"Fortunately, this move has aroused the doubts of many readers, because not everyone studies history. The supplement of Shengdao is completely history. After all, for readers, as long as they buy Shengdao, they must buy a supplement, but today's supplement makes many people hesitate.

However, the questioning of the supplement did not form a climate. Even the Lei family and the Zong family did not oppose it. Other high-ranking scholars and the children of aristocratic families did not seem to know it and did not mention it at all.

Because those people already know that ancient demons are coming, the reason why Shengdao publishes this supplement is actually to popularize the knowledge of ancient demons and prepare for the future of the human race.

Those palace examiners who originally wanted to compete for the first grade of history gave up silently after reading it. This book is just against the sky. They know the history of ancient demons like the back of their hands. It coincides with the return of ancient demons. Three examiners will play in the history hall. Please give Fang Yun the first grade of history in advance, that is, the first grade of saint.

In the afternoon of that day, the hall of history, the hall of punishment, the hall of work and the hall of agriculture jointly started to play to the three semi holy examiners. Please give it to the four holy subjects of Fang Yun's history, prison, fortification and agriculture, which caused a sensation among the Terrans.

Plus the previous medical section, it means that Fang Yun may get five Saint first-class.

Even the ordinary five Division A is enough to be the best for thousands of years. There is no one before and after. Now the five saints' former a is even more desperate for their contemporaries and future generations.

Fang Yun's imperial examination friends sent letters one after another, "crying" that it was a mistake to take the imperial examination with Fang Yun this year.

Although scholars in ancient places outside Shengyuan participated in the imperial examination, they did not participate in the official ranking of Shengyuan. As a result, many ancient scholars have been dissatisfied with the imperial examination of Shengyuan, but they are convinced this year.

Moreover, from that day on, a pessimistic view began to appear in Shengyuan mainland. Except for Jingguo, the other nine nations plus Kong City may usher in a Class-A champion that has never been seen in history and be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

Therefore, many palace examination scholars began to study. In addition to the five subjects, the two subjects of education and culture can never compare with Fang Yun. It is in the three subjects of official administration, people's livelihood and military affairs.

Therefore, some people even shouted the slogan "experts and strategists, this year's palace test depends on you".

A miscellaneous family is good at governance and a strategist is good at the army.

The imperial examination candidates of the two families have expressed that they must fight with Fang Yun to the end.

However, people with a clear eye can see that in addition to military affairs, the two subjects of "people's livelihood" and "administration of officials" have been very difficult.

Before, Ning'an county was controlled by the left party, so Fang Yun's administration of officials was weak, but now that the administration of officials in Ning'an county is clear, Fang Yun has a great possibility of winning the first class.

As for the people's livelihood, not to mention that after solving the food disaster and the severe crackdown, coupled with Fang Yun's strong focus on health, the people's life of the whole Ning'an county has slowly changed, and there is a faint atmosphere of a big city. Even people from the capital and even big countries feel inferior when they come to Ning'an, because Ning'an seems to be another world and can't understand what they say New words such as "eliminating the four evils", "stressing hygiene" and "strike hard".

A small county begins to lead the trend and trend of the whole people!

As soon as September passed, people in Ning'an county were busy, and all the officials were fully prepared for the "Double Ninth Cultural Conference".

It is a human tradition to respect the elderly in Chongyang. Fang Yun may not participate in the Mid Autumn Festival cultural meeting on August 15, but he must participate in the Chongyang cultural meeting.

One of the main activities in autumn is to enjoy chrysanthemums. Fang Yun is also a famous poet of the human race, so officials spare no effort to arrange chrysanthemums, so as to make Ning'an county more humanistic spirit and make the people of Ning'an County happy to enjoy chrysanthemums, which is an act to enhance the people's livelihood and education of Fang Yun.

On the fourth day of September, Fang Yun made another private visit in micro clothes to see the new atmosphere in Ning'an county. He was very satisfied with the results. There were chrysanthemums everywhere. The festival atmosphere was very strong, which completely eliminated the traces of grain disaster, alleviated the tension brought by the strike hard, and achieved a degree of relaxation.

On his way back, Fang Yun thought about which poem he would write for the Double Ninth Festival and chrysanthemum on September 9 this year, and was ready to praise the responsible officials.