When Fang Yun made the third handed down war poem "broken Loulan" in xuemanggu, the whole xuemanggu was slightly shocked.

Blood mountain ancient land has been raining for more than ten days. There are people with waist deep ponding in places with normal terrain. Places with slightly lower terrain are uninhabitable, and a large number of people migrate to higher places.

Blood mountain ancient land was originally shrouded in blood fog and covered with blood clouds all year round, but at this time, all Terrans and demons in blood mountain ancient land found that those blood fog began to rise from bottom to top.

The blood cloud in the sky was much lighter, with a faint light.

"It's over! Blood is over!" an old man wept silently.

"It's terrible... Sobbing..." the children cried.

"God is angry..." a woman wept.

"Pray for the protection of the ancestral spirit! The demon clan can't die..." a demon Hou prayed for heaven.

"Run..." barbarians scattered everywhere.

In the wind and rain, the cloud family, like crossing the river, walked forward in the pouring rain for more than ten days and finally arrived at juyun city.

Before the crowd cheered, they saw the blood fog dissipated, the blood cloud faded, and the light fell in the slightly bright sky.

"Master, you said that my blood mountain ancient land has great opportunities and blessings, but... The fog of blood mountain dissipates. It's very wrong. If there is no blood mountain's power, I'm afraid blood mountain ancient land will become a battlefield for the human race and the demon world!"

Yunhe frowned at the sky and sighed, "I don't understand anymore. Even if it's full of strength after heavy rain for many days, it's still a disaster. Just now the earth shook and there was a sign of the third change. Is it a blessing or a curse? I just don't know whether City Master Yun and Fang Xu... Hanlin have returned to the city."

"The city Lord didn't return to the city, otherwise he would have sent someone to meet us. The soldiers at the head of the city have been on alert. If the city Lord were here, he wouldn't be so."

"Look..." Yun jieying suddenly shouted.

People looked up at the sky. The rain in the sky had been like a waterfall, and now it suddenly stopped.

"The rain stopped?"

"It seems so."

"No, there is still water dripping on my palm... No, how does this water seep into my palm? Is it magic?"

"It seems that there is really water, but it is very small. The rain is very strange. It fell on my head just now. Why did it disappear?"

"Have you found anything unusual? When you smell it, the air seems to be different. After inhaling, there is a special sweetness, like smelling the elegant fragrance of flowers."

Yunhe suddenly stretched out his hand, caught a drop of rain, looked down, and was as numb as a chicken.

The only difference between this rain and the previous rain is that it is more glittering and translucent. Moreover, the rain doesn't break in the hand. It is still in the shape of water droplets, but it soon seeps into the palm of the hand.

After a while, Yunhe shouted: "it's the essence of vitality that can only appear when a boundary is formed in the legend! Come on! Use all means to catch the current rainwater, store it if you can, and drink if you can't! I have Hanhu seashells presented by Fang Xusheng, which are now used to pick up the essence of vitality."

Yunhe, an old scholar, began to run quickly in the water. Whenever he saw the essence of vitality falling from the sky, he immediately used Hanhu shell to earn it.

The others were stunned for a while before they showed their ecstasy. They tried their best to collect the essence of vitality and shouted excitedly as they received it.

"Great! It's really the essence of vitality. It's said that a drop is worth thousands of gold! It's said that the holy family will give a drop of vitality only when a newborn is born, so the scholars of the holy family are always better than ordinary readers."

"We finally have the essence of vitality!"

"Kong Sheng pity, heaven has eyes!"

"But... Why did my blood begin to change?"

"I don't know, but the time is strange."

"What's strange?"

"Just when the ruins of Longcheng appeared, the world changed greatly. Maybe the source of blood mountain ancient land change is there."

"Unfortunately, I don't know if City Lord Yun and Fang Xusheng can come back."

"Shh... Don't expose his identity."

"Don't talk. Collect the essence of vitality quickly. This is a treasure enough to make the holy yard crazy. With these essence of vitality, we blood mans will prosper!"

Gradually, the whole bloody mountain, regardless of human race and demon man, was desperately collecting the essence of vitality, and the world was in chaos.

More essence of vitality slowly fell into the water and changed the whole bloody ancient land.

The will of terror lingered outside the ancient land of blood, but never dared to enter.

Ancient land changes are the most dangerous.

Demon world, demon emperor hall.

The demon emperor sat on the throne, his eyes looked at the end of heaven and earth without any fluctuation. Strangely, his eyes were quite different from ordinary demons. He couldn't see the whites of his eyes or pupils. He could only see a snowy void from his eyes.

A piece of white dragon scale around him suddenly lit up. The wind and snow in the demon emperor's eyes were bigger, and he reached out to grasp the dragon scale.

Blood mountain ancient land, the main hall of town sin.

Fang Yun went to the crystal blood skull, which was an unknown ancient demon skull, a foot high. Fang Yun swallowed it into the seashell and listened to Meng Jingye: "Before leaving, my elders of the Meng family did say the legend of the ancient land of blood mountain. Like the rumors outside, they said it was related to the fragments of the Dragon cutting knife and the ancient demon ancestor Xiong Yu. They also said that if they really saw the fragments of the Dragon cutting knife, they would report it to the family immediately after leaving the ruins of the dragon city. The problem now is that we can't get out."

Zeng Yue said, "our elders of the Zeng family said, don't dream of getting the treasure, because the treasure is different from ordinary treasures. In those years, a half sage of the Terran found two treasures. Although he got one, he was hurt by the second treasure. He just sent the first treasure back to the Terran and died a few days later."

"Is that treasure a legendary monument?"

"Yes, it is the sacred monument that forms the forest of sacred steles."

"In that case, we can't let Fang Xusheng take the risk one by one!"

But Fang Yun said, "step back and leave the matter here to me."

Meng Jingye hurriedly said, "you can't do it, but you're indispensable! Don't say it's a fragment of dragon cutting knife. Even a complete dragon cutting knife or even a complete dragon cutting platform can't do as much as you!"

All university scholars nodded. The Terran is different from the ancient demon. What the Terran needs is knowledge and knowledge. Any treasure is second. Everything Fang Yun brings to the Terran has surpassed the treasure.

Fang Yun narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "after touching the crystal blood skull, I already understand that if you collect the treasure, you will die."

"Are you sure?"


"Then you can't die blindly. Let's go right away. Anyway, you have a way to scare away the guilty turtle."

Fang Yun looked at the fragments of the Dragon cutting knife and the ancestral treasure in front of him, and blood spilled from the corners of his eyes.

The world in front of Fang Yun was shrouded in a thick blood red, gorgeous but dead.

"Up to now, is my choice still blind or not?" Fang Yun asked.

The great scholars were speechless. Fang Yun was almost out of oil and the lamp was dry. Even his body could only rely on the water throne. When he arrived in Shengyuan, he couldn't walk at all.

"How do you take the treasure?"
