beating, smashing and looting were going on, a group of people came here with oil bottles and candles, poured fire oil on a building of the Academy, lit a fire and ran away, shouting: "burn the rabbit of Qingguo!"

On their way to escape, they deliberately left some notices. The signature of the notice is the word "Fuxing society".

Nearly a thousand people scattered all over Taihe Prefecture, smashing, looting and even burning. Only a quarter of an hour later, all these people disappeared. Then, the Yamen servants of Taihe Prefecture went out one after another. Finally, the Yamen servants who went out reported the situation of Taihe prefecture to Yan Wu, the governor of Taihe Prefecture who woke up from his dream.

After hearing the report from the Yamen servicemen, Yan Wu angrily said, "come on, arrest all members of the Fuxing society and hand it over to the Taihe County Yamen for trial."

President sun hurriedly said, "Sir, this is obviously a way to plant and frame the blame. I think I'm humble..."

Sun Zongshu suddenly shut up in the middle of what he said, because Yan Wu looked at him with very cold eyes, which seemed to freeze sun Zongshu's blood. Sun Zongshu was stunned for a moment, suddenly realized, lowered his head and said nothing.

"Lao sun, I think you are working too hard these days. Go home and rest for half a year." Yan Wu said faintly.

President sun suddenly raised his head and looked at Yan Wu with begging eyes, but Yan Wu no longer looked at him. He saw unprecedented indifference from Yan Wu's eyes.

"Humble position... Take command!" President Sun said, leaving the magistrate's Yamen like a walking corpse.

All the Yamen servicemen of Taihe mansion dispatched to arrest all the members of the Restoration Society of Mingxin academy and sent them to the Taihe County Yamen.

Taihe Prefecture governs nine counties and a prefecture. Like other counties, Taihe Prefecture is managed by the prefecture magistrate. However, due to the existence of the prefecture magistrate, the prefecture magistrate with lower grade is restricted everywhere. Therefore, there is a saying that "the prefecture magistrate attached to the Guo when he did evil in his previous life", which refers to the person who served as the prefecture magistrate in the prefecture.

Lu Ming, magistrate of Taihe Prefecture, sat on the lobby and looked at the dark scholars outside the lobby with a sad face.

"Dog officer! The running dog of Qingguo!"

"Traitorous county magistrate, surrender to the enemy, Jinshi!"

"We are scholars, students of the holy academy and disciples of all saints. Why do you arrest us?"

Outside the county government office, thousands of people blocked the door. These were relatives, friends and neighbors of the members of the restoration society. Not far away, there were many people watching.

"The county magistrate killed people!" the relatives and friends of the students in the restoration society began to make trouble.

Lu Ming coughed softly, patted the startled wood and said, "silence!"

The curse remains.

Lu Ming pressed down the unknown fire in his heart, and his tongue burst with spring thunder, which spread all over the neighborhood.

"This morning, I was woken up by the Yamen serviceman while I was sleeping. I learned that the governor Yan thought that the students of the recovery society smashed the shops and burned the Academy. He wanted to arrest the students of the recovery society in the city and send them to the county for trial. The governor had an order, and the county had to take orders. If you have anything to say, you should wait for the county to ask one by one. If you continue to speak badly, don't blame the county for beating you on the charge of disturbing the court Board! "

Lu Ming's words were very clear. The students present first calmed down for a moment, and then talked one after another.

A man whispered, "the magistrate Yan Wu is a 'Qing official', which can't be wrong!"

Zhou Zi Ren said: "The magistrate is not important. The important thing is that those people in black who smashed and burned must be the running dogs of Qingguo. Once the people of Taihe regarded those people as the people of our Renaissance Society, not only the Taihe government, I'm afraid someone would attack us even on the list. When someone smashed and robbed us that day, the scholars of Quan Shengyuan mainland were laughing and mocking that all our Xiangzhou scholars are fools No! I see. Was it true that the people who beat, smashed and robbed the last time were not really anti Qing people, but fine works sent by Qing people? "

"I don't think so. It should be some local ruffians and hooligans who took the opportunity to make trouble. If it is really a detailed work of Qingguo, why doesn't the imperial court announce it?"

"Why do those officials want to make public? Why do they care about us and the common people? Or when will they take the initiative to tell us the truth if they don't force the officials into the corner? What's more, in the eyes of those officials, this is just a small matter. They always adhere to the concept of" don't do well, do less and make more mistakes ". Why do they want to do more? What's more, laugh at me There are many officials and masters of Xiangzhou who oppose the Qing Dynasty! "

"Don't be impatient. Let's see how Luzhi County handles it." Zhou Zi Ren said.

The crowd looked at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming looked at hundreds of scholars and thought for a long time. He said, "the first week of the society, let the county try the case slowly. Come and send the rest to prison. We must treat them well and don't embarrass these students!"

Lu Ming began to try the case, one person for one day.
