After the selection of Sangu was completed, Fang Yun began to adjust his focus in Ning'an county.

The million demon barbarians of the West Sea Dragon saint and the aquarium are a huge gift. Let the war hall elders play together. For Fang Yun, please ask the first division of military affairs before being canonized.

This means that of the ten subjects in the palace examination, eight subjects in Fangyun have obtained or are bound to obtain the first grade.

However, Fang Yun didn't make any big moves before September 15, because September 15 is a personal test for the Terrans. He wants to give lectures to the scholars of the county.

Michigan is a small state. Even if the number of people increases this year, it will only take 100.

After the test, something surprising happened all over the Terran. There were 16 people in Ning'an County, even more than the lowest number.

Education has been decided, but the two subjects of people's livelihood and official management are still pending.

So far, Fang Yun's people's livelihood rating has reached lower level B, and another seven people have reached lower level B in this palace test.

It is not difficult to get B in the first section of people's livelihood, but it is difficult to get B or even a grade. Because there are too many elements of people's livelihood, such as clothing, food, housing and transportation, weddings and funerals, people's style, rich and poor life, it is difficult for anyone to reach B grade, and often there is no a grade for people's livelihood for several years.

Fang Yun has made great efforts in public security, urban construction, health and life security. The next step is to increase income and make the people more prosperous. Only then can he really make achievements in the field of people's livelihood.

Therefore, after September 15, relying on the advantageous conditions of Ning'an City, Fangyun has formulated many plans. For example, a textile and Garment Fair will be held at the end of September. At the same time, a large number of workshops in Ning'an county will be increased to further reduce textile costs, expand textile channels in many ways, and occupy the textile market with absolute advantages.

In particular, after some hats, sweaters, gloves and other textiles designed by Fang Yun personally came to the market, they immediately became popular in Ning'an county and Jingguo, and began to spread wildly to all countries.

Unknowingly, "Ning'an" brand textiles have become hot commodities. In front of the three characteristics of exquisite style, low price and durability, the textiles of those time-honored stores are eclipsed.

A small number of imperial examination candidates consider themselves unlucky, because the textile industry accounts for a large proportion of the counties they take charge of.

At first, the textiles of Ning'an county may only affect Jingguo and the northern part of Shengyuan continent, but when the reduction of cost can offset the freight, the textiles of Ning'an county must be exported to all parts of the Terran.

If the textile price in Ning'an county is low, the workshops and shops in other counties will have to reduce the price, reduce the income, and the people's livelihood will inevitably be degraded.

In order to reduce costs, workshops in Shengyuan mainland had to buy new textile mechanisms made by workers and Mohists, at least not lower than Ning'an in textile efficiency. However, some of their income from buying textile machines flowed into Ning'an workshop and Ning'an County, constantly expanding Ning'an textile industry.

In this world that doesn't go deep into brand and marketing, many people don't know the real purpose of Fangyun's introduction of "Ning'an brand", nor do they realize how much impact these innovations of Fangyun will have on the future.

Lei shuyamamoto, the imperial examination scholar of the Lei family, came to take charge of a large textile county. He wanted to surpass Fang Yun in the discipline of fortification, but Fang Yun's workshop innovation was far better than him; He worked hard on the farm again, but the cloud building projection of the Farm Hall flew to Ning'an County; Finally, he put all his efforts into the first section of people's livelihood, but the textile industry in the county was hit, the people's income decreased sharply, and the first section of people's livelihood completely missed him.

A few days later, Lei Shushan was drunk and scolded because of the failure of the palace test. He was denounced by the enemies of the Lei family to the temple. As a result, he was reprimanded by the temple. All ten subjects of the palace test were reduced by one class!

Afterwards, Lei Shushan's courage was covered with dust.

The whole Lei family was furious. They closed the door again and scolded Fang Yun. The new owner of the Lei family was especially angry.

Lei Shushan's other imperial examiners in Jia lost a strong enemy and secretly vowed to thank Fang Yun in the future.

It was at the end of September that Fang Yun officially launched a more reasonable official assessment system in Ning'an county. Some of the regulations were so strict that many officials could not accept them.

Fang Yun now had absolute control over Ning'an County, did not shrink back, and allowed the officials to leave.

Soon, 20% of the officials withdrew from Ning'an county government.

Bureaucrats in Ning'an county are increasingly resentful of each other.

Subsequently, a few officials of Ning'an County went to the capital and united with the officials of the first Department of Zuo Xiang to sue Fang Yun, which triggered the impeachment of the imperial historian.

Unlike in the past, when Zuo Xiangyi took action, a large number of civil servants followed, with great momentum. The memorials to impeach Fang Yun were like snow, but now, both the momentum and the number of memorials are less than one-fifth of the original.

Even so, the official administration of the other party is unfavorable. According to the standards of the palace examination, we can't unite the bureaucrats. Even if the credit is amazing, it's only a B, not a a.

Fang Yun's hostile forces have worked hard. The Lei family and Bakong mountain gathered in the Wen pavilion to attack Fang Yun and even bribe scholars. The detailed work of Zongsheng family and Qingguo, together with the Zuo Xiang party, has stirred up trouble in Jingguo, causing some neutral officials to swing, and some selfless officials to think that Fang Yun's work is too biased, Although Fang Yun was not accused in the court, he also said some opposing views.

His staff and friends persuaded Fang Yun one after another.

A few days later, Fang Yun released the official retirement system of Ning'an county. After retiring, each official can obtain the lowest level of lifelong wenjue, ranking below the rural male, and obtain different pensions according to the grade before retirement.

As soon as the retirement system came out, one stone aroused thousands of waves.

In the Shengyuan continent, many small officials will lose their income after retirement. No country has a perfect retirement security system, or only senior officials and officials with titles can enjoy the retirement system.

In addition to releasing the official assessment system and retirement system, Fang Yun also thoroughly reformed the county government institutions in Ning'an County, because the ten room system led to too much concentration of power, which may be applicable in a small county with 10000 or 20000 people, but it has been unable to adapt to the rapid development of large cities, especially Ning'an county.

As a result, new institutions were established one after another. Those who first took refuge in Fang Yun gradually became the heads of the houses, and the officials who did not leave also gained greater real power.

Those officials who had left the county yamen regretted their intestines and tried to return to Ning'an County Yamen again. They even couldn't kneel outside the county yamen, but Fang Yun ignored them.

Fang Yun's method of beating a stick to a sweet jujube is perfect. All officials in Ning'an county are convinced. In the past, they were intimidated by Fang Yun's power or conquered by Fang Yun's achievements, but now they are bound with Fang Yun's interests and try their best to safeguard Fang Yun's interests!

The officials of Ning'an county all supported Fang Yun, and the impeachment in the court became a water without a source and a tree without roots, and soon disappeared.

After learning the new system of Fang Yun, the grass-roots officials of Terran countries began to promote the innovation of retirement system from bottom to top.

Xiang Lancheng, the son-in-law of the Zongsheng family of Qingguo, was also a scholar in this year's palace examination. He originally wanted to beat Fang Yun in the two subjects of people's livelihood and official management. He borrowed all the strength of the Zong family and even Qingguo, but he was disturbed by a series of actions by Fang Yun in September.

On the first day of October, a headline on the front page of Wen Bao was like a joint attack by all saints, detonating the Shengyuan continent.

"Can Fang Yun become one of the top ten Jinshi in history?"
