Those demon barbarians and Shui people suddenly realized that Lei Yigu and the Lei family obviously wanted to do something, but Fang Yun was not fooled at all. Finally, they were exposed by Yan Yukong and AO Huang.

Kong Yingnian, a scholar at Kongjia University, said with a smile, "if you have anything to say, you don't have to beat around the bush."

Fang Yun gently fanned the fan and looked at Lei with a smile.

There was silence around Jiangxin Island, only the sound of the river flowing.

As soon as Lei Gu looked at his face, there was a slight color of shame. He glanced at Lei chongmo, but saw Lei chongmo nodding gently.

Lei Gu breathed a sigh of relief, then said helplessly, "well, I admit I have selfish intentions. Do you remember crossing the sea of learning a few days ago?"

"Naturally, I remember that there were three fools in Xuehai. Zonglei and Zonglei lost all the Wenxin fish, and Fang Yun won the supreme Wenxin with the magic dragon boat." Ao Huang said.

Lei nodded and said, "one of my teachers also participated in the school crossing."

As soon as they heard this, they guessed that it seemed that Fang Yun and Zonglei had gambled and won all the Wenxin fish. Lei Yigu's teacher returned empty handed. Lei Yigu tried every means to revenge Fang Yun in the dragon's gate leap.

"Then?" Ao Huang looked at Lei contemptuously.

Lei Gu smiled and said, "it's nothing. I'm a little unconvinced, or I'm unconvinced with the other students of the teacher. Why don't we continue learning the sea and gamble again to give us a chance. Mr. Fang, you're a virtual saint and the Lord of blood. You won a lot of money after only playing one game in the gambling house. Won't you leave directly with the money?"

"If I win money in the gambling house and stay there waiting to lose, I can't be a virtual Saint now." Fang Yun said.

Some people chuckled, and what Fang Yun said was reasonable.

Lei Gu smiled, straightened his spine gently, looked at Fang Yun seriously and said slowly, "Fang Xusheng, why don't you gamble with our Lei family again? If you can break through the dragon's gate, our Lei family will lose you a thing. If you can't break through the dragon's gate, how about giving your fief in xuemanggu land to our Lei family?"

Not only the people around felt incredible, but even those aquariums and demon barbarians stared and thought that the Lei family was crazy.

The news that Fang Yun became the Lord of blood mang has long spread all over the world. Everyone knows that Fang Yun has a fief there, occupying a quarter of the blood mang continent.

A demon king sneered: "the Lei family has a good abacus. Fang Yun's fief value is far above the semi holy burial treasure. It's not too much to say that it's worth a great holy burial treasure. It's really not in the eyes of the Lord of the world."

"That's two and a half percent of the land. Any demon saint is willing to exchange a semi holy burial treasure for it."

The treasure of the demon saint is very different from that of the Terran. The semi Saint cultural treasure of the Terran is made by the semi saint with his own strength and holy Tao. The main core is his own strength.

The holy throne treasure of demon barbarian is very special. It needs to melt a holy throne corpse, deity and holy blood together, and then bury it to let a large number of demon barbarians worship. After being buried for a certain time, once the treasure is formed, it will be released and demon barbarian will take it out.

Because all the treasures of the holy throne have been buried, they are called burial treasures.

It is said that there is a supreme burial treasure in the depths of the demon world, which is melted with the complete body of the ancient demon ancestor. However, the burial treasure is too powerful and has not been formed yet. Once it is born, the strength of the demon world will be improved again.

The holy courtyard has received some information. It is said that the nine great saints returned to the demon world for the mysterious burial treasure.

Ao Huang said carelessly, "Fang Yun, our Donghai Dragon Palace is willing to exchange a great holy burial treasure for your fief. Do you want to change it?"

"No change." Fang Yun said.

Ao Huang then looked at Lei and said with a smile, "did you hear that? Just because you're stupid doesn't mean we're stupid. A fief is priceless. Gambling with you for nothing? It's ridiculous."

Lei Yigu said helplessly, "why is it for no reason? Our Lei family owner is here. He can take out the Lei family's bet."

Lei chongmo frowned and said, "since I take revenge for the teacher, I should understand the mood of the Lei family's children. I'll take care of the bet between you and Fang Xusheng!"

"Thank you, master!" Lei looked grateful.

"The Lei family is really smart. They used to take the name of the whole family against Fang Yun. Now they know to let the scapegoat come forward. If they lose, it's just that one person's business. If they win, the Lei family can be said to be the merit of the family. They can attack and retreat. When did the Lei family start to learn the art of war in an all-round way?" Ao Qingyue, the Dragon King, smiled.

Many people found that Fang Yun suddenly put away his fan and replaced it with a new one.

All eyes were focused on the new fan that had just emerged from swallowing seashells.

Fang Yun started slowly, but everyone was disappointed because there were only two words on it.


Ao Huang and Yan Yukong laughed, because Fang Yun said that Chinese is broad and profound, the same words, but if they are spoken in different ways, they will have different effects. He he, for example, can be regarded as normal laughter, even simple and honest laughter, or embarrassing laughter, but if they say it with a sneer, it is basically equivalent to swearing.

Yan Yukong couldn't help laughing and said, "Fang Yun, give me a fan when you're free. I like your fan so much."

Ao Huang nodded hard and said, "give me some, too. I want to be a refined scholar!"

People also know that these two words are obviously not good words. Many scholars will understand the general meaning after a little association.

Lei Gu Qiang squeezed out a smile and said, "Fang Xusheng is afraid that I am just a scholar?"

Fang Yun continued to look at the sky and said, "I'm a little afraid of the shameless and vicious of the Lei family. It doesn't matter if it hurts me. It just makes me become a king and defeat the enemy, but it hurts my family, which makes me really afraid. So one day, I'll find a way to solve my fear!"

This sentence seems to be the one Lei chongmo said before responding. "I will naturally control my discretion, but if you don't promise me today, it can only show that you can't afford to play. If you win our Lei family once, you will run away with a huge sum of money!" Lei Yigu said.

"It's hard for you to grasp the words so well when you are only a teenager. It's not disrespectful to belittle me. In addition, I may be suspected of 'running away', but I didn't win the Lei family only once. Did your arithmetic be taught by the strategist teacher?" Fang Yun asked calmly.

Ao Huang looked at the great scholars and whispered, "fortunately, the soldiers' family is not here."

When Lei Gu hesitated, he found that he didn't seem to be Fang Yun's opponent, whether it was fierce generals, word games or quarrels.
