Fang Yun nodded slightly to the crowd and walked to the palace under the leadership of the eunuch.

After taking a few steps, Fang Yun seemed to think of something. He glanced at the sky and returned to normal.

The capital is thousands of miles away from Ning'an. There is snow in Ning'an, but the capital is clear.

However, after Fang Yun took a look at the sky, dark clouds gathered within hundreds of miles, followed by a cold winter rain.

According to the Convention, the holy temple in each city will not block this drizzle, but now there are banquet in the Imperial Palace and Xuanwu Avenue, so the holy temple puts strength outside to block the rain around the imperial palace. It rains only a mile away from the imperial palace.

At this time, it is winter. The leaves in the capital are almost exhausted, and the drizzle is more bleak.

The banquet was far more grand than the previous early spring cultural meeting. The Imperial Palace was decorated as bright as day, and everywhere was full of banquets.

Fang Yun walked into the palace. Everyone got up and cheered loudly.

"Congratulations to Fang Xusheng on his promotion to the number one scholar!"

"Congratulations to Fang Xusheng on his rise to the top ten champion!"

"I wish Fang Xusheng the honor of becoming the first saint and the top ten champion of the human race"


People changed their ways to congratulate Fang Yun. Today is a happy day. Many people don't have much scruples.

With a smile on his face, Fang Yun walked through the Fengtian gate to the outside of the Fengtian hall. This is the most noble place for the annual champion banquet. Those who can sit in front of the Fengtian hall are not senior officials, dignitaries or noble families, but also famous celebrities in a state.

Today, the focus is on 100 candidates in the palace examination, because they will go to the holy academy tomorrow and start traveling in the sea of learning, and Fang Yun is the focus of the focus.

Here, 70% of the most famous scholars in the panoramic country gather together. You can see Fang Yun. Everyone still has to stand up.

Even the woman wearing a veil sitting on the Dragon chair pulled the little king up.

"Fang Aiqing is coming!" xiaoguojun looked at Fang Yun excitedly, his eyes brighter than the stars in the sky.

"Good winter, everyone!" Fang Yun bowed to the crowd.

"Fang Xu Sheng Dong an!" everyone immediately saluted back.

Xiao Guojun is dressed in a bright yellow little dragon robe and hugs his fist in a manner. He is especially cute.

The number one scholar banquet is more boring than ordinary literary meetings. At the beginning, the Minister of rites came forward to recite the congratulatory table. The congratulatory table is a common four or six parallel prose, congratulating the saints first, then the king, and finally generally appreciating this year's imperial examination.

After a short rest, the court musicians and dancers went to the stage ahead and began to play music, which is a necessary part of the ancient ritual.

After that, the officials of the Ministry of rites went to the stage, selected the top 30 people in the palace examination, introduced everyone's life and famous deeds one by one according to the ranking from low to high, and finally described their achievements in the palace examination.

Those who express their meritorious deeds use spring thunder on their tongue, and their voice spreads all over the capital and throughout the country through the holy temple.

After finishing the 29th person, the Minister of rites walked down the platform. Mao Enzheng, the Minister of rites, personally came on the stage, and then spoke with spring thunder.

"Fang Yun, the top scholar, is also from Jixian County..."

Everyone listened quietly, and many people showed envy, because Fang Yun not only expressed his merit in person by the Minister of rites, but also derived from the records of historians and officials, which is extremely detailed and far from being comparable to others.

Qingguo, imperial palace.

When Jingguo began the champion banquet, Qingguo also began.

Although no one in Qingguo won the first class of a subject this time, because of the early snow in the north and the barbarians moving south, people have regarded Jingguo as something in their bag, which makes Qingdu more festive than Jingdu.

The Minister of rites of Qingguo stood on the high platform, smiling and expressing his merit for exploring flowers with spring thunder on his tongue.

Zong Wude, who once cooperated with Fang Yun in the holy ruins, was ranked third in the imperial examination this year. However, because he did not follow the way of miscellaneous families and majored in Confucianism, he gradually drifted away from the Zong family.

After finishing his performance for Zong Wude, the Chamberlain of the ceremony Department of Qingguo looked to Xiang Lancheng, the son-in-law of the Zong family, the second place in Qingguo this year.

Xiang Lancheng is not famous in poetry, but he is an able official. If there is no luck, there will be at least one class a this year, and he will surpass this year's No. 1 scholar in Qingguo in many aspects.

Xiang Lancheng is a person who the Zong family tried their best to cultivate to compete with Fang Yun for the first prize. Although he failed in the end, he is not like Lei Shushan of the Lei family, who was punished by the temple for scolding Fang Yun, resulting in the tragedy of being dishonored and disqualified from the Palace examination.

Xiang Lan is nearly 30 years old. He looks old and mature. Even if he loses to Fang Yun, there is no negative news. He has high popularity in the county where he is in charge. If Yan Yukong's talent is too rich and he is too strong in literature, history and education, he may be the champion of Qingguo in the end.

In the palace examination a few years ago, he must be the number one.

When the Minister of rites looked over, even Xiang Lancheng's heart beat faster.

It is true to lose to Fang Yun, and even lose to Yan Yukong. However, Yan Yukong will certainly stay away from Qingguo after that, but he is a person cultivated by the Zong family. In the future, he will become prosperous, become a marquis and worship a minister, and become famous all over the world.

Xiang Lan Chengsi has no sense of defeat. Their talents are too high. However, Xiang Lan Cheng has never admitted defeat. Only in the last step can he get a high score. There were many people who were famous when he was young, but very few people who ended well in the end.

It is the first and most important step to become the No. 1 in Qingguo's list, which means officially stepping on the Terran stage!

When the Chamberlain of the Ministry of rites recited his name, Xiang Lancheng felt light and floating all over the country. He knew that the voice would spread through the holy temple to his hometown, shame those who despised him, regret those who were hostile to him, and chagrin those who were gifted better than themselves but now lag behind.

Xiang Lancheng smiles and is full of confidence. It won't be long before he can hold the whole Qingguo in his hands!

However, the Minister of rites of Qingguo only recited three sentences, and a more magnificent and louder voice exploded over the capital of Qingguo.

"Fang Yun, the number one scholar, is also from Jixian County. He has no reputation when he is young. He tastes the hard study by the river of enlightenment..."

Qingguo's minister of rites was originally showing his merit to Xiang Lancheng, but now his voice is completely suppressed by the new voice. No one can hear it and can only shut up.

People were inexplicably surprised. Why did they express their meritorious deeds at the banquet to celebrate the country's top scholars?

The people in Qingguo suddenly got up. Many people almost beat the table. It's more arrogant than digging people's ancestral graves!

Xiang Lancheng's eyes were red and he was almost angry and even scolded!

But everyone endured and realized what was going on.

Ten countries are homonymous, and the world shows its merit!

This has never happened. It only exists in legends, but it happened in front of everyone today!

Many Qingguo scholars are extremely angry, but they can tell themselves rationally that since they are performing for Fang Yun, the ten nation homonym can be justified. After all, Fang Yun not only won the top ten, but also made great achievements for the human race during the imperial examination.

Qingguo people silently listened to the continuous sound of performance and sighed softly. This time, they had to admit that Fang Yunzhen was really holding down his peers, and no one in Qingguo could compete.

Some people are fascinated by what they hear, because this show of merit is very detailed. It tells Fang Yun's many merits completely, which makes people more convinced.

Unconsciously, some scholars who were not brave enough began to feel ashamed and realized that they should not hate such meritorious officials.

Most scholars did not notice their changes, but the faces of several great Confucians present changed slightly, and the great Confucianist of the Zong family even called it a drastic change in color!

The holy academy even uses the homonymy of ten countries to influence the readers all over the world, so that the readers all over the world can reduce the hatred of each other!

In other countries, this effect is mediocre, because most Terrans support Fang Yun, but in Qingguo, it is enough to shake the foundation of a country!

However, these great Confucians have nothing to do. Fang Yun's recent contribution is so great that there is almost no reward. There is no problem for the holy courtyard to use ten national homonyms. Even Zongsheng has no excuse to obstruct it.

After a while, the performance of the world was completed and the ten countries stopped.

Qingguo palace was silent for a moment, and some upright Qingguo people couldn't help praising Fang Yun.

Some people also think that the previous attitude of the other party is too excessive, and they also affirm Fang Yun's achievements from a neutral point of view.

However, some scholars found that Xiang Lancheng clenched his hands and clenched his teeth, showing sympathy.

Just now, it was Mingming's turn to perform for Xiang Lancheng, but Fang Yun's performance was rudely interrupted!

This is almost tantamount to blocking Xiang Lancheng's literary name, which is almost irreconcilable to scholars.

Even if the Chamberlain of the Ministry of rites will show his merit again at that time, everyone will be affected by "ten countries are homonymous and show their merit all over the world". Where will he listen to the performance of one of the top? Even those people in Xiang Lancheng's hometown will pay more attention to Fang Yun.

Zong Wude, standing beside Xiang Lancheng, suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed, "it's hanging. Fang Yun, you finally let me go."

Others don't understand what's going on, but Yan Yukong nearby laughs to himself.

At the Mid Autumn Festival last year, every five scholars who wanted to enter the holy ruins came to the stage to write poetry, while Zong Wude and Fang Yun were on the same stage.

According to the rules, the emcee of the cultural society should have introduced the scholars on the same stage one by one to make everyone famous all over the world. But when it was almost time to introduce Zong Wude, the fierce king suddenly came forward to accuse Fang Yun, causing an incident.

After the situation subsided, the emcee forgot to introduce Zong Wude and asked the five people to write poems directly.

Zong Wude was depressed, but he had to write.

After that, Zong Wude was even more tragic, because Fang Yun obtained too many moons after he wrote the tune of water song * when will the bright moon exist, which led to changes and early entry into the holy ruins.

Zong Wude's originally expected comment on poetry was gone and directly moved to the holy ruins.

From beginning to end, the word "Zong Wude" has not been mentioned in the Terran first culture meeting. No one knows that such a person has ascended the platform of the Terran first culture meeting.

After the event, friends of the holy ruins often get together and laugh at Zong Wude.

Today, Zong Wude finally avoided the "fatal attack of Fang Yun" and attacked LAN Cheng.

Zong Wude looked at Xiang Lancheng with pity. In fact, Xiang Lancheng was even more unlucky than him. His reputation at the Mid Autumn Festival literary meeting was a little empty. After all, it only involved poetry, but this palace test was a real name, which had a great impact on Xiang Lancheng's life and career in the future.

The best chance for many Jinshi to become famous in their life is the performance of the champion banquet. Even if they are famous in the future, they will spread slowly, rather than forcibly telling the whole country today so that everyone can hear the name.

Zong Wude can even foresee that in the future, some people will call Xiang Lancheng "the person who performs meritorious deeds after Fang Xusheng" or "the top of the list who can't remember his name". Whenever Xiang Lancheng is mentioned, many people will be at a loss, but once he mentions the top of the list after "ten countries are homonymous and perform meritorious deeds in the world", Qingguo people will immediately remember it.

"This is just the beginning..." Zong Wude shook his head.
