Fang Yunjia flew at an ultra-low altitude close to the branches to avoid being found.

After Fang Yun, he was ready to disguise himself as the Qi city people in the rear. It was very far away from the front-line city. Many people had no experience in fighting with the demon family and would not be suspicious.

Generally speaking, the relationship between the City owners in the rear and those in the front-line cities will not be very good, because the City owners in the rear are often the university students who lose in the competition for the front-line cities.

During the flight, Fang Yun thought about all aspects to avoid his own problems.

Not long ago, Fang Yun saw a city standing in the red clouds and light red fog. There was a tall temple in the center of the city. Although Fang Yun saw it for the first time, he guessed that it was the holy temple in the ancient land of blood.

The holy temple in the Shengyuan continent. Officials in cities of various countries only have the right to use their talents and have no absolute control. The real power belongs to the holy courtyard, which is the fundamental reason why the holy courtyard is above the ten countries.

In Xuemang ancient land, cities are loose alliances, and holy temples can be connected, but each holy temple is relatively independent.

At present, no one in xuemanggu can "absolutely control" the holy temple. Even the rare great Confucian city master can only use the power of the holy temple in each city, and can't let the holy temple do anything against it. For example, it's impossible to use the power of the holy temple to kill scholars for no reason, such as helping demon barbarians.

Fang Yun lowered his height and speed again and walked through the woods. Only after he was close to the fields opened up by juyun City, did he put away the green clouds and walked from the woods to the official road.

Outside the cities of Shengyuan continent, even if they are not prosperous, cars will come and go, but there are few carriages here. Only a convoy composed of hundreds of people can be seen far away and slowly drive to juyun city.

The walls and most buildings of juyun city are made of gray stone. Under the red sky, there are some cities like clouds.

There are large fields outside juyun city. A crop called "red wheat" is planted. The food made of ground flour is very strange, which Fang Yun is not used to eating.

In addition to red wheat, there are some pastures in the distance to breed blood cattle and blood sheep. The taste of blood cattle is also very strange. Fang Yun is not used to eating it. On the contrary, he likes blood mutton very much and decides to buy more and take it back. Anyway, the things in seashells can ensure that they will not rot for a long time.

There are also some places surrounded by towering walls outside the city. Fang Yun knows that there is a place where dragon grain rice is planted and guarded by heavy troops.

Longwen rice grows slowly, the yield of artificial planting is very low, and it needs a rare blood jade in Xuemang ancient land to cultivate.

However, in the wild, wild Longwen rice occasionally appears, and the yield per plant is much higher than that of artificial planting. The key is that blood jade may be dug.

If an ordinary person meets a small dragon grain rice field, as long as he contributes to the city master, he can also become a rich man in the city. As long as he is in the city, his identity is at least equivalent to a Jinshi.

On the map is a small Longwen rice field. The Longwen rice here grows very well, and there may be more blood jade in the field.

After getting the map, Fang Yun hesitated. A small Longwen rice field can harvest at least 1000 kg of Longwen rice. In addition, the underground blood jade can also be replaced with Longwen rice. It can not only support himself to eat for three months, but also bring a large number of Longwen rice to Shengyuan continent. Like semi saint, he can eat Longwen rice every day.

However, Fang Yun soon abandoned the idea. If he didn't meet the living Yunjie and only met the bear demon to kill him and get the map, he could take the Longwen rice field as his own. But after all, I got the map after meeting Yunjie. Not to mention being a scholar, even as an ordinary person, I must have a bottom line.

"This is a deal. I take killing demon man as the price and my conscience as the mortgage in exchange for half of the Dragon grain rice field!"

Fang Yun figured out the nature of the whole thing and showed a relaxed smile.

"Cautious independence."

Fang Yun uses the Jinshi's fast walking poem to hurry to the front, and slows down when he reaches the door.

Hundreds of soldiers guard the gate of juyun City, which can only happen when there is martial law in Ning'an city.

Fang Yun knew it was normal. After the soldiers saluted and greeted, he nodded gently and stepped into juyun city.

As soon as the general strategy glances, Nayun town is far from comparable to here. At first glance, this juyun city is equivalent to an ordinary mansion, and the number of people seems to be more than that of Jingguo.

Fang Yun observed while walking.

After a while, Fang Yun had a basic judgment. People here have more patches and dirtier clothes. Most of them are thin. Although their skin is white, it has no luster. It seems that they can't keep up with their diet and there is no sun in the sky. In this ancient land that has been covered by red clouds, their skin can't be too healthy.

Fang Yun first stayed in juyun city for an hour. After he had a basic understanding of the city, he went to the holy temple and took out a demon bear ear in exchange for a "military skill card" to obtain one ear of military skill. As long as you are in the city, you can check the military merit in the military merit card at any time.

The military skill card is an inch square white jade. There is a number on the front and back. The front is the total military skill number obtained, and the back is the remaining military skill number.

Because the holy temples in Xuemang ancient land are relatively independent, different official seals are needed in different holy temples to mobilize talents. Fang Yun has no way now and decides to solve the matter of official seals in the future.

After solving the basic problems, Fang Yuncai inquired about the direction of Changle street, and then inquired about the specific situation of Yunjia in Changle street from the waiter in the tavern near Changle street.

The Yun family in Changle street was originally the Hanlin family, but after the death of the Hanlin family leader twelve years ago, it was reduced to the Jinshi family five years later.

The cloud family has worked hard over the years and produced two Jinshi, one named Yunjie and the other named yunao. Both have the opportunity to promote the Hanlin family and restore the status of the cloud family. Therefore, the influence of Changle cloud family has not been greatly affected.

However, Yunjie is the son of the eldest wife of the cloud family, and yunao is the son of the third wife of the cloud family. The two wives have been fighting for a long time.

After listening to the waiter, Fang Yun walked slowly to the cloud house in Changle street, but he wondered whether Yun Ao met the one who spoke ill of him behind his back in Yun town.

Among the five people in the restaurant in Yun town, the man named Yun'ao is the most ugly and pretentious. Although the man named Yun Dan occasionally agrees, he is relatively not so arrogant and has a lot of brains.

Before long, Fang Yun came to the door of Yun's house and looked at it carefully.

Three feet and one inch lion, four row of doornail, four pairs of lanterns, two doors on the front gate eaves, which are standard ceremony * family etiquette, and even the four person positions at the gate are also very particular.

Some of the systems here are far more stringent than those in St. yuan.

Without waiting for Fang Yun to open his mouth, the door on the left arched his hand and said, "greetings to master Jinshi."

Then the four guards knelt down and got up.
