The memorials for the capture of Lianshan pass were made in duplicate, one of which was handed over to the official post station. After the post station was sealed with fire paint for the record, Fang Yun sent the other to the imperial court.

Fang Yun knew that things would not end easily, so he began to consolidate the Zhujiang marquis.

At the celebration banquet on the same day, Fang Yun convened the military, civil servants, literary academy and famous scholars in Zhucheng. On the surface, it was gossip, but in fact, it sent a signal to them that he is already a complete Duke of the Pearl River. From now on, he is the master of the Pearl River City. If anyone doesn't know to stop, he will cut off his arm.

At the banquet, no one dared to object.

In the literary circle of Confucius, the position of the great scholar is very high. Even the monarch can't drink and scold. On the contrary, there are often great scholars who scold the monarch, but the monarch dare not scold back.

When a new official takes office, it is inevitable to set an example.

That night, the Zhujiang army raided 11 families in Zhucheng. Some families had persecuted the people of Zhujiang Marquis, some had close contacts with the hostile families of Zhujiang Marquis, some had transactions with barbarians, and others were even collateral families of the concubine of the king of Chu.

The owners of these families basically have literary positions and can't kill at will, but they are all imprisoned in the worst prison in Pearl City and treat them as death prisoners.

As for those who did not have a literary position, Fang Yun announced to the whole city after dawn, asked the people of Zhucheng to expose their charges, and asked the governor of Zhucheng to send someone to investigate.

In just one day, Pearl City has changed.

Fang Yun is not going to burn a bigger fire or kill more chickens. If this is the Shengyuan continent, he will certainly kill and strictly control, and build Pearl City into his own territory. However, Pearl City is just a springboard, a springboard to Liangjie mountain.

Only the Pearl River Army is really valuable. There is no need to waste too much energy on other aspects.

Fang Yun didn't care about the other affairs of Pearl City at all. This time, the house raiding was enough to make Pearl City stable until he left, so he tried his best to reorganize the army.

What the whole army needs most is not other, but silver. For other armies, military expenditure is always in the hands of the imperial court. However, for the present Zhujiang army, the silver, gold, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and painting, cultural treasures, land deeds and other properties taken from the 11 families are enough to arm the Zhujiang army to the teeth.

Fang Yun immediately started planning.

After World War I, the Zhujiang army has less than 150000 troops left. In the near future, less than 100000 can participate in the war. We need to find another 100000 to supplement.

Fang Yun aimed at the lumen army and issued a military order to Wang Li of Lianshan pass, asking him to select 50000 elite from the lumen army. At the same time, all Hanlin, Jinshi, Juren and scholars will be included in the new army and added to the Pearl River Army at that time.

On the afternoon of the second day of April, Fang Yun got a series of headache negative news.
