Tongue and sword literature society, defense war poetry society, attack war poetry society, gallop war poetry society, anatomy demon and barbarian literature society, war painting literature society, Qin Dao literature society, calligraphy literature society

Fang Yun is like a changed person. He must participate in a cultural meeting every night.

For Fang Yun's sake, some Wen Hui specially waited for Fang Yun's class to officially start. These Wen Hui often opened three or four hours to dawn.

Fang Yun's Literary Association requires at least Hanlin to enter, and there are often big scholars. The amount of information they exchange is very huge. In order to save time and improve efficiency, more than ten people often speak at the same time, and everyone speaks very fast, which is more noisy than the vegetable market.

Even if a scholar comes to such a literary meeting, he will feel dizzy and swollen, but the people here can communicate without obstacles. Sometimes when arguing, a person often has to answer the questions of four or five people in a row, or ask different questions to seven or eight people in a row.

Hanlin or above is basically like hundreds of ducks quacking in their ears.

At this kind of cultural meeting, Fang Yun only listened at the beginning, but in the end, he would correct or ask questions when he met someone who said something wrong, so he fell into an argument.

At the cultural meeting, no one cares whether Fang Yun is a virtual saint or a king. He completely puts on the posture of maintaining his holy way and says whatever he has.

There is a joke of the Terran that if you don't spit out words and swords at the cultural meeting, you won't be considered to have participated in the cultural meeting.

The exchange of language, the collision of ideas and the friction of knowledge make Fang Yun more and more like Wen Hui.

Terrans even have the saying of "Cultural Association practice", which means that participating in Cultural Association is an excellent way of practice, which is no less than one's hard practice.

The more cultural meetings involved, the more Fang Yun felt. The process of heated debate and debate is actually the process of using knowledge.

Every time the text begins, Fang Yun will let the book of heaven and earth record all the contents of the Wenhui, and then read it again on the two day with the high reading speed of the book world.

In July, the weather is hot, but the holy courtyard and Chongwen courtyard are cooler.

In front of the dinner table, Fang Yun was eating alone, while Yang Yuhuan and others watched, because they had already had dinner, and only Fang Yun would go home at 9 p.m.

Yang Yuhuan looked at Fang Yun and said with a smile, "eat slowly and don't choke. You eat so fast. Are you going to the cultural meeting again tonight?"

Fang Yun nodded with a smile and continued to eat. He was so greedy that he secretly grabbed a chicken leg to eat.

Yang Yuhuan sighed: "your health is important. You are in school all these days. When you get home and have dinner, you go to the Wen Hui. You often come back at dawn. Your body can't afford it."

"Nothing..." Fang Yun smiled and drank a mouthful of water.

"That's not good! You have to find a day to rest. You can't be so busy. I look distressed!" Yang Yuhuan frowned slightly.

Since entering the Longmen, Fang Yun's perception has become more and more sensitive. He vaguely found that Yang Yuhuan was in a bad mood, so he slowed down his eating speed and asked, "Yuhuan, what's going on at home these days?"

"No," Yang Yuhuan answered naturally.

"Where are the difficulties of the women's academy?"

"Everything is fine in the women's Academy," Yang Yuhuan replied seriously.

Fang Yun immediately stopped talking, bowed his head to eat and kept thinking. After all, Yang Yuhuan is his wife. Since he is unhappy, he should find a way to resolve it.

While having dinner, Fang Yun secretly observed Yang Yuhuan and vaguely found a trace of faint resentment in Yang Yuhuan's eyes.

Fang Yun was more confused. When he was about to finish his meal, he had a flash of inspiration in his mind and suddenly realized it.

Fang Yun immediately took up his official seal and sent a letter to the host of the cultural conference. He hoped to postpone it for half an hour. The other party happily agreed. After all, Fang Yun was involved, and the cultural conference he presided over will receive more attention in the future.

"Finished..." Fang was transported to the back of the chair and leaned back. He looked lazy. He didn't have to wash his hands at all, because his body was clean and dirty, and the greasy food would fall off automatically when he touched his hand.

The servant girl hurried to clean up the table. Yang Yuhuan asked in surprise, "why don't you go to the Wen Hui? You always seem to fly after dinner."

Fang Yun smiled and said, "I put off the meeting for half an hour."

"Do you postpone the meeting? What's more important?" Yang Yuhuan asked curiously.

Fang Yun looked at Yang Yuhuan and said with a smile, "nothing. I'm too busy these days. I don't care about my family. I want to have a rest at home."

Yang Yuhuan found that Fang Yun's smile obviously had a strange meaning. He was stunned for a moment. After a while, he realized that he blushed to the root of his neck.

"I'll go to the room and get something. You can take care of the slave for me. Don't let it run around." Yang Yuhuan said and left with a red face.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't understand what riddles the couple played, but when Yang Yuhuan handed over the slave, Su Xiaoxiao blushed and lowered her head, afraid to look at Fang Yun, because she often helped Yang Yuhuan look at the slave at special times.

Fang Yun got up with a smile and walked to the bedroom.

Nu Nu turned to Su Xiaoxiao and looked puzzled.

Su Xiaoxiao blushed and whispered, "their husband and wife want to talk quietly. It's inconvenient for us to participate."

The little fox showed a sudden understanding and nodded hard.

After a long time, Fang Yun left his bedroom and went out to participate in the cultural conference.

After a while, Yang Yuhuan appeared. Compared with before, there was less resentment and more shame in his eyebrows.

Fang Yun has the privilege of virtual saint and can move directly between the holy courtyard and Kong City.

The theme of this literary conference is war poetry, and it is a branch of war poetry. It calls the war poetry conference.

The venue of the cultural conference is the Wu family, a powerful family in kongcheng. It just appeared at the door of the Wu family, and the official seal moved gently.

Fang Yun immediately opened the emergency leaflet and found that it was the leaflet of the master of the Wu family. When he looked carefully, he was very sad and laughing.

It turned out that there were many university students at today's cultural conference. The time was originally set, but Fang Yun postponed it. A military scholar was very unhappy and said that he was empty and holy and not punctual. The master of the Wu family kindly sent this letter to Fang Yun to pay a little attention, and persuaded Fang Yun not to be careless. The military master was famous for his upright temper. This time he was coming for Fang Yun, but Fang Yun was delayed, which made the great master feel that Fang Yun was putting on airs.

Fang Yun shook his head secretly. He didn't blame the great scholar. Anyway, he delayed the time first. It's normal for others to complain. He still has this responsibility.

If it's delayed because of something else, you can say it to resolve the resentment of the great scholar. The reason is that there is no way to export the happiness of the husband and wife's boudoir. If you say it, it will be great fun.

Fang Yun asked the concierge not to inform the owner of the house, but to take him in directly and think about how to resolve it while walking. As a man and a scholar, problems should be solved. After all, they are not insurmountable difficulties.

Around the screen, around the pool, Fang Yun arrived at the door of the Wu family hall.

The master of the Wu family, sitting on the main seat, came over quickly and said with a smile: "Fang Xusheng is coming. Don't blame him for his loss!"

The rest of the hall also stood up and followed the Wu family. One of the university scholars was calm and did not smile.

Fang Yun immediately bowed and said with apology, "today's postponement of the cultural meeting is a last resort. Fang solemnly apologized to you. As an apology, Fang brought a bag of spirit tea, a specialty of the blood world. You must try it."

The scholar's face lightened immediately.
