Demon barbarian private soldiers and demon iron knights rushed into Changxi village like a flood.

All the scholars behind Fang Yun were shocked.

There were too many demon man private soldiers and demon iron knights, blocking their sight, so that they couldn't see what happened.

Not long after, the private troops of Fangyun stopped and separated on both sides of the road.

Corpses were everywhere, blood flowed everywhere, and the pungent smell of blood spread in all directions.

Many children cried and fainted.

The first woman to drop her weapon lay on the ground shaking like a sieve.

"The demon iron knight dismounted, cleaned up the streets, registered the corpses and prepared to burn them. The government soldiers arrested the rest and took them back to the county government for interrogation. Except that they could not separate the breastfeeding mother and son, they took all the children and sent them to the County Cultural Institute for upbringing by the county government. If their parents mutilated their children, or were sent to prison, or abandoned their children, the parent officials should temporarily raise their children instead of their parents."

Some scholars nodded gently, but many readers were acutely aware that "parents harm their children".

In particular, Legalist scholars have even realized Fang Yun's intention. I'm afraid Fang Yun will pilot legislation soon. Once it is determined that parents harm their children, local officials can take their children away.

Many legalist scholars frown, but when they think of the word "temporary", they stretch their eyebrows, indicating that Fang Yun will not go his own way in terms of custody, and there will be certain restrictions.

The leader of the demon iron cavalry took the trembling village head Diao close to him and threw him on the ground. He heard a click. The leg bone of village head Diao was broken. Then he covered his leg and screamed, rolling in pain on the ground.

"My Lord, we have brought the criminal to!"

Fang Yun nodded and was about to speak. Tao dingnian, the county magistrate, suddenly came forward and said, "county magistrate, I have something to tell you."

The eyes of all officials focused on Tao dingnian. The county magistrate is a famous tumbler. He once worked as a subordinate to eight county magistrates and has stood firm until now. He used to be a party member of the left prime minister. Now, after the left Prime Minister lost power, he has not moved him because he knows how to be measured and Fang Yun needs stability.

But everyone knows that once the palace test is over, Fang Yun's first solution is the Tao dingnian.

"What's the matter with Tao County Magistrate?" Fang Yun looked at him calmly.

Tao dingnian said: "The village head Diao Zhili manipulated human trafficking, organized abduction and trafficking, set up a prison privately, hid weapons privately, colluded with bandits, raped women, maimed the people, resisted the law and killed officials, gathered people to rebel, committed extremely heinous crimes and did not tolerate evil. Even if he gave up his post as county magistrate, he would also be severely punished! Today, whether adults allow it or not, the lower officials will imprison him in Diao's water prison and let him taste the taste of torture!"

The officials were silent. This is a strong man breaking his wrist.

If Fang Yun really takes village chief Diao into the water prison for punishment, it is lynching. Nominally, it is more serious than killing all the rebels. Tao dingnian simply bears the reputation for Fang Yun. Afterwards, he will be dismissed, but it also preserves the Tao family.

This is a fairly large investment certificate.

Fang Yun looked at Tao dingnian, gently nodded his head and said, "go."

Tao dingnian chose several officials and servants who had been with him for many years, escorted Diao village head, and found a woman to lead the way to Diao's water prison.

Fang Yun stood at the entrance of Changxi village and waited quietly.

Demon barbarian private soldiers have returned. Although they killed people, they did not eat people. The demon iron Knight of the Terran is cleaning up the body and dealing with the blood.

Then, teams of government troops came out of the village, and there were more women and children around them.

Most of these women have messy hair and broken clothes in their new clothes. Most women have dull eyes. More than half of them are injured. Some are locked in chains. They drag the floor and make a clatter when walking.

Some government troops were carrying bedding. Some bedding had been stained with blood and slowly dripping blood.

These government soldiers were extremely sad and angry.

The Jinshi on one side couldn't see it. They spit out their words and cut off those chains.

A young soldier came to Fang Yun with tears on his face and cried: "Fang Xusheng, it's terrible. There's a cell in the family I went to. There are seven living people and three dead people. The bodies are rotten! After we rescued seven women, two said their names and locations and asked to bury them. Then one crashed into the wall, and the other took our knife and committed suicide. It's terrible, it's terrible... Sobbing..." Then the young soldier squatted on the ground and cried.

Another soldier clenched his teeth and said, "you let private soldiers kill before. I blame you for killing too much. Now, I only blame you for not letting us kill those animals! What a scum worse than maggots! It's just a demon! Cao's mother's Ji Bai, Cao's mother's former county magistrate, are all a group of dog officials! Fortunately, there is a blue sky in Ning'an! Fortunately!"

Many soldiers followed and scolded. All the women bowed their heads to avoid being touched or seen by others.

Fang Yun sighed and pressed down his anger. His tongue burst into spring thunder and said: "I'm the magistrate of Ningxian county. I'm sorry that I'm late. After returning to Ningan, I'll write to you to apologize. In addition, the county will prepare some residences without outsiders for you in Ningan. You can leave after you recover a little. If you don't remember where your home is, I'll arrange you to work in the workshop. No one will know this The land. "

Many officials nodded gently. How could these people not remember where their home was? Fang Yun was afraid that these people would not dare to go home and commit suicide.

In the Shengyuan continent, after suffering such torture and insult, if a woman returns home, she may suffer double torture and pain.

Let alone Fangyun, even semi saints can't eliminate that deep-rooted concept.

Except for a few women who are still numb, most women cry.

As for those children, most of them cried from the beginning, and only a few sensible children didn't speak and waited quietly.

Some government troops gently put the rolled up bedding on the ground and slowly lined up, more and more.

Blood seeped into the soil.

Fang Yun gritted his teeth and continued to wait.

After two hours, thousands of people and horses checked Changxi village from beginning to end. They even brought some well-informed village women. With their help, they found seven secret dungeons and rescued dozens of people.

Finally, the war hall Confucian who protected Fang Yun personally went out to confirm that there were no living people in the village.

The government army made a terrible statistics. There were more than 900 women and children abducted and trafficked in Changxi village, of which more than 100 women committed suicide after being rescued.

There are more than 200 young women. In order to sell at a good price, the people of Changxi village don't have too many injuries on these women.

The government soldiers not only saved people, but also found many gold and silver properties, accounts and letters under the leadership of village women.

When the government soldiers were dealing with the village, Fang Yun listened to the confessions of the surviving village women while looking through the accounts and letters, and reported the traffickers or Changxi villagers who were still out of town.

After the matter of Changxi village was basically handled, Fang Yun asked the officials of Xingdian to report it, and on the pretext of suspecting the anti species manipulation of human trafficking, asked Xingdian to issue an order to require the government of the whole state to take action and start to fully arrest the people related to Changxi village.

According to those letters and confessions, Fang Yun locked many people, including not only the sons of businessmen and officials, but also some officials and famous families.

Most of the people connected with Changxi village were from Qingwu Prefecture. Fang Yun had no scruples. He directly sent a letter to the new Mizhou animal husbandry chronicles, which was very formal at first. Finally, he hinted that if he didn't use thunder this time, he personally took private soldiers to arrest people all over Qingwu Prefecture!

Sai Zhixue immediately replied that since there was an order from the punishment hall, he would cooperate with Yu Xingshu, governor of Michigan, to ask the Grand Marshal's house to mobilize the State Army to arrest people.

Not long after, Tao dingnian, the county magistrate, came back with some blood on his body.

"Only half of the instruments of torture in the water prison were used, and the village head Diao died. The lower officials were incompetent." Tao dingnian said.

Fang Yun nodded and said nothing.

Before leaving, Fang Yun asked a great scholar to write a first battle poem, calling for continuous fire rain, turning Changxi village into a sea of fire.

In the sky of fire, the motorcade headed for Ning'an city.

When he arrived in Ning'an City, it was already a sunny morning. Fang Yun made arrangements one by one before returning to houya.

After dinner, Fang Yun chatted with Yang Yuhuan, played with the slaves for a moment, and then returned to the study to write documents.

The first document recorded the process of going to Changxi village to deal with the case. Fang Yun told the truth that Changxi village killed yamen servicemen with ordnance first, gathered people to resist the law and plotted against it. In order to save the innocent prisoners, he had to order the killing of the anti thief.

In the document, the situation of these old river villages is recorded in detail.

Fang Yun sent one copy to the prefect, the state shepherd, the cabinet and the punishment hall.

After that, Fang Yun thought for a moment and wrote an apology. As a county magistrate, he took more than half a year to deal with the matter. He was to blame. After the palace examination, the official was demoted to one level, the Baron was demoted to one level, and the salary was fined for three years.

After writing his petition, Fang Yun formally impeached the successive county magistrates of Ning'an County, Tong County and Hu County in recent 30 years, the successive prefects of Qingwu Prefecture and the successive state shepherds of Mizhou!

Zuo XiangLiu mountain was once the animal husbandry of Mizhou.

The current Minister of the Ministry of officials, Zuo Xiang's classmate, was also a shepherd in Mizhou.

Jingguo, capital.

Many cabinet officials were in a panic.

Fang Yun's first letter shocked all the officials. They didn't expect that someone would do such a thing in the Terran!

Some officials looked at their colleagues with a sad look, because some officials were shocked not by the evil deeds of the villagers in Changxi village, but by Fang Yun's order to kill.

Some leftist party officials are not angry, but can hardly hide their joy, because this is a good time to attack Fang Yun, which may destroy several subjects of Fang Yun's palace exams, and even have a very small chance to cancel Fang Yun's No. 1.

The second letter did not cause too many problems, but all officials thought Fang Yun's plea was too heavy, but a few officials tasted the hidden intention hidden in the plea.

When the third letter appeared, many officials suddenly realized.

As a deputy county magistrate who has just been there for less than a year, Fang Yun solved the problem of Changxi village and still asked the officials and barons to be demoted one level. The charges of successive officials must be more serious than ever.

Because Mizhou has been run by Zuo Xiang for many years, almost all the people impeached by Fang Yun are Zuo Xiang's people.

In these years, thousands of people have been abducted and trafficked in Changxi village, and more than 300 people have died in Changxi village. From the county to the government to the state, the three-level yamen have ignored such a serious dereliction of duty. Zuo Xiang must hand over a minister of official to calm down!
