Before leaving the county literary academy, Fang Yun picked three apricot flowers and gave them to Yang Yuhuan, Su Xiaoxiao and nu Nu respectively. He personally put them on Nu Nu and made the little fox beautiful in the southeast and northwest.

The society of medicine, Taoism and literature was a great success. Fang Yun's theory of plague was originally taken away by the great Confucianism of the medical hall and enshrined in the medical hall to enhance the Qi of doctors.

The current discussion list is sourly called "doctor discussion list" by other people. A large number of doctors use the discussion list to discuss everything related to the plague.

Fang Yun's friends also sent letters one after another. Now, Ning'an county has become a pilot of four halls: punishment hall, work hall, agriculture hall and medical hall. People with a clear eye can see that it is difficult for the left party to obstruct Fang Yun's palace test. Fang Yun has completely taken root in Ning'an county and can safely and steadily hold the palace test.

Fang Yun had made up his mind that he would not fight for anything throughout April. He would keep a low profile in both work and life, and was not prepared to carry out any innovation. He should consolidate his talent and avoid the instability of his foundation caused by the rapid growth of talent.

However, the day did not meet people's wishes. Officials who went to Mizhou to take office will arrive in Ning'an County on the first day of April and hold a small cultural meeting to congratulate Fang Yun on standing firm in Ning'an county and thank Fang Yun for helping them win their positions.

Fang Yun punctured the time. The moment before the arrival of many officials, he led officials of Ning'an county to the gate of Nancheng and entered the post Station pavilion to wait.

The stone table in the pavilion of the post station is very large. There are eight seats beside the stone table, but only Fang Yun and AO Huang sit on it, and other officials stand outside the pavilion.

Far away from the pavilion, there are also some officials, who are subordinates of Beimang general Ding Haosheng or transit division Zheng genggo, watching Fang Yun in the pavilion coldly. They don't want to get close to Fang Yun, but they can't help welcoming the current governor and state shepherd of Mizhou.

In the pavilion, the officials of the post station carefully accompanied him to bring tea and pour water. Fang Yun drank tea and looked at the surrounding scenery.

Ning'an in April completely got rid of the cold in spring and ushered in the early summer. Looking from a distance, the farmland is connected into one piece, full of green, forming the most beautiful color between heaven and earth with the green Dai in the distant mountains.

Above the farmland, there is a floating cloud with a diameter of one mile. Above the floating cloud, there is a nine story building completely composed of clouds. Farmers are busy in the cloud building.

It determines what the Terran will eat in the future.

Fang Yun smiled and looked back at the south where many officials were coming.

Willows on both sides of the street are growing well. Willow branches hang like bead curtains, forming green curtains, and white catkins fly all over the sky, as if telling everyone that summer has come.

Fang Yun glanced at the officials under the jurisdiction of Ning'an county. Since the medical, Taoist and Cultural Association, everyone was honest.

Ning'an county is a big county. Not only scholars are local officials, but also many people work in Jingguo States and the capital.

After the medical, Taoist and Cultural Association, as a few people guessed, Liu Shan was particularly unhappy with officials in Ning'an county because of the death of his two grandchildren. All local officials who came from Ning'an county were transferred from important Yamen and marginalized in the major adjustment of officials.

Liu Shan has completely given up the officials of Ning'an county. For the sake of Fang Yun, the Empress Dowager and Wen Xiang have also completely given up.

Just a few months ago, officials in Ning'an County tried to get promoted by Zuo Xiang.

Many officials from Ning'an County couldn't bear the huge contrast. The literary palace of many children and scholars was cracked, and even two people's courage was broken, which was really scared.

In these days, countless officials in Ning'an county have been accused by their wives, concubines and elders.

Many officials called the incident the disaster of Ning'an.

After the news of the disaster of Ning'an spread throughout Jingguo, fewer and fewer people wanted to take refuge in Zuo Xiang, but more and more people wanted to be an official under Fang Yun.

Now, the officials of Ning'an county have no backing. They can only walk step by step. They are like walking on thin ice. They are as obedient as grandchildren in front of Fang Yun. They are easier to use than private staff.

Most people dare not take refuge in Fang Yun, not to mention that Fang Yun has a high vision. They are ashamed to face what they have done before. They just hope to do their best for Fang Yun. When he leaves Ning'an County, they will not be held accountable.

Not long after, a long motorcade came and slowed down slowly near.