The more than 100 people standing suddenly became very eye-catching at the moment.

"Ha ha..." Wu Jun patted the table and laughed, "a group of scholars in Shengyuan mainland want to stop the Lord of blood mans from being the elder of the blood mans hall. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life."

Wei Huangan sighed: "Fang Yun is reasonable to you, but you don't listen; Fang Yun talks about feelings with you, but you don't listen; now Fang Yun has a clear identity, and you don't listen?"

Those who stood up to impeach Fang Yun had hot cheeks. Wei Huangan was right. When Fang's movement was rational and aware of its feelings, they opposed the blood awn people. Now Fang Yun takes the identity of the Lord of the blood awn. How can they object?

Even the saints think Fang Yun is a hot potato. Who dares to take it!

Chen Mingding cried and laughed and said, "Fang Xusheng, why didn't you tell us earlier? We've been worried."

Tian Songshi smiled and said, "it's good not to say it. If Fang Yun said it, how can you see the expression on the faces of more than 100 rotten wood? Look at them. They still have the face to stand and sit down! Impeachment of the elder cabinet requires the autograph of the saints. How confused are the saints before you can allow you to drive away the master of blood awn?"

"Deserve it!" a straightforward scholar showed no mercy.

More than 100 people standing, you look at me, I look at you, and sit down silently.

No one stands in the house of assembly.

Fang Yun didn't seem interested in beating the water dog. His right hand still held the three-dimensional map of the blood mang world, and his left hand pointed to a place.

"Here, I will build a demon barbarian basin and divide the demon barbarian basin into 20 areas, from weak to strong. Xuemang ancient scholars can enter a certain area according to their own strength, kill demons, destroy barbarians and hone themselves. Of course, I will communicate with Xuemang's will to ensure that the demon Barbarian cannot leave. In addition, in the center of the demon barbarian basin, I am going to build an inland sea for Jiaolong A family thrives here. After all, their meat is delicious. "

The people were speechless. They thought that the dragon meat would be available to everyone. They just said that Fang Yun really established a marine fishing ground because he thought the dragon was delicious and used the dragon as food.

"The kong restaurant has harmed the Jiaolong family..." many people thought.

Fang Yun also said, "the blood boundary is divided into the mainland and the sea. According to the Convention, the Terrans occupy the land and the sea belongs to the aquarium. Do you agree? Well, I'll put forward this motion."

For a moment, they couldn't understand Fang Yun's intention. Yan Ningshan coughed and said, "now vote, the land in the blood mang world is decided by the Terran, and the sea is allocated to the aquarium."

Bamboo cards quickly appeared, and people had no time to think more and voted one after another. People just know that Fang Yuncheng, the Lord of blood Mans, doesn't want to oppose this matter. Moreover, it's really difficult for the human race to survive in the water. It's better to give it to the dragon race and win over the four seas dragon palace.

Except for five bamboo cards abstaining, all the other bamboo cards radiated white light. There was no red bamboo card, which passed with a very high support rate.

Many people who support Fang Yun are particularly relieved to see the large proportion of white bamboo cards, which means that those who opposed Fang Yun made a compromise and knew they had made a big mistake, so they supported Fang Yun in this vote.

Fang Yun nodded and said, "well, from now on, the sea in the blood mang world belongs to the Shui nationality, and the Shui Nationality in the blood mang world is under the control of Wenxing longjue."

Everyone was stunned. Many people shook their heads and smiled. Fang Yun was really the master who didn't suffer. He himself was Wenxing longjue. In the future, the whole ocean of the blood world would be decided by him alone. The Terran had no way to intervene.

Everyone present knows that in a world, the gods and wealth in the sea often surpass the land!

Fang Yun continued: "the eastern continent, which accounts for a quarter of the blood mang continent, has become the Lord fief of blood mang. Do you have any objection?"

All the people are wide eyed, which can't be opposed at all, because the holy courtyard has a clear provision that if a new boundary is established, the meritorious hero will have a fief, and Fang Yun is the Lord of blood awn, accounting for a quarter. It's really not much.

However, if you count the Shanghai Ocean, Fang Yun actually has more than 60% of the land. After Kong Shenggu's land is promoted to a boundary, the Kong family's land can't account for such a large proportion.

Zong Ganyu coughed softly and said, "it's no problem that the Lord of blood mans accounts for a quarter of the mainland, but the Terran needs a reason to get a fief. For example, what contribution did you make to occupy the blood mans?"

The more than 100 people were dejected, but they were greatly inspired by Zong Ganyu's words. Even if they could not attack Fang Yun, it would be worthwhile for Fang Yun to get less benefits.

Fang Yun said: "it seems that you don't know why I became the master of blood Mans. The reason why blood mans was promoted to the blood mans world is that I solved the Dragon cutting sword and ancestral power that affected blood mans will, and that the three poems were handed down and inspired the literary and musical stars to shine!"

Zong Ganyu listened and lowered his head silently.

There were several jeers in the hall of Commons. Fang Yun was equal to discovering and conquering a boundary on his own, and there was no problem in requiring a quarter of the land to be a fief.

Yan Ningshan said, "the voting content of the next motion is that Fang Yun can get blood mang. A quarter of the mainland is a private fief, which extends endlessly and will never be replaced."

The people voted. This time, several people opposed it, but in the end, up to 87% of the people agreed, and the motion was passed.

Next, the hall of public opinion completely became the stage for Fang Yun. Fang Yun nominated Wei Huangan, Yun zhaochen, ye Fangge and Liu Shana as the elder cabinet of the blood mans hall respectively. Later, Yan Ningshan nominated the great Confucian of the holy academy and elected four elder cabinet of the holy Academy.

"So far, all the nine elders of the blood mans hall have been elected. All the affairs of the blood mans hall will be decided by the nine elders. If there is a dispute, the majority will win the minority. The candidates of the Dharma hall will be determined by the blood mans hall, and the hall of public opinion should not interfere!"

Yan Ningshan said that, showing a relieved look, he would never preside over the public discussion of the Party movement after Xindao. It was really too soul-stirring. It was more ups and downs than the dispute over the holy Dao.

Zongjia and others sighed softly that the general trend is gone, and the blood world will completely become the world of Fang Yun.

Next, the house of Representatives continued to vote. After completing the last motion, Yan Ningshan announced the end of the house of Representatives.

Soon, the results of the house of commons were officially announced and first appeared on the list.

The world was shocked.

However, all the external comments have nothing to do with Fang Yun. Fang Yun stayed in Chongwen academy to study and constantly read the holy classics to lay a solid foundation. After all, the blood world has greatly improved itself and must be honed and consolidated.

On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, the whole human family was immersed in the celebration of the new year, but Fang Yun went to the Hanlin Hall of the holy courtyard.

There are seven halls in the imperial forest. After becoming an imperial forest, everyone has a chance to break into the imperial forest hall. If they break into the imperial forest again, they may need to discuss the ink points on the list, exchange military skills, or obtain additional opportunities by virtue of aristocratic family privileges.

Terran Hanlin should break into the Hanlin hall layer by layer. If you can break into the first hall, it is the Hanlin hall.