Fang Yun in the team is like a fish in the water. He is perfect like a veteran who has practiced for decades, so that at the back, the team is even letting Fang Yun stand in the front and let everyone learn from him.

Zhang Jing'an thought he was particularly dazzling.

After the military array drill, the captain announced that Fang Yun would become the leader of the whole team in the future. If Fang Yun could lead the team to the top 10 in the array competition of the 100 all defense teams tomorrow, what would be the length of Fang Yun's promotion.

As soon as this remark came out, many veterans were extremely envious, but they also knew that Fang Yun was a Hanlin and didn't dare to say more. Only a few people were still secretly angry and constantly attacked Fang Yun in private.

As soon as lunch time arrived, everyone hurried to the rice house for fear that the delicious food would be eaten up.

Zhang Jing'an quickly stood up. His whole body was sore and walked slowly. With each step, he felt pain all over his body, especially in his crotch. It seemed that there was a knife cutting all the time.

Zhang Jing'an looked to Fang Yun for help, but what he saw was only a tall figure.

The figure never turned around.

Zhang Jingan clenched his teeth, clenched his fist and lowered his head slightly.

"Sure enough, you will still abandon me as you did in those years! You can't recognize this kind of father! Even without you, I can live better! I will surpass you! I must let Grandpa restore his literary name! I must lead the Pearl River Army to stand at the head of Liangjie mountain! I, Zhang Jing'an, must become a hero like grandpa! All those who say grandpa's rebellious seed will kneel in Grandpa's hands Plead guilty at the grave! "

In the hot noon sun, Zhang Jing'an moved forward slowly, his eyes full of determination.

During lunch, Zhang Jingan's hand was shaking all the time.

Zhang Jing'an conscientiously finished all his lunch. Although his lunch was only half that of ordinary elite soldiers, it was enough for an 11-year-old child, but it was not enough for a child who had worked hard all morning.

Zhang Jingan didn't feel full.

After the lunch break, the other battalions of jingxiwei changed their defense or rested, but the soldiers of the first, second and third battalions still had to continue training.

As in the morning, they spent half an hour running, half an hour fighting and boiling, half an hour practicing weapons and half an hour practicing military formation.

Under such high-intensity practice, all elite soldiers are very strong. They can kill demon people one-on-one. Even in the face of powerful demon soldiers, as long as there is the blessing of Zhuang Xing poetry, they also have the opportunity to win one-on-one.

Everyone in the third battalion has completed the training, except Zhang Jing'an.

After running for half an hour, Zhang Jing'an exhausted his physical strength. In the second part, he temporarily gave up the plum blossom pile and practiced the stone lock, but he couldn't make the basic stone lock action at all. He had to keep lifting and falling.

When practicing the long gun, he was weak in the whole process, as if his bones had been taken away.

When it was time to train in the army, he finally couldn't support it and passed out.

The military doctor came and took Zhang Jing'an.

At night, Zhang Jingan opened his eyes slowly, as if a voice came from the horizon. After a while, he found that the voice was very close and realized that he was lying in the barracks and the soldiers in the same room were talking.

"Look at this rebellious son. He's just like a waste! How majestic and dignified a hereditary Marquis of the Zhujiang army in those days. Now? Let a child who doesn't have hair grow up come to the army and Practice for two days. If you have a qualification, you can improve quickly!"

"That rebellious Hanlin thought so easily that he thought he could get rid of the suspicion by coming to the army for training? What a dragon elephant, it's a snake and mouse!"

"Jin Wei won't see them at all. Instead, they have the cheek to stay in the camp. It's ridiculous!"

"Being a grandfather is a rebellious seed, and being a grandson is not as good as being a rebellious seed. Obviously, he is nothing. He shows his strength to train with us, and then pretends to be unconscious to avoid night labor. Unfortunately, the army has military regulations, and his rebellious father has become a scapegoat. He wants to clean up the military camp with those low handyman."

"There are three generations of zhangjias. One generation is worse than another. I worshipped Zhang Wankong very much in those years. Now I'm ashamed to think about it. How could I worship that kind of old bastard..."

Zhang Jingan suddenly sat up, his eyes red and shouted angrily, "don't slander my grandpa! My grandpa is not a rebel, but a great hero fighting in Liangjie mountain!"

The camp immediately calmed down and the atmosphere became extremely embarrassing.

A soldier sneered, "can't fit it? Is the injury cured?"

Zhang Jing'an looked at the soldier angrily, and then felt incomparable pain all over his body. He might be unconscious again at any time.

He took a deep breath, struggled out of bed and walked slowly out step by step.

A kind soldier sighed and said, "I think you'll stay in the barracks to recover."

Zhang Jingan did not speak, pushed open the door and walked out of the barracks.

Zhang Jing'an looked up at the stars and walked out step by step. When he met a handyman, he inquired and soon came to a school yard.

The big school yard is very empty. Only two people are cleaning, including Fang Yun.

Fang Yun looked at Zhang Jing'an and continued to clean the site with his head down.

Fang Yun's two thoughts formed by one mind and two uses are all reading in the strange book world. The simple work of cleaning won't distract him at all.

Zhang Jing'an took a deep breath and said loudly, "give me the broom and I'll clean it."

"Go back and rest!" Fang Yun responded impolitely.

"Even if you do it for me, I won't recognize you!" Zhang Jing'an said.

"Get out!" Fang Yun drank violently. His talent and the vitality of heaven and earth rolled like a stream, knocking Zhang Jing'an back.

Zhang Jing'an looked at Fang Yun angrily. After a long time, he turned slowly and left the school field.

Late at night, Fang Yun returned to the barracks. Everyone had fallen asleep, grinding teeth, snoring, talking in sleep and so on.

Fang Yun glanced over the clinical Zhang Jing'an. The stars outside the window fell on the child's face, shining on the tears on his face.

Fang yunwai released the medical book. The white light covered Zhang Jing'an's whole body and healed all his wounds.

Then Fang Yun closed his eyes and lay in bed to continue his practice until dawn.

Time passes day by day.

Every day, Fang Yun's father and son will train with the Third Battalion, but Zhang Jing'an is only an 11-year-old child after all. He can't withstand such high-intensity training. He can't complete the training every day. In the end, he will faint. If Fang Yun's medical books were not available, his body would accumulate incurable injuries.

Despite failure, Fang Yun's indifference and the ridicule of Jing Xiwei soldiers, Zhang Jing'an has been insisting.

On the tenth day of September, 2500 people from the Third Battalion and the other four battalions went out to drill. The whole process lasted two days and spent a night in the field.

From the early morning, the whole team has been marching rapidly, from flat roads to grasslands, to rivers, to swamps and hills, and finally stopped in dense forests and mountains.

While Xu Cang of the camp school announced to camp, Zhang Jingan, who was covered with sweat, finally couldn't hold on. His body tilted and fell to the ground. Before he was in a coma, Fang Yun heard Zhang Jingan's whisper.

"I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm not a general anymore. I... can't hold on..."

Fang Yun quickly walked over and looked carefully. Zhang Jing'an was in a coma, but there were two crystal tears on his face.

Fang Yun's mouth bends a slight arc.
