Fang Yun's husband and wife and Su Xiaoxiao walked forward, and the women also came quickly.

When the two sides approached, the women bowed together and said in unison, "I've seen Fang Xusheng."

Yingyan, Yingyan, beautiful.

"You're welcome. I think I'll avoid these red tape. You're uncomfortable, and I'm uncomfortable," Fang Yun said with a smile.

"Fang Xusheng, please forgive us for being presumptuous." a woman smiled.

Many women have tears of joy in their eyes. Some women even cover their mouths, bow their heads and cry.

Su Xiaoxiao behind Fang Yun was also red eyed. The sisters here were too bitter. They not only couldn't be recognized by the mainstream voice of the Terran, but also were suppressed. They couldn't even claim to be an academy. This pain was far more painful than the physical pain.

Today, Fang Yun is here. He is an empty saint, an old man in a hall, and the unquestionable first talent of the human race. For the women of the women's society, Fang Yun's arrival is the greatest encouragement.

The women's society has ushered in a bright future on this day.

Fang Yun sighed softly, understood the feelings of these women, and looked carefully at the people in front.

Fang Yun glanced at thousands of women and found that most of the women standing in front were dressed luxuriantly, covered with gold and jade, quite solemn, and even some were wearing Gaoming clothes. Only a few women were dressed in cloth, simple and tidy.

These women have different shapes, but everyone has a unique temperament, far more than ordinary women.

The one who spoke first was wearing a plain white dress embroidered with light pink flowers. It was said to be a skirt, but it was very similar to a man's dress. The man's face is like flawless jade, with a little cherry lips, two Dai eyebrows, beautiful eyes and a faint spirit of heroism. If this person is wearing men's clothes, he must be a first-class beautiful man.

Fang Yun met this man a few days ago. He was the head of the kongcheng women's Association before he was in his twenties. His name was Yang xunlou. She was the daughter of a rich family. Even her name was given by herself. Because of the naming, she almost fell out with her family. The last Kongjia University scholar said that the name was good, and the situation calmed down.

Yang xunlou and Zhao Hongzhuang are one of the most famous talented women of the human race, and even Su Xiaoxiao is slightly inferior.

Seeing Yang xunlou, Fang Yun instinctively thought of Zhao Hongzhuang. They looked very different and had different personalities, but they both had similar heroism and similar resentment.

This woman is in her twenties and has not married yet. She is very rare in Shengyuan mainland. The change of name has subsided, but the fact that she died and did not marry can not be subsided. She has been fighting against forced marriage at home, and was finally driven out of the house by the Yang family. Now she is bent on the women's society, which has been growing in the past two years.

Because this woman's surname is also Yang, Fang Yun has a deep memory of her.

When visiting Kong City, Fang Yun asked Su Xiaoxiao to meet Yang xunlou. They didn't talk much, but decided to come to the farm today.

This woman is quite unique. Most talented women are proficient in poetry, but she not only doesn't study poetry, but also specializes in the classics. She once had the upper hand in discussing scriptures with many imperial scholars. Women in the women's society privately call her a "women's Bachelor" and a "pink scholar".

Some reasonable old scholars in the capital came here to discuss the scriptures with her. Afterwards, they all said that she had the talent of great Confucianism.

Fang Yun met Yang xunlou's four eyes and nodded gently.

When Yang xunlou just saluted, he was different from the others. He did not bow. He bowed respectfully with his disciple's salute.

Yang xunlou bowed his hand to Fang Yun, then straightened up, made an inviting posture and said, "Fang Xusheng, please enter the farm."

Women on the road walked to both sides to form a channel.

"That's what I mean." Fang Yun smiled and walked forward with many women. Yang xunlou was half behind, and the other women followed one after another.

Fang Yun looked around while walking slowly and said, "this place is cleaner and tidy than other farms. Looking for buildings, there are many women here. It seems that someone lives here often?"

Yang xunlou said, "more than half of the women often live here. Some are poor people, some are driven out by their husband's family, and some are refugees."

"Oh? The women's society takes rescuing women as its own responsibility. It seems that there are few."

"Kong City... The etiquette is too strict. This place has been monitored for a long time. Many women have been sent to nearby cities. Only the most talented people are left here to teach students according to their aptitude." Yang xunlou said.

Fang Yun understood Yang xunlou's meaning, nodded gently and said, "I'm a virtual saint. I should imitate the saint and re educate. Let's go to the school first. By the way, I told you before I came, since today is the day of class, don't mess up the course because of me." Fang Yun deliberately lowered his face.

Yang xunlou chuckled. His beautiful face was a little more shy and playful. He said, "I said that after you come today, they can't keep calm. At this time, I can't control the head of the society."

Behind him came bursts of laughter. Even the slaves were laughing. Fang Yun couldn't help smiling.

Surrounded by thousands of women, Fang Yun asked about the women's society and farm while moving forward, nodding from time to time to express his opinions and judgments.

Soon the crowd came to a gate.

There were only two half frames left in the gate, and the lintel and head of the gate disappeared.

The broken door frame pointed directly at the sky, as if to tell the injustice to heaven.

Fang Yun stopped and quietly looked at the broken door.

They secretly aimed at Fang Yun and saw that his face was gloomy, like a volcano, which could erupt at any time.

"Why is this gate not rebuilt?" Fang Yun asked.

"Those people say that it is not allowed to build a main gate or hang a plaque here, so it has not been built over the years." Yang xunlou's voice showed a strong sense of reluctance.

"Well, then this door will stay here and leave a witness for future generations! Go!"

Fang Yun entered the gate, and the other women hurried to follow. They couldn't understand Fang Yun's meaning and didn't dare to say more.

The women's society is dominated by women from rich and noble families. There are many rich families. They are rich and have raised a large amount of silver for the women's society.

The farm was originally built according to the literary academy of each city. After entering it, Fang Yun immediately felt familiar, as if he had returned to the time when he studied in the school palace or literary academy.

There are almost all the buildings that major literary institutes should have here, and even the landmark square of each literary Institute. In front of the square, there is a three foot high platform, which is empty.

In the literary academy, a holy temple should be built at that position, in which statues or rows of saints should be placed.

Fang Yun calmed down, looked at the platform with regret, and arrived at the school area with the people.

In the school, Fang Yun asked about the daily teaching situation of the school, gave some practical suggestions, and tested several female students on the contents of the Analects of Confucius.

After visiting the school, it was just near noon, so Fang Yun proposed to go to the canteen and have dinner with the women of the women's club.

The women of the women's club didn't expect to have dinner with Xu Sheng. Everyone was very happy. Many women scrambled to go to the back kitchen to cook, hoping to let Fang Yun taste their craft. Finally, the woman who knows several famous dishes of Jingguo became the number one chef today.

Soon, Fang Yun and the crowd entered the spacious food house.
