After the third day of the lunar new year, the scholars of the holy courtyard returned one after another.

Fang Yun finds Zhou Qingtian, the great Confucian in the hall of war, and shows him how he fought with his tongue and sword in the first Hall of the Hanlin hall.

Zhou Qingtian is worthy of being a famous scholar of the war hall for a long time. After only looking at it once, he pointed out six deficiencies and eight minor defects of Fang Yun, and pointed out 14 points that Fang Yun should pay attention to, so that Fang Yun would not make that mistake in the future.

Fang Yun listened to Zhou Qingtian's guidance and was very ashamed. A great Confucian was a great Confucian. He could easily find the problems he couldn't find out, and he also figured out the mistakes he might make in the future.

After guiding Fang Yun, Zhou Qingtian even asked Fang Yun for advice on the new art of war "waiting for work with ease".

Many people have used similar art of war, and even formed the power of art of war. Many people can learn it. However, it has a single function and poor effect. Unlike Fang Yun's "waiting for work with ease" can not only strengthen themselves but also weaken the enemy.

Fang Yun knew everything and said everything. He confided in Zhou Qingtian and explained in detail his understanding of waiting for work with ease.

Fang Yun's actual combat experience is far inferior to Zhou Qingtian, but he has not only read the history of ancient demons, but also read the history of Shengyuan continent, and even has been learning all the history of ancient China. The theoretical knowledge of strategists is no less than semi saint, but the time is too short to be completely used for his own use.

Zhou Qingtian praised after listening.

Before Zhou Qingtian left, he smiled and told Fang Yun not to be too greedy for the joy of bed after marriage, because the time for the dragon family to jump the dragon's gate has been set, just on the fifteenth day of the first month.

Fang Yun nodded and agreed that although all ethnic groups can jump the dragon's gate, in addition to the aquarium, only he, the literary star dragon Jue, has the greatest advantage of jumping the dragon's gate.

Once you successfully cross the dragon's gate, Xihai dragon saint will directly attack Fang Yun, which is tantamount to betraying the dragon family and will be deprived of many dragon family talents.

When Zhou Qingtian left, Fang Yun stood in his yard, looking at the sky, his thoughts flying in his heart.

"If I can cross the dragon's gate, I can use the holy land of the Dragon Palace for cultivation. All my war poems related to water will be strengthened again, or even improved in an all-round way! As for the power of the Dragon holy star and the real dragon ancient sword, I will also improve, but what I most expect is the legendary dragon family Wentai! The stone of its mountain can attack jade. This is the book of songs In other words, the Lei family has always been fighting for the dragon culture platform. It is said that the University scholar Lei chongmo is the most promising to condense the dragon culture platform, and may even have been condensed and greatly increased in strength. Therefore, he left Xihai Dragon Palace and returned to the Lei family. Moreover, he is determined to jump the dragon gate this time! I can't fall behind! "

Fang Yun thought of Lei chongmo and looked dignified.

In the hall of public opinion, Fang Yun reported the Lei family, and the punishment hall took action to arrest a large number of Gao Wenwei Lei family. Except for those who are not in Shengyuan mainland, even the Lei family owner and Lei family Confucianism are under house arrest, but a great scholar was not arrested in Shengyuan mainland.

Lei chongmo, who has just returned from Xihai dragon palace.

The punishment hall originally wanted to arrest Lei chongmo, but the people of Dongsheng Pavilion came forward and said that Lei chongmo had not returned to the Shengyuan continent for many years, did not know Fang Yun, and could never participate in the assassination of Xu Sheng. The punishment hall had to open up and did not move Lei chongmo.

After all, the Lei family is a virtual Saint family. It has made great contributions to the Terran. It is impossible to deal with it hastily. The whole thing needs to be reviewed for at least half a month. Plus the new year, it will take longer.

Fang Yun said that the current situation of the Lei family must be very miserable. Except for Lei chongmo and those who are not in Shengyuan mainland, all great Confucian scholars are under house arrest. I'm afraid this year will be the most memorable Spring Festival for the young people of the Lei family.

"Dragon Cultural Platform..." Fang Yun thought repeatedly in his heart. He always felt that Lei chongmo's return to the Lei family this time was probably related to the Dragon cultural platform. Even, the reason why the Lei family dared to send Lei Mo into the ancient land of blood mountain was probably because Lei chongmo formed the Dragon cultural platform. The Lei family was full of confidence and supported by the Zong family and the Dragon saint of the West Sea.

On the fifth day of October, Fang Yun and Yang Yuhuan returned to the capital through the literary channel of the Chen family.

On the seventh day of the lunar new year, the fangs from Ji county and Dayuan Prefecture and their relatives and friends who received Fang Yun's invitation arrived one after another. They were completely settled by the royal family, so that Fang Yun's relatives and friends could live comfortably in the capital.

On the eighth day of junior high school, a few relatives of Yang Yuhuan were sent to the capital. Yang Yuhuan met his relatives with tears.

On the ninth day of the ninth day of the lunar new year, on the eve of the wedding, the whole Jingguo capital was decorated with lanterns, which was more lively than the new year. Scholars from all over the Terran nationality arrived in the capital to congratulate Fang Yun.

On the night of the ninth day of the lunar new year, Yang Yuhuan was sent to the palace to live with the Empress Dowager.

In the early morning of the tenth day of the lunar new year, a large number of forces from various families, countries, rich and powerful families, major Confucianism, major scholars and so on began to come to the door to give gifts.

Although Fang Yun's wedding is not as important as the virtual saint, there are still many accompanying gifts in various aristocratic families.

The front, side and east-west doors of the spring garden are all open for gifts. If the back door was not irregular, it would be open.

Even if the Fang family opened the door to receive gifts, they couldn't receive them at all. The whole spring garden was blocked by a dense gift giving team. Many people spontaneously wanted to come to the spring garden to see the excitement, but they were blocked outside the door.

Fortunately, Fang Yun and the royal family had expected in advance and decided to hold the wedding banquet in the imperial palace. Yang Yuhuan's mother's family was the royal family.

The Empress Dowager has recognized Yang Yuhuan as her adopted daughter.

The gate of the spring garden is very lively, and the imperial palace is even more lively. All eunuchs and maids are busy, even busier than when the monarch ascended the throne.

The Xuanwu Avenue in front of the imperial palace is ten miles long and has been occupied by more than 20000 tables. There will be an unprecedented water mat here, which is larger than that of the top ten in Fang Yun.

As soon as the auspicious hour arrived, the official groom rode a dragon horse and went to the palace amid the sound of a thousand people's wedding team.

Along the way, the accompanying palace guards sprinkled wedding money, and many people followed and looted.

Ordinary people's wedding money is not worth it, but Fang Yun's wedding money is a treasure in their eyes and will be used as an heirloom at home in the future.

What's more, the wedding money scattered by the bodyguard was specially prepared by the Ministry of work and the Ministry of household for Fang Yun. Except that a small part was collected by officials, most of them will be sent out today and will not be made later.

The capital is not warm at the beginning of spring, but cold. However, with the power of the holy temple, today's capital is very warm and cloudless.

The tenth wedding is perfect.

Fang Yun went all the way, and the congratulations never stopped. Many Jingguo people shouted with all their strength. Some people even followed the welcoming team, shouting hoarsely, but they still didn't stop.

"I wish Fang Xusheng and his wife a long life together and a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

"I wish Fang Xusheng a happy wedding and an early birth!"

"Good luck..."

Fang Yun wanted them not to use that force, but he thought about it and didn't stop it.

Fang Yunneng realized the mood of those people, so with a gentle smile, he glanced at them with clear eyes and bowed his hands to thank them.

Those people looked at Fang Yun, their eyes were very firm, as if they were saying that they could do little and would never reach the height of virtual saint. However, even if they tore their throat, they should let people know that today is the day of Fang Yun's great joy. Today they are very happy, and today, the whole world celebrates!
