On the second day of March, the memorials and biographies of officials in Mizhou continued to spread to the capital like snowflakes.

Officials of grade from Ning'an county to Mizhou Mu attacked Fang Yun's behavior and believed that Fang Yun was going against the historical trend and denying the development of the human race. Fang Yun was taking a dangerous road and must be corrected.

Wen Xiang Jiang Hechuan ridiculed in public in the cabinet: "why Shun and rebel? It's nothing but party struggle!"

Zuo Xiang proposed to hold a temporary court meeting. On the court hall, hundreds of officials competed and made a mess.

The four prime ministers did not speak and allowed other officials to argue.

As for Fang Yun, who caused chaos in the chaotang hall, he went to the house every day like a person who had nothing to do.

The housing of the county official corresponds to the household of a country, and is responsible for the related fields such as the land, registered residence, taxation, commerce, animal husbandry and market.

In a country, the official department is the first of the six departments. In a county, the official room is also the place with the greatest real power, but in terms of oil and water, the household room is the first of the ten rooms.

The master book is in charge of the household room. Shen Ming's people are from top to bottom, and water can't be poured into it.

Even if Fang Yun installed two staff members as temporary book office, it is difficult to master the household room.

Although Fang Yun is mainly engaged in fortifications and prisons these days, his private soldiers, scholars, have long penetrated into all corners of Ning'an County, and the ten rooms of the county government are the top priority.

At present, Fang Yun has completely controlled the ritual room and the prison room, and has completely mastered the receiving and dispatching room for conveying documents by praying for heaven and offering documents.

As for the workshop, the general secretary of the workshop has delegated power. The master bookkeeper Shen Ming went to ask for accountability. The other party said that as long as the people in the workshop left, he would immediately oppose Fang Yun.

The holy courtyard has too much influence on the Terran. Shen Ming thought for a long time and had nothing to do, so Fang Yun assumed that the workshop was also controlled by Fang Yun.

The county government has ten rooms, and Fang Yun has four rooms.

As for the other six rooms, Fang Yun can only penetrate slowly, which is the helplessness of the county magistrate. Since he is a bureaucrat, he must work within the rules. Once he makes too special moves against officials, it will inevitably lead to a rebound.

In fact, Fang Yun would have been denounced by all the officials if he had no ability to reach the temple of rites and punishment and no holy court to endorse him.

Fang Yun has two goals: one is bright and the other is dark. Mingli's goal is to let the Hufang book office take him to the fields in Ning'an county to understand farming.

Because Xu Xing's family sent two peasant Jinshi to help, Fang Yun's inspection of farming was very smooth, but he sacrificed the time to go to the workshop. Now he draws a set of mechanism drawings every three days for the people of the hall to study and manufacture by themselves.

The secret goal is to thoroughly understand the house and prepare for taking over the house.

On the third day of March, the plague prevention and control law, the classification of plague and the complete collection of plague prevention came out at the same time. Fang Yun directly handed over the three sets of plague documents to the medical hall, and handed over the copy of the plague prevention and control law to the criminal Hall and the Ministry of punishment.

The new classification of plague triggered a dispute in the medical hall, because Fang Yun completely explained it with the external cause of Pandora in the "five cause theory" of ancient China, and attributed the cause of all infectious diseases to Pandora, which was unimaginable before the popularity of febrile diseases.

In the face of overwhelming doubts and objections, Fang Yun remained firm. He didn't have time to argue. He not only revised the first half of the theory of plague, but also finished the second half, eliminated some omissions of the original author Wu Youke, and then took out the extremely important triple energizer dialectics to lay a foundation for the establishment of the epidemic disease school in Shengyuan Dalu!

On the seventh day of March, Fang Yun held a morning meeting with a group of aides. The aides strongly suggested that he recapture the power of the house from master Shen. However, no matter how the aides advised him, Fang Yun never agreed, and even discouraged some people.

On March 10, the temple of punishment issued a document, and the plague prevention and control law has been approved by the great Confucian scholars of the temple of punishment. As long as it is approved by the temple of medicine, it should not only be promulgated in Ning'an County, but also be popularized in the whole Shengyuan mainland as soon as possible.

The law reform before Fang Yun has not been fully popularized so far. It is only tried in one state. It can be seen that the criminal Temple attaches great importance to the plague prevention and control law.

There are still doubts about the plague classification and treatment method of the other party in the medical hall. The law on the prevention and control of plague has not been passed by the medical hall. Fang Yun is not in a hurry. Within a month after the full text of the theory of plague is published, the law on the prevention and control of plague is bound to be passed.

In the morning of these days, Fang Yun goes to the field every day to learn not only to grow wheat or grain, but also to grow vegetables and animal husbandry.

In the process of on-the-spot study, Fang Yun not only had the guidance of farmers, but also had the help of peasant Jinshi. At the same time, he also focused on two purposes in the world of rare books, learning the classics of peasant scholars in Shengyuan mainland and the agricultural and animal husbandry works of ancient China.

In the first five days, Fang Yun didn't say a word and just studied. But since the seventh day of March, Fang Yun has constantly put forward a lot of questions and suggestions to the two peasant Jinshi.

At first, the two peasant Jinshi could barely answer. Later, they had to send a book to the old Jinshi or old Hanlin of the Xu family, but this was not the end. In the end, even the university students in the agricultural hall of the holy courtyard participated.

What fortifications have can be directly manufactured, but farming is different and needs a long period to be verified. Therefore, Fang Yun has long decided to do three things in farming. The first is to improve farm tools, the second is to lay the foundation of hybrid theory and technology, and the last is to give the development direction of farmers in the form of suggestions or questions!

"I think, the Terran demon has blood inheritance, and plants must have blood inheritance. For example, planting melons gets melons, planting beans gets beans, why can't you get beans? It's because the melon contains the blood inheritance of melons."

"We don't have rice in Ning'an County, but there are in Jiangzhou and Jixian County, and farmers have long had hybridization technology. According to the records and observations in my book, rice has high and low rods. High and high rods must be high rods, and high and low rods must be high rods. Sometimes they are all high rods, sometimes they have high and low rods, and low and low rods must be low rods! I thought, isn't it Is it the blood force of rice? Can you find the law? "

"The yield of too short rice is low, and high stem rice will inevitably fall to the ground in case of strong wind, and the lodging resistance is poor. If we understand the power of rice blood, can we hybridize a half high stem?"

"Have you found that some animals and plants are fine, but their children or offspring will suddenly have strange changes? They become different from normal? I call this kind of thing variation. Can we use this kind of variation plants to hybridize and get a better next generation? Ordinary variation is uncontrollable. How about being washed by holy power in semi holy former residence? How about being put in demon world? How about being put in Wen What will the world become? "

Fang Yun, like a whimsical madman, said all kinds of knowledge of genetics and breeding in later generations through conjecture one by one. However, he can find a practical basis for all these.

Every night, the great Confucian of the agricultural hall will get a document recording Fang Yun's views on farming.