Duan Qing grabbed Fang Yun's poems, put them on the table and looked at Zongyun.

Zongyun bowed his head and said nothing. From today on, his literary name will stink all over the people. In the future, he can only stay in Qingguo. Once he goes to other countries, he will be sneered at.

However, Zongyun doesn't give up!

Zong Yun, holding the official seal, handed a letter to Zong Wuyuan, who was far away in the Qing Dynasty.

Standing on the high platform, Zhang Zhixing smiled and said, "you have seen what happened. Fang Xusheng not only did not fail, but wrote a cross seven character poem containing 'strange', 'spring' and 'Jane'. Who has any objection?"

No one answered.

"Well, now I'll send someone to take away all the poems and essays, which will be judged by ten old students. However, if nothing happens, the top prize of the Spring Festival literature meeting will certainly belong to Fang Xusheng. Of course, I know that some people are unconvinced. If they think their poems and essays are better than Fang Xusheng, they can stand up like Zongyun and be an honest and brave scholar!" Zhang Zhixing's tone was a little joking.

Some people who were not in harmony with their families laughed loudly, and most of them were laughing in secret. Only more than a thousand people who stood up before bowed their heads and smiled bitterly.

If they had known that the ten words were a whole poem, these people wouldn't have guessed that it was a palindrome poem, but Fang Yun hurried away without saying a word. Even the people at Fang Yun's table thought they hadn't finished writing. Coupled with Zhang Zhixing's maintenance, these people were preconceived, and no one cared about the palindrome behind the ten words.

Palindrome poetry is different from ordinary poetry. Normal good poetry often appears some excellent sentences, which makes people see extraordinary at a glance, but palindrome poetry itself is too "clever". In order to read smoothly, it is bound to sacrifice many aspects, often deviate from the original meaning of the poem, and it is difficult to have a good sentence.

Palindrome poetry needs constant deliberation, which is difficult to complete in a short time. Fang Yun wrote these ten words soon after the cultural meeting, which makes it more difficult for people to connect these ten words with the most ingenious and complex palindrome poetry.

The literary waiters at the venue methodically collected the manuscripts of all new students. Ten old students quickly reviewed them, picked out the good, general and poor, and then picked out the best and worst ten from the good and poor.

Compared with previous years, the review speed of these people has obviously slowed down. In case of uncertainty, they immediately sent someone to ask the original author for fear of making the same mistake as Zongyun and treating good poetry as bad poetry.

Zongyun never spoke.

Finally, the results of the cultural conference were officially announced. Fang Yun's Cross palindrome poetry undoubtedly became the first in the audience. At the same time, ten people with very poor works were selected. Those ten people sighed and could only go to Kong City and shout "I'm a pig" tomorrow.

However, just when Zhang Zhixing announced that the cultural conference was coming to an end, Zongyun suddenly got up.

"I have something to say. Please go to brother Zhang for convenience." Zongyun said to Zhang Zhixing.

Zhang Zhixing gave him a chance, slapped the table and said, "the meeting is over! After that, everything has nothing to do with me. Go back to your house and I'll go first!"

Zong Yun said loudly, "wait a minute!"

However, many people ignored him and walked slowly outside Changhong hospital.

Zong Yun said loudly, "Dongsheng pavilion has set up a horse and sent someone to intercept Fang Yun outside the gate of the war hall! The people of this cultural meeting should go to testify."

"Are you finished?" Zhang zhixinghuo asked.

Zong Yun kept his face unchanged and said: "Duan Qing interprets the ten characters written by Fang Yun as a five character palindrome, while Yan Yukong interprets it as a seven character palindrome. Is it a coincidence? I doubt that Fang Xusheng himself doesn't know that these ten characters are palindromes! Even if he knows, he may mistakenly think that this is a five character palindrome. Then, the title of the leader of the Spring Festival meeting can't be given to him!"

"Zong Yun, I will preside over the Spring Festival meeting. You report it to Dongsheng Pavilion without my consent. You have to give me an account of this!" Zhang Zhixing looked at Zong Yun angrily. His face doesn't matter, but in case Fang Yun's name is really lost, Zhang Zhixing can't tolerate it.

Zong Yun sighed and said, "as long as I get to the door of the war hall, Fang Xusheng answers my questions. No matter whether his ten words are coincidence or not, I take the initiative to resign as a student of the holy academy and send myself to liangjieshan to fight. If I don't make great achievements, I will never return!"

Zhang Zhixing gnashes his teeth and looks at Zongyun. Now he can see clearly that even if he doesn't go to the war hall, Zongyun will be disgraced. If he stays in the holy yard, he will be laughed at by people. It's better to fight one last time. If he wins, he can get rid of his reputation. If he loses, he can simply go to Liangjie mountain. If he becomes a great scholar in the future, he still hopes to return home in gold.

"No, I'll contact chongwenyuan to run the hospital!" Zhang Zhixing couldn't open the hole even if he died.

Zongyun snorted coldly and said, "since brother Zhang is stubborn, it's no wonder I am!" with that, Zongyun turned and walked outside the door.

"What are you going to do!" Zhang Zhixing shouted.

At the scene, some people were even ready to use their swords to stop Zongyun.

Zong Yun sneered as she walked along. "Naturally, go to the war hall. After the cabinet meeting, ask him whether he has finished his poetry. In addition, don't waste your time. Dongsheng pavilion has temporarily isolated the internal and external contacts of the war hall. Even if you send a letter, he can't receive it."

"Lawless! If you do this, does the temple of punishment not exist?" Zhang Zhixing said.

"I will bear all the consequences caused by this!" Zongyun said.

People looked at Zongyun's back and hated her teeth. Zongyun was completely broken. There was really no good way to take such a person.

Yan Yukong got up and said, "Zhixing, let's go to the war hall together. Fang Yun Tianzong's wizards will definitely not be as blind as Zongyun."

"That's all I can do! However, I'll contact the Chongwen academy to take charge of the academy and try my best to block the Dongsheng Pavilion."

Thousands of students left Changhong hospital one after another and walked to the war hall.

Many people gathered in groups and talked while walking.

"It's really annoying to have a good Spring Festival meeting and let these villains mix up."

"I look down on the Zong family more and more. Yes, I dare say it in public! Although the miscellaneous family in those days was also good at internal fighting, how great was LV Sheng's maneuvering? The current miscellaneous family, ha ha, is despised!"

"In the past, the Zong family could afford to lose, but now it can't afford to lose. It's just another Lei family."

"Anyway, the Lei family at least knows how to plead guilty. What about the family? They have lost everything and still fight with trapped animals. Even if they can't win, they can disgust others."

"Now the Zong family is in charge of the Dongsheng Pavilion. We have nothing to do. Alas, I hope the Terran will not be defeated by the Zong family."

"Mr. Jinglong is fine. How can he give way to Zongsheng?"

"There must be some unavoidable difficulties. Besides, Mr. Jinglong is older and will leave Dongsheng Pavilion sooner or later."

Not long after, the people came to the gate of the war hall and found several people from the Dongsheng Pavilion standing at the door, holding official seals to isolate the internal and external transmission of books, so as to prevent Fang from receiving news as soon as he came out.

Many scholars look at their families and their eyes become colder and colder.

Through the gate, the crowd looked at the wide war hall square inside the gate. At the end of the square was the main hall of the war hall.

Soon, the main hall gate slowly separated.
