Liu Yu finally couldn't help but scold: "as soon as I came back, I heard you complaining. Don't you want me to enter this house?"

Mrs. Liu was stunned and suddenly raised her voice and shouted, "am I wrong? You are a big man..."

Liu Yu took a deep breath, suppressed the idea of quarrel, turned and left.

It's better not to go. When she left, Mrs. Liu was even more self-conscious and reasonable. She splashed in the house and loudly scolded Liu Yu for being useless. She could even hear it next door.

Liu Yu walked out of the house with his head down, squatted at the door, took out his cigarette bag and pot and smoked dry tobacco silently.

Liu's voice came from the house intermittently.

A carriage passed by the door, but suddenly stopped after a few steps.

Hearing the sound, Liu Yu turned his head and saw a familiar man get down from the carriage.

"Uncle Liu, I haven't seen you for many days. I heard that you are famous again?" a man in dark blue scholar's clothes in his thirties came over with a smile.

Liu Yu humed and said, "this is a tornado. It blew Rong Xiucai here."

Rong Xiucai was not angry and said with a smile, "uncle Liu, you have seen those officials and don't pay attention to you at all. If I were a county magistrate, I would certainly give you a workshop owner Dangdang. But now? Look at how many years you have lived in this house and haven't been rebuilt."

"Speak quickly and fart quickly!" Liu Yu said impatiently.

Rong Xiucai was still not angry and said with a smile: "I guess your second grandson is about to go to school? You can't let him go to an ordinary private school like Shiyuan, which will delay his future. Alas, if Shiyuan had gone to the college in those years, he would have been a child this year. Er... Don't worry, I'll get down to business. I know the head of the college has a good relationship with me and gave me two places to be recommended. I think about it. I might as well Give it to your two grandchildren. What do you think? "

Liu Yu held the cigarette pot and sat on the threshold looking at Rong Xiucai.

The sun had just set in the evening. In Liu Yu's eyes, Rong Xiucai's face was a little gray, but Rong Xiucai's eyes were particularly bright.

Zhengzhi academy is a famous Academy in Ning'an county. About 120 children are enrolled in Ning'an county every year, and the number of new children in Zhengzhi academy has never been less than 20 every year, and even 34 children have appeared in the highest year, which has established the status of one of the three major academies in Ning'an County.

If their two grandchildren enter Zhengzhi academy, they are likely to be children's students in the examination within five years, and even have the opportunity to become scholars.

After a while, Rong Xiucai smiled and said, "I hope you join my workshop. I don't know how much you earn a month now, but I can give you thirty Liang a month! In the future, every time we add a workshop, we will give you at least ten liang of silver a month! This is my twelfth and last time to invite you."

Liu Yu lowered his head, remained silent for a long time, suddenly raised his head and showed a bright smile.

"I thought about it. It's too dirty for me to go."

The smile on Rong Xiucai's face disappeared and sneered, "old man Liu, have you never done anything wrong in your life?"

Liu Yu said with a smile: "yes, who is so big and hasn't done anything wrong? However, I haven't lost my heart. I still have my heart. You don't. this is the difference between us."

"Liu Yu, don't toast or punish."

The stubborn old man smiled and said, "I've been drinking all my life, and I'm not afraid to eat for a few more years."

"You... Let me down! It's a blasphemy to waste your skills on the wasteland of workshops in the county!"

Liu Yu stopped smiling, looked at Rong Xiucai seriously and said, "yes, you're right. There were workshops in the county that used to be wasteland. However, now someone reclaims that wasteland and soon grows crops. The longer it grows, the better it is. It's better than ever."

Rong Xiucai ha laughed and said, "stubborn old man, it seems that you have also been cheated by Fang Xusheng. He is an official and you are a people. He may risk offending countless officials to help you civilians change the workshop? I tell you, everything he did was the same as what Zuo Xiang did in those years, in order to make it easier for us to accept the workshop. If he doesn't do so, he will wait for the whole officialdom to bite back!"

"I don't know anything about officialdom. I only know that Fang Xusheng is better than you and every official!" Liu Yu stood up slowly.

Rong Xiucai blinked in surprise. Liu yumingming was shorter and older than himself, but when he got up, why did he feel like a mountain rising?

"In that case, I'll watch your children and grandchildren eat bran and go to those miscellaneous private schools!" Rong Xiucai turned and left.

"Different ways do not conspire." Liu Yu said slowly.

"Hiss..." Rong Xiucai hissed. He was about to get on the carriage when he suddenly heard the sound of Suona and gongs and drums in the distance. He looked at it at will, stopped and looked there curiously.

There is a band of more than 60 people walking here. Those people wear bright red robes, or play suona, drums, or flute, and all kinds of musical instruments.

The song is the famous "Phoenix Terrace", which is usually played only when promoted, and these people are obviously the ritual band invited by the county government. It seems that someone has been promoted.

"Get out of the way! Get to the alley." Rong Xiucai hurriedly ordered the coachman to drive away the carriage, stood aside and was ready to follow the band to see who was going to be promoted.

Liu Yu also looked at the front curiously and said, "tut Tut, whose ancestral grave is smoking? This battle is really not small. It's just like a master."

The band was getting closer and closer. Liu Yu found that Fang Yun's dragon horse luxury car was behind the band, and there were a large number of private soldiers to protect it. Behind him were cavalry wearing black demon iron armor, and a very tall and strong barbarian private soldier.

"Darling, let the empty Saint come. Where is the ancestral grave? It's like the ancestral grave was blown up!" Liu Yu said.

Rong Xiucai was very surprised and said, "no, there is neither a rich family residence nor a famous family in front of this road. It is impossible for ordinary people to go out such a big battle for promotion. Strange, is it to invite a famous hermit?"

"I'm not sure." Liu Yu whispered.

People on both sides of the road went to the door to watch. The Liu family also ran out and craned their necks to watch. They talked while watching and envied the unknown official.

The band went on and soon passed in front of the Liu family. Not long ago, Longma luxury car appeared in front of the Liu family.

When the eighteen tall pure blood dragon horses appeared, even the scholar Rong couldn't help but stop breathing. He carefully observed the handsome and brave dragon horses. He was attracted by the dazzling dragon scales and his eyes were full of envy. This is a real pure blood dragon horse that even the great Confucianism can't afford.

The carriage stopped in front of the Liu family, and the music suddenly stopped.

Scholar Rong's complexion changed dramatically, and his hair stood upright in fear.

As a man who has been involved in officialdom for many years, Rong Xiucai knows very well that the band can't stop on the way. It won't stop playing until it reaches the door of the promoted person's home.

When Fang Yun stepped out of the carriage with a smile, Rong Xiucai's legs were soft and almost knelt down.

Liu Yu was very familiar with Fang Yun. When he saw Fang Yun coming down, he smiled and said, "Lord Fang, you're too polite. It's no use stopping when you see me. Go quickly and don't delay the event."

"Poof..." Ao Huang smiled and flew out of the door.