Qingfeng mountain stands between the capital and Yuyang pass. The mountain is not big. It is no more than 50 miles long and no more than 100 feet high. It is located in the west of the official road. It usually doesn't attract people's attention.

More than 300 scholars rushed out of the mountain with the sound of "rape and death".

At the end of the team, there was an old scholar in purple robe, carrying his hands and moving forward slowly.

The great Confucian walked very slowly, but every step was like stepping on everyone's heart, making everyone in the Zuo Xiang army feel blocked in breathing.

Other scholars rushed out quickly, but the old Confucian was like walking. It was obviously not like shooting, but everyone felt that the great Confucian was pressing!

Stupid scholar, Tian Songshi.

Among the scholars who crossed Xuehai not long ago, he was the only great Confucian, and gave Fang Yun the top-grade Wenxin fish as stable as Mount Tai. He only took a middle-grade spring and autumn Jixu Wenxin fish.

Seeing so many murderous scholars, the soldiers of the left phase guard were so scared that their legs softened. For a time, they didn't know what to do. The gap between the two sides was too large. There were more than ten college students alone, and more than 40 scholars in the Imperial Academy. There were not so many high-ranking officials in the whole country.

These people are not masked at all, and they don't even change their Wen Wei clothes. Looking around, it's like scholars from all over the world exhibiting Wen Wei clothes. There are not only scholars from the Shengyuan continent, but also scholars from Liangjie mountain, zhenprison sea, barren city and ancient land.

General Zhou Junhu of Jingguo is impressively listed.

Zhou Junhu roared and said, "we will fight against evil for the king of Jing Guoqing and the saints. Irrelevant people will retreat quickly. If there is resistance, we will be killed!"

Those soldiers instinctively retreated as soon as they heard that they were "clearing the king's side and punishing evil".

No matter what the result is, the soldiers who died in the war will receive a very thick pension, just like fighting with demons and barbarians, but if they die in the "fight against evil", the pension will be greatly reduced.

Terrans have many unwritten practices.

Once the slogan of "punishing evil" is put forward, the holy court finds that Liu Shan has made a major mistake and it is justifiable to avenge Fang Yun. Then, even if they kill the great scholar and the left Prime Minister of a country, these people will only be exiled in ancient places and will never return to Shengyuan.

Neither implicate their families nor kill them.

Punishing evil is a righteous act in the works of Mencius and many saints! It's sacrifice for justice!

Some radical semi saints even said that punishing evil is the last power given by heaven and earth to the human race. Despicable people will vent their anger at the innocent, while real scholars will point the spearhead at the culprit and show their benevolence and righteousness by means of thunder.

A large number of soldiers stepped back quickly, and many even turned around and ran.

Some Jingguo soldiers shouted as they ran: "brothers, ask yourself, is it worth losing your life for Zuo Xiang?"

"Cao fucking Zuo Xiang! I've long wanted to run away. Now someone will punish evil. If they don't resist, they will be dealt with by military law. If they fight back, they will violate their conscience. I've done many wrong things in my life, but this time, I can't pass the barrier of conscience! Everyone will kill those who harm the weak saint!"

"Run! You can't give it to the left running dog!"

In the civil war between Terrans, more than 30% of the people died on one side, the formation is bound to disperse, the morale is bound to lose, and the soldiers are bound to begin to flee in rout.

Now, more than half of the soldiers began to run away. In addition, some people shouted and even raised officers' tongues to scold Liushan. The whole team collapsed in an instant!

Ten thousand people fled!

Except for the private soldiers and hundreds of elite soldiers in Liushan, all the soldiers fled in the opposite direction like a tide, leaving a large number of vehicles and horses and weapons.

More than 300 people's anti rebellion brigade soon approached the front of Zuo Xiang's team.

Zuo Xiang's private soldiers began to make a commotion, but neither the barbarian nor the human scholar escaped, because they were private soldiers. Once Zuo Xiang died, the barbarian private soldiers would be executed, and even if the scholar would not be executed, the whole family would be exiled forever.

The great scholars who rushed to the stage on their heads flashed their eyes. Like all Hanlin and Jinshi, they could fly out of their mouths at any time.

The scholars who saw this scene were extremely frightened, because the intention of these rebellious people was so obvious that they wanted to strike a chord and multiply their power.

Not to mention a great scholar, even a great Confucian or a great demon king will be hit hard or even killed by this level of resonance.

The voice of Pearl and jade sounded from the largest carriage in the team.

"As soon as I left Beijing, I met all my literary friends to pay a new year's call. I was lucky three times."

When the carriage exploded, Liushan stepped on the green clouds and rose slowly. In the sky behind him, there were three trapezoidal text platforms!

Not only was Zuo Xiang's guard stunned, but even the people who killed the rebels were slightly stunned. They changed from being indomitable to being cautious and ready to find an opportunity to attack, rather than blindly shooting at once.

One person three Wentai, this is the top talented university students can have, no matter how many, the chance of becoming a semi Saint increases sharply!

Wen Tai is divided into two types, one is specialized and the other is broad. No matter which one, as long as it reaches the extreme, it will become a terrorist existence.

Li Wenying has only one "Jiange Wentai", but his power is thorough, which is used to enhance the bleeding ancient sword, making his strength pure and terrible.

Liu Shan was able to build three literary platforms, which shows that his understanding of the holy way is no less than that of Li Wenying.

Everyone recognized the three Wentai, and everyone was very surprised, because this was the first time Zuo Xiang revealed the power of Wentai, and the type of Wentai was unexpected.

The first is the Confucian "cultural platform of great unification", which is one of the forces of the semi Saint Dong Zhongshu of Confucianism. The great unification proposed by Dong Zhongshu of the Shengyuan mainland is to regard Confucianism as the source and master of 100 schools, unify 100 schools with Confucian holy Tao, and let the Confucian holy Tao forcibly absorb all holy Tao.

Although Dong Zhongshu's thought was resisted by hundreds of schools, it was in line with the expectations of Confucian scholars.

This unified literary platform contains the power of "deposing hundreds of schools", which is very overbearing. However, the so-called deposing hundreds of schools is only a name. The real idea of unified culture is that anyone who does not belong to the Confucian holy way can be exterminated.

The second is the "hezong Wentai" of the strategists. In the Warring States period, the so-called hezong means to unite the forces of all countries in the world to attack the Qin Dynasty. Its essence is to attack the weak and attack the strong. It is the main holy way of the scholars of the strategists today. It is the main strategy of Zongsheng to unite the barbarians to attack the demons.

If it is said that the "great unification platform" forms power with absolute hegemony, the combined platform collects weak power and gradually combines to form an extremely powerful power, which is unparalleled.

The third Wentai is similar to the first two Wentai. It is a "concurrent Wentai" formed by the supreme sage of zajia "concurrent Confucianism and Mohism, combined name and method".

Some scholars who originally wanted to kill Zuo Xiang stayed, because a great scholar of miscellaneous scholars calculated many years ago that once someone can have "great unified literary platform", "combined vertical literary platform" and "combined literary platform" at the same time, he will bear the future of miscellaneous scholars!

Because these three kinds of platforms have contradictions and the same aspects. Once they appear in one person at the same time, they will have unexpected benefits.
