No one expected that Fang Yun's means were so powerful that he drove the whole Lei family out of the hall of public opinion.

However, many people don't think Fang Yun is wrong. After all, even if the Lei family didn't plan to assassinate Fang Yun, they can't say they were innocent. No wonder they said Lei Mo was dead. It turned out that they were pretending to die and assassinating the human race's virtual saint.

Up to now, the Lei family is bound to be severely punished, and the owner Lei Ao is the product of the compromise of all parties of the Lei family. Now he is bound to carry the black pot.

Many people in the Zong family make eye contact secretly, and some university scholars who listen in have anxious faces.

"Zong Ganyu, master of the house, Zong Qingyu asked me to give you something. Don't leave until the public discussion is over." Fang Yun's voice echoed in the public discussion hall.

Gu juwu, the master of the Gu family, glanced at Zong Ganyu in surprise.

Zong Ganyu sat behind the table and looked ahead. He didn't seem to hear this sentence.

However, some people of the clan family were shocked. Since Fang Yun knew that Lei Mo had entered the ancient land of blood mountain, I'm afraid he knew that Zong Qingyu and Guyuan were also there, and then contacted Fang Yun to send a package to the Gu family. What Fang Yun wanted to do is just around the corner.

If the Zong family obstructs, the Lei family is a lesson.

As for why Fang Yun didn't make a direct move, everyone knew that it was a decent thing for Zongsheng!

The hall of public opinion became more and more silent. After a few breaths, Zong Ganyu, the Lord of the family, looked down at the table, reached out to pick up the tea cup, took a sip and put it down gently.

His head was never raised again.

Many people present relaxed and relaxed. It seems that if Zong Ganyu continues to raise his head, earth shaking events will happen.

A faint smile flashed across Fang Yun's face. He also picked up the tea cup and drank it in one gulp.

Fang Yun put down his tea cup and raised his head again.

Many people feel in their hearts that Fang Yun's position is indeed different.

Yan Ningshan said, "although the Lei family has left, there are enough people in the house of Commons, and the house of Commons continues. The third vote is to determine the number of elders in the house of Commons..."

Later, the bamboo card appeared again, and most people agreed that the old Xuemang palace was nine.

"The nine old men in the bloody mans pavilion have been determined, but the selection conditions of the old cabinet have not been determined. What do you think? Weng Shi, please tell me."

Wei Huangan's eyes flashed a worried look. He was not idle these days. He had been learning about Shengyuan and Fang Yun. He had long known that a member of the Weng family was killed by the Xun family in the holy ruins, but he was blamed on Fang Yun, resulting in a comprehensive conflict between Fang Yun and the Weng family.

The Weng family is also a semi Holy Family in the valley country. It has a very close relationship with the Zong family and has repeatedly participated in obstructing Fang Yun, but the Weng family did not send someone to enter the blood world to assassinate, so Fang Yun has no control over the Weng family.

The great Confucian Weng Shi said, "I think the nine elders in the blood mans hall must come from the great Confucian in the holy yard! If you don't become a great Confucian, you can't convince the public!"

Fang Yun asked, "Mr. Weng Shi, who does this so-called 'crowd' mean?"

"Nature is all human race!" Weng Shi said.

Fang Yun asked, "do you mean to let all people choose the old cabinet together? After that, the old cabinet of each hall should be determined by the world? Otherwise, all the old cabinet of the holy courtyard will not be enough to convince the public!"

Weng Shi was always stern and said coldly, "the holy house can represent the whole human race. Whether you can convince the people depends on the voting results of the house of Commons! I believe Fang Xusheng will never oppose the house of Commons and the holy house!"

Those great Confucians are fine, but many great scholars have slightly changed their faces. "Fighting against the holy court" is a very serious crime of the human race, which is more serious than the crimes of "arbitrarily discussing the official documents of the holy court and the imperial court", "forming a party for personal gain", "divulging human secrets" and "fighting against the review of the holy court".

For to oppose the sanctuary is to oppose all saints, with extremely bad influence and serious nature.

In history, there were few people who fought against the charges of the sanctuary, but each one was infamous for thousands of years, and the whole family and even future generations were affected.

Weng Shi's big hat was covered, and Wei Huangan's eyebrows were locked. Now the situation is very clear. The blood world has no strength to resist the holy courtyard. It is impossible for everyone in the hall of Commons, both public and private, to agree to let the blood mang people serve as the cabinet elder. This is a dispute between the two circles. It seems that it can be passed only by voting, but the actual intensity is no less than the dispute between the Terran and the demon barbarian.

The Zong family and Gu family were forced not to speak, and the Lei family was driven out of the hall of Commons, which was close to the most severe dispute over the holy way.

Fang Yun didn't worry and said slowly: "if the public opinion of the holy house violates the holy way of the human race, the expectation of the blood mang people, and the will of the blood mang people, and makes the human race deep in the mud, the blood mang world can't resist the public opinion."

"Fang Xusheng, you are too presumptuous! This is the hall of public opinion. You even incited the blood mang people to fight against the public opinion, which is almost treacherous! The purpose of Fang Xusheng is clear to all the literary friends present. He doesn't want the blood mang world to belong to the human race at all. Instead, he wants the blood mang world to stand outside the human race for personal gain!"

Many people frown. Fang Yun's words are really out of line. Anyway, Fang Yun, a native of the holy Yuan Dynasty and a virtual saint of the holy yard, should not say those words.

Fang yunlang channel: "I proposed the establishment of the blood mang temple. I proposed that the holy court should be fully responsible for the etiquette education, legislation and law enforcement, military affairs, military and agricultural fortifications of the blood Mang, and only give the blood mang people autonomy in government affairs. If this is not to make the blood Mang world belong to the human race, then, is it only I proposed that the blood mang people be slaves of the holy yuan continent, Weng Shi, that you think I didn't seek personal interests?"

Weng Shi said, "Fang Xu's words are very reasonable. We also support giving political freedom to the blood mang community and allowing the blood mang people to autonomy according to the laws of the human race. However, the elder of the blood mang hall must be held by the great Confucian in the holy yard! None of them can be given to the blood mang people!"

Many great Confucians and scholars nodded gently. They agreed with Weng Shi very much on this matter.

Fang Yun said: "since the blood mans hall governs the blood mans world, it must be held by some blood mans! Otherwise, the blood mans world must be opposed by the whole family!"

"They are Terrans, so Terrans should listen to the sanctuary, and their opposition is null and void!"

"If all the blood mang people object, you can guess whether the blood mang will also obey the holy yard!" Fang Yun was not objective.

Many university students were puzzled and didn't know what the matter had to do with Xuemang's will.

However, some scholars looked worried.

Blood mang has its own circle and is illuminated by the Wenqu star. The blood mang people are the people of blood Mang's will. If all the blood mang people resist, blood Mang's will will will certainly take action. If all the saints come forward and press, it is very likely to force blood Mang's will to burn jade and stone.

Fang Yun continued: "I know that you are afraid that you can't control the blood mang people, but everything such as rites, laws, armies, farmers and so on is controlled by the holy courtyard and various families. If you can't control the blood mang people, it's not only that the holy courtyard is incompetent, but also that the holy courtyard is no longer worthy to rule the blood mang world! What's more, a large number of Terrans will move into the blood mang world and dilute the blood mang people. In a short time, the blood mang people and Shengyuan people will be equal to each other. Both However, what can we do to give the blood mang people a few cabinet seats? How can we close the hearts of the blood mang people and expand the blood mang community as soon as possible in the time of Terran crisis? Do you still need me, a young man, to teach you? "